noooooooo TwT

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I WROTE SO MUCH AND THE WATTPAD DIDNT SAVE IT IM GONNA CRYYYYYYYYYYY. I'm gonna have to start over -______- Also this is a long chapter pog.

Spifeys POV

I wake up and look around what time is it?

6:53am I notice Y/N isn't here with me. I look and see her phone lying on my table. Where is she? I can't contact her now. I grab her phone and see it's left on. I go to her contacts and see her last call was her mom. I call her mom.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

" Hello, why do you have my daughters phone?"

"Oh well she came over and slept on the couch last night cause of the rain. But I woke up and she's gone left her phone here as well as I saw she called you at 5:06am." I explain in the best way possible.

" She told me not to worry about her and she's coming home. I'm expecting her soon." Her mother said as calm as possible.

" Hmm alright I'll go check if her car is still parked at the coffee shop." I grab her phone and my phone. I take my car keys and go to the coffee shop.



I arrive and I go to the cashier.

"Hello sir have you seen a girl with a sweater kind of like this one with [Insert hair color and eye color]?" I ask

The cashier stares at me and then looks up thinking.

He looks back at me. "I think I may have, she was running. Her car is still parked in the parking lot though."

"running?" I say

"yes she was sprinting down that way," The cashier pointed to ********* street. " She looked very upset and crying."

"Ohno I got to go. Thankyou so much sir for your help" I say as I get out of the coffee shop. I sprint down to the street.

I hear muffled crying and turn in the direction it's coming from. It's an alley way. I better go in and see what that is. I mean where else could Y/N be?






Ouch.... I tripped on a puddle. I get up and wipe of the dirt. Then I look up. I see Y/N curled into a ball wiping her tears on the sweater hugging her knees on the ground.

"Y/N?!" I say shocked

She looks up and immediately wiped her tears away. She smiles a painful smile and gets up.

She starts walking toward me.

I can't move I stand there frozen in time. I breath heavily.

She hugs me tight and whispers "Thankyou" into my ear. This somehow made me snap back into reality and my hands move to hug her back.

"Come on I'm not forcing you to explain I am getting us back to my house and cleaning you up. Explain later." I say and sigh. I hold her hand and we walk back to my house.

//Back at the house//


I walk up the steps to the bathroom. I can't stop focusing on my breathing. I rub my head and get into the shower. Even though I have never been in Spifey's shower is feels safe. My legs and arm slowly start to loosen up. I just realized they were tense.

Flash backs of this morning scare me and I quickly shower.

Time skip

Spifey's POV

"Are you better now?" I ask

"Yes thanks to you. I think I'm ready to explain what happened."

"Are you sure you don't have too." I say

"No I want to Geo. It's gonna sound stupid but this is something I can't just ignore." she says sitting down next to me.

" Ok go on. I am listening."

" I woke up really early like 4am. I panicked because I just fell asleep at your house and I had tons of missed calls from my mom. She knows that I was probably staying at someone's house but was calling in case. I called her back telling her I am fine and quietly left the house. Bad mistake. I forgot my phone and I was walking to the coffee shop. Yeah walking how dum am I." She shakes her head and sighs. She continues, " I am half way there and a car pulls up beside me. I think nothing of it but then a dude opens his window..."

She pauses shaking.

"Shhh Y/N your safe now." I say stoking her hair.

She sighs and clings onto my arm. " He tried to take me into his truck. H-he... so I ran fast. I ran past the coffee shop and into an alley way where he wouldn't find me. I was scared really terrified. But you came. You saved my life." She say's whimpering.

I look at her eyes glistening and kiss her. Between short breaths I say" I love you."

True love never dies [Spifey X Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now