The House

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The roads were full of turns, their edges full of trees. The air was the freshest air I had ever smelled in my entire life. Of course, that's because I'm from the big city, which is full of buses and cars and loud noises. But here it was quiet and settled, which gave my mind the comforting feeling of a new start.

I look beside me at my cat with his puffy face and nice white fur. I had no children but he was more like a child than anything so he would do for now I guess. I chuckle at the thought. One last turn and my GPS dings signing that we had arrived at our new home. '' we're here Snowbell'', I say as we pull into the long driveway. As we approach the house I see workers finishing up the last of my things. Big antiques and older things I've picked up along the many years thrifting. I was more old school than anything I found comfort in older clothes and furniture.

Such as my new home I purchased big and old with nothing but land all around not any neighbors for miles. The only thing sitting on the property was a little shed in the back of the house. Looked kind of creepy first glance but with a little TLC, it would be the perfect place to restore old furniture I picked up on my day's thrifting. I grab snowbell and we head inside the house.

I walk slowly so I can take the whole house in, a big brick house with lots of windows red shutters on all the windows except for one window which looked to be an attic but the window seemed to be the only one that was boarded up, the guy didn't mention why when I purchased but who cares the house is all mines, I smile and shrug and continue to the house. '' Look at it Snowbell it's all ours no more sharing rooms, you can have any room you want,''. I step inside the house and I let snowbell down so he can explore the house and get a feel for it. I stand there in the doorway and take the whole thing in.

I walk through the entrance into the dining room, which had a high ceiling with a beautiful chandelier. It was surrounded with great big windows with big fancy curtains, in the middle was a little table that came with the home I guess. I rubbed my finger across it, it was kind of dusty, but that would be usual since the house sat for so long which is one of the reasons I got the house for such a great deal. I walk over to one of the huge windows which showed a great view to the back where the edge of the woods stood.

I just stand there taking it all in, and then I catch a glimpse of what appears to be a child standing in the brush staring back at me. A little boy with dark hair, plaid shirt, and overalls, which isn't unusual since we are surrounded by farmland. It kind of startled me since there weren't any neighbors for at least three miles and I don't think a child could travel that far alone through the woods, but hey what do I know I'm from the city. ''We're all done here Miss,'' one of the workers called shaking me out of the long daze I was in. ''Okay, let me grab my checkbook,'' I say with a nervous chuckle hoping he hadn't been talking to me too long while I stood in the window daydreaming.

I grab my purse and shuffle around for my checkbook and then my pen. I push my long brown curly hair behind my ear so I can see to write, I write the check out to the moving company, hand it to the big stocky worker who was standing beside me, and with a smile, I say ''thanks, I put a little extra because of how much stuff and how big some things were,''. He nods and walks out to meet the other workers at their truck. I walk over and shut the door to my new house, I smiled at the thought of it my own house finally, I jump in excitement and then look around hoping the workers didn't catch my happy dance through one of the open curtains.

I chuckle a little and I take a walk through the house to see where snowbell had run off to when I let him down. ''Snowbell'' I call out, but he doesn't come running as he usually does, ''hmm so you wanna play hide and seek I see, well let the games begin,'' I chuckle. The house only had five rooms but I'm the third child of six, so I wasn't accustomed to all this room and it was all for me. I go from room to room looking for Snowbell he wasn't in my room, not my painting or my closet room. Then I hear a hiss coming from the end of the hall which was where my room was, I open the door to investigate hoping it wasn't a mouse or a spider, because the house was very old and it had sat for many years.

I open the door and there is Snowbell standing on the side of my bed frame staring at the closet with his hairs standing upon his back. I grab a shoe and I prepare myself to throw it just in case there was a mouse or a spider inside of there I swing the closet door open and I close my eyes and toss the shoe, I jump back and open my eyes only to find it was just a normal empty closet. I look down at Snowbell I suck my teeth ''Your such a scary cat there isn't anything in there silly'', I shut the closet door and walk away and go back downstairs so I can start to unpack some of the boxes that were in the entryway.

I look at everything and, I kind of regret not paying the extra to have them unpack for me, but I spent almost everything on this beautiful house, and a girl had to eat I had to go grocery shopping. It was still early so I figured I would unpack most of it and then head into town to their little town square buy a few things and meet a few people, and try to get some history on my new home which seemed like a castle to me.

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