The Murder House

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We stand in the kitchen and talk about my new home, I walk them around the house showing them all of my unpacked rooms. I fail to mention what happened in my home I didn't want to ruin a great moment or spook anyone. Every time someone went to the restroom I hope that my little friend doesn't decide to make a great appearance. Then it happened. I, my father and my little sister are talking in the kitchen and my mother walks off to the restroom. My father then asks, "so now that you have this big house, are you gonna start working on making me a grandfather," I almost choke on my wine when he says it, I cough and then I say, "well uhm I want to start working on making and selling my paintings and then I'll work on getting me a husband, maybe he'll come out of the woods, lost and confused and then I fall in love, like the girls in the movie," I say with a giggle.

My sister laughs a little and rolls her at me and my father. Then all of a sudden my mother lets out a loud shriek from upstairs in the bathroom. We all jump at the sound and run towards the stairs, I make it to the top of the steps almost already knowing what she's screaming about. I finally reach the bathroom, and my mother is standing there shaking, with her hands over her eyes and she's repeating, "no, no, no.." Over and over again. I run in and hug her my father and sister right behind me, I pull back and look at her, I ask "mom are you alright what is it?" she starts to point at the mirror and she says. "He was in here, the boy the boy...", I say "what boy"? she says "the boy in the mirror, his eyes his eyes, they were gone, they were running down his cheeks!". My father pulls the shower curtain back and he looks all around, I shake my head and I walk my mother out of the bathroom.

Once we reach the kitchen I sit my mother down and give her a glass out of, water, from the sink. I look over at my mother with a concerned looked, and then I start to tell them all of the histories about my 'gorgeous home'. My sister looks at me with her hand over her mouth and then she says ''you knew this and stilled moved into this house, I knew you wanted space but I didn't know you wanted it this desperately that you moved to a murder house!". I shook her a look, that she knows means 'not right now'. I then look at my dad who at this point is looking at me like I'm crazy, and I say well I didn't know the history of my house until I was already moved in and the groundskeeper told me everything,". My father looks at me concerned. Then my mother says, ''GROUNDSKEEPER! How do we know that he's not the one who really killed these people he said they never found the people right?'', I look at her and I say, ''yeah mom they never found them but he was a baby when it happened how could he have killed anybody?".

My mother looks over her shoulder at my father and she says, "Honey we love you but I have to get out of here," I nod.

I walk them and my sister to the door and we say our goodbyes and I walk back into the house and shut the door, sure to lock every lock after what Mr. Harris had told me.

I walk into the living room and collapsed on the couch, I unzip the zipper on the side of my dress I look over at Snowbell who was balled up on the couch sleeping peacefully, I rub his back. I sigh and then get up, I go into the kitchen and start to clean the dishes from the party, I'm washing the dishes whistling a song from the radio earlier, and then I catch a glimpse of something coming across my yard.

I drop the plate in my hand and back up from the window. I slowly back into the counter and grab a knife out of the knife rack. I start to survey all of the windows around the house it's now becoming hard to see with all of the trees and only one street lamp, which was located in the front of the house. I stand there for a second and just stand there, heart pounding palms getting clammy sweat beads running down my forehead. Then a loud knock shakes me out of my trans, and now my heart is pounding even harder and palms are even more sweaty I slowly walk to the front door with Snowbell on the back of my heels walking slowly behind me. I slowly walk over to my peephole, I slowly move it over to peek out and then another loud knock this time harder, I jump back and then I leap forward and quickly check, it's Mr. Harris and he's bleeding I quickly open the door. Once I swing the door open Mr. Harris falls into the house breath heavily holding his chest and stomach, I quickly grab him and pull him into the house, I use my foot to close the door back I run over to the kitchen and I grab as many towels as I can find I run back over to Mr. Harris and I start to put the towels on his chest. I grab my cell phone and I dial my father's number hoping that they're not too far away, my father picks up and I yell "dad I need you I'm scared please!", my father yells back, "I'm coming sweetie right now!".

I ask Mr. Harris, "what happened, who did this to you?". I pull my phone out and I try to dial 911, but there are no bars on my phone. "Shit!", I say and then I look down at Mr. Harris who is still gasping for air I pull my phone out again and try to dial 911 again to see if it'll work still nothing. I start to hold the towels down as hard as I can to stop the bleeding. I keep looking Mr. Harris in his eyes and I tell him "help is on the way, I promise just to stay awake please". I look away hoping to see my dad or my sister's car lights to pull in the driveway, still nothing I check my phone and then I see one bar, I dial 911. The operator picks up the line and I start to scream into the phone "Please I need help, my groundskeeper has been injured and he's bleeding very badly." She asks for the address and I scream it into the phone, once I start to yell the address in the phone I see car lights in the driveway. Then my door flies open and in comes my sister and my father and my mother right behind them, I look up at them, and their all looking down at my eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

My sister screams out, "oh my gosh Vanessa what happened?", I look up and I say "I don't know, I don't know he knocked on my door I opened it and he fell in and he was bleeding." I continue to look out the door for any signs of ambulance or police pulling into the driveway. "Did you call for help Vannessa we're losing him," my father says, I look up at him and I say "yes I did, but they are taking forever I don't even know where the closest hospital is around here,". My sister grabs her phone to call 911 again, and right then I see the blue and white, and red lights pulling into the driveway followed by the sirens. I look down at Mr. Harris whose breath is getting shorter and eyes are starting to roll now. I say "They're here Mr. Harris their here".

The police and paramedics bust into my house and go straight to work on Mr. Harris who is now going in and out of consciousness. A detective walks in and looks around at everything going on and analyses everyone and everything in the room. He then takes me, my sister, and my parents to the side and into the kitchen and he starts to ask questions about what was going on. He looks at me, "so can you explain to me what happened here tonight?", well I really don't know honestly, we... we had dinner, everyone said good-bye, next thing I know Mr. Harris is at my door bleed and butchered like cattle.". "Any idea who would want to harm Mr. Harris?". "Nnno," I stutter. "I just moved in yesterday I haven't even seen how close a neighbor was to me, for that matter.".

He gives me an irritated look and then says, " are you sure you didn't see anything?" At that moment my father walks over and puts his arm around me and says, "okay enough, she said she didn't see anything, can we give it a rest until the morning"? The detective looks my father over and says "yeah I think that's enough questions........ for now.". He then turns around and walks out of the kitchen. My mother walks over to where I and my father are standing. She looks at me with worry in her eyes, even though I a scared I don't let it show. After an hour of reassuring my mother and father, I was fine in the house by myself that night they leave. I mean I had to be fine right? There was an officer outside watching the house how unsafe could I possibly be?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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