Todoroki Tsunayoshi (Former Mafia Boss, Current Toddler)

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Tsuna, the Vongola Neo-Primo, dies at the ripe old age of 36. Death itself didn't hurt as much as he imagined it would - in fact, it was more like a nice hug, warm and comforting.

He had died surrounded by his guardians from a wound so fatal that not even the combined efforts of Shamal, Reborn, and Ryohei could fix. He had died with nearly no regrets, having brought Vongola back to its righteous roots.

And so, after (what he assumes was) a month spent in a weird limbo of pleasant unawareness, he suddenly becomes acutely aware of something.

That something being a woman with stark white hair (even whiter than Ryohei's, which he didn't think was possible). Her face was kind and caring, but every smile she had held an edge of stress and worry in it (Tsuna would know, for he saw it every time he looked in a mirror).

Her name is Rei and she is, apparently, his new mother.

Which means he has, apparently, been reincarnated.

Of course, after he reaches this epiphany, he promptly reacts in the only way his panic-stricken, baby mind can conjure up: screaming at the top of his lungs.



He learns his name is Todoroki Tsunayoshi, and he is the fourth child of the Todoroki family. After his initial panic, Tsuna knows one thing: there is no way in hell that Reborn would allow him to continue to freak out like that.

(He ignores the stabbing pain in his chest over the fact that he may be alone, now. Just like before.)

And so, like a good former Reborn student, he observes.

He observes the world around him, so different from his own, yet so similar. The first time he sees Rei (he can't find it within himself to call her Mom) conjure a small ice sculpture to calm one of his older brothers he nearly screams.

After that, he takes note of the other things he sees people around him do. He sees a woman on the street levitate a small rattle to soothe her child. He sees a teenage boy with blue skin and sharp horns lose at an arcade game. He sees and sees and forces himself to connect the dots.

Rei calls them "quirks". Apparently, nearly everyone in this world has them, and they are always in some form or another from their parents.

Fire, from his father, or ice, from her. (He wonders about the pain in her eyes when she says this.)

And lastly, he takes note of this strange new family he has.

A loud, rowdy person even as a mere four year old, Natsuo is the life of the family. Never without a smile, he seemed to be enraptured with Tsuna, going so far as to just stare at him sometimes with the curiosity only a child could have. His quirk recently manifested, which he used to enrapture Tsuna with by making it snow around him.

Next came Fuyumi, the six year old. Quiet and reserved, her demeanor is what Tsuna thinks Rei might have been like before whatever gave her smiles those bittersweet edges to them. She was always gentle with him, probably experienced from Natsuo, and always had time to play. Her soft, angelic voice never failed to make him sleepy.

And lastly was Touya, an angsty child at the ripe old age of 8 years old. Tsuna rarely saw him; in fact, the first time he even heard his name was a full month before he actually met him. While he didn't have Fuyumi's gentleness or Natsuo's energy, he carried this sense of love that Tsuna appreciated. He seemed to have so many emotions in such a small body that Tsuna couldn't help but be scared for him.

He tries to separate his new family from his famiglia. They will never replace Gokudera, Yamamoto, Reborn...

He tries to ignore how similar Natsuo is to Lambo when he has a temper tantrum. Or how Kyoko-like Fuyumi can be when caring for him. Or how much Touya reminds him of Yamamoto (without the fake smiles, but with just as much hidden pain).

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