Windows - Chapter 1

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Your POV

I sighed as I finished putting the last box down. Our new home. It's okay, I guess... I looked through some boxes and pulled out more comfortable clothes, shorts and a grey hoodie, along with a white shirt. I slipped my black shirt, now dusty and sweaty, off as well as my jeans, letting the new clothes set me free from the uncomfortableness. My little black cat, named Akumi, rubbed herself against my leg, purring. I smiled, walking downstairs and seeing my mom cooking some cake

"Ooo~ smells good!" I grinned, peeking over her shoulder

"It's not for you! It's for the neighbors" She chuckled, ruffling my hair

"Aw... Okay then" I pouted, watching her decorate the cake nicely

My mom said I should spend more time with my brother in my last year of highschool so I can be closer and connected to him. I originally spoke English when I grew up, I still understand it but it's not as great as it used to be. I can't say some words and I can't understand most of them. I had moved away to America for a while and moved back to Japan so I could go to Shiratorizawa for highschool, since I've always wanted to go to Japan for highschool, my mom tagged along. My brother and father have been staying in Japan the whole time and my brother's actually really good at English, which doesn't make sense at all. Our name doesn't sound that Japanese but my mom's part Japanese so I guess she wanted us to know at least a little of our culture

"Come (Y/n) we're going to see the neighbors now" My mom told me, heading for the door

"Eh? Us? I thought it would just be you. Where's Katsumi?" I asked, clearly surprised

"Your brother isn't here, he'll be back home a little later. Now come" She rolled her eyes, walking out as I followed. She walked up to the neighbors doorstep, it their house was right next to us, literally. She knocked on the door, greeting the neighbors. A woman around my mother age smiled and let us inside, she called out and I looked to the stairs, seeing a boy around my age, really tall, curly black hair and thic eyebrows, with one c cause that's all that could fit with how thic they were. He was wearing a simple black shirt and grey sweatpants

"Issei! These are the new neighbors. Take this young lady to your room and be nice" She glared. The boy, Issei, I'm assuming, groaned out

"Mom, I'm hanging out with Makki and the two other ones today"

"You hang out with them everyday, she's new and doesn't have any friends" She continued "Im sorry about my son" She told you

"O-oh no it's okay! I don't want to be bothersome, I can just leave-"

"No, no, it's alright I assure you" she smiled softly, going back to talk with my mother. I looked to the thic eyebrow boy and he motioned for me to follow. I walked up the stairs, looking down at my feet and followed him into his room. He sat on his bed and I just stood there awkwardly

"What, legs broken?" He grinned, raising an eyebrow

"H-huh?" I blinked

"Sit down, make yourself at home. Or don't" He shrugged. I nervously sat next to him on the bed, playing with my fingers

"You know you probably shouldnt change infront of your window" He smirked at me. I felt my face burst into red, panicking as I fell off the bed

"I- wha- wai- you- you saw that?" I pointed up at him

"But if you do it more often, you don't see me complaining" He winked "But there's a lot of creeps out there, better be careful"

"I-I..." I continued blinking, just looking at him. This is not good. Definitely, not good

"Matsukawa Issei" He grinned at me again

"O-oh, uh (L/n) (Y/n)" I sat back next to him

"I have a feeling you like memes" He suddenly said. I just started at him in shock "I'm right, aren't I?"

"How did you know?" I stared. This guy sure is something else

"I can sense other Dank Memers from a mile away, it's a gift really" He pointed his nose up, making me giggle a bit

"You're really something else, what was it... Matsukawa?" I grinned at him

"Mhm. My mom said you're new to the area. We have about a week until we go to school, I could show you around" He offered, getting up from the bed as I followed

"Oh uh sure, thanks" I smiled a little, rubbing the back of my neck

"Mom! I'm going to take the new girl out and show her around" He called, earning an okay from the mom. He led me outside as we walked around he stopped, hearing something. He turned around and sprinted as fast as he could. Oh shi- is he ditching me? He probably walked all the way here with me so he could run off right? I don't really remember my way... It's not like I can follow him, his legs are huge. I looked in his direction to see him sprinting towards an Ice Cream truck





"AW HELL YEAH BITCH" He screamed, pushing some poor little kids over and grinning as the Ice Cream truck man looked at him in horror. I ran over to check if the little kids were okay

"Uhm- uh- h-hey are you-" I started, until

"...WAAAAGAHHDJEJRJRKK" The little girl started wailing, I saw her knee got scraped. Matsukawa looked over and chuckled a bit until he noticed she might genuinely be hurt

"Oh shit" He simply said, licking his ice cream

"O-one ice cream please!" I quickly took out some cash, giving it to the man as he gave me some delicious Ice Cream "Here you go!" I handed it to her. She stopped a little, rubbing her eyes and staring at the treat in my hand "Uh, please stop crying" I begged. She reached her little hands out an grabbed the cone, licking on it as I took some alcohol and a bandaid out from my shorts and put it on the wound. I would always trip and fall all the time so this was just one of my forgotten bandaids and alcohol. After my job was finished she walked back to her older brother who was panicking about her running off all of a sudden. She grinned and waved as they left

"...loser" Matsukawa grinned, finishing his Ice Cream. I smiled a little, chuckling

"Oh like you're one to talk. You're a terrible human being you know that?" I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets as I walked back with him

"Yeah, I'm just stupendous, aren't I?" He put a hand on his chest, grinning from ear to ear

"Let's go somewhere else tomorrow, shall we?" He smirked as we walked up to my doorstep

"S-sure" I grinned back at him. He waved, leaving me to go inside my house and see my brother and mom sitting on the dining table

"So... How was your date?" Katsumi grinned, wiggling his eyebrows

"Oh hush, it wasn't a date at all he was showing me around the neighborhood" I waved him off, heading for the stairs

"Mmmmmmhm" He continued slurping on his noodles. I rolled my eyes and smiled at his antics. I went upstairs to shower and change into some pajamas, and then falling asleep on my bed



Here we are


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