Sick - Chapter 7

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Nobody's POV

"I- you-" Oikawa stuttered, thinking for a second "Whatever..."

"He's really intimidating..." (Y/n) mumbled, going back to holding a part of Matsukawa's shirt

"Matsukawa-san, you never told us you had a girlfriend" Yahaba piped up

"H-He's not my boyfriend!" The older twin yelled, letting go and defending herself

"Hey, you brought this upon yourself, you do be clinging to me like a girlfriend tho" The curly haired boy snickered, bending down to her level

"Oh shut up Matsukawa" She flicked his forehead as he whined like a bitch "Whiny bitch"

"Ow I thought you were my friend" He made fake puppy eyes "there is one imposter among us" He whispered, narrowing his eyes at the female in front of him

"I vote out Oikawa" (Y/n) placed her hands on her hips, nodding with her eyes closed

"Rude" Oikawa muttered "But what are you doing here? Did you transfer?" He raised an eyebrow, leaning into her "Did you fail one of the exams and had to transfer here?"

"Nah, she wanted to spend more time with A MOI" Katsumi put a hand on his chest, sparkling like an anime character

"Yeah right 'Tsumi" She rolled her eyes, shaking her head "Why would I want to spend my last year of highschool with you?"

"Atleast you get to spend your last year with la fANTASTIQUE MOI-" Matsukawa leaned on (Y/n)'s side, pointing at his chest as well

"Matsukawa is wamen confirmed" (Y/n) muttered

"There is one imposter among us" Katsumi whispered back, narrowing her eyes

"Va te faire foutre salope folle" She nonchalantly said as Katsumi wheezed

"Eh?" Matsukawa raised an eyebrow

In french, it means fuck you crazy bitch. In America (Y/n)'s mom, (L/n) Keiko, had (Y/n) learn french for like 3 or 4 years and she most certainly does not remember anything apart from how to fuck people off

"Rightttt... Anyway" The brown haired setter leaned in close to (Y/n) again "What's the real reason you're here?"

"Uhm..." She sweatdropped, clearly uncomfortable with the situation she was in, she scratched the side of her face a bit

"Hey practices is done and you stanky Oikawa, go hit the showers" Matsukawa stepped in, feeling the anxiety radiating off (Y/n)

"Rude! I always smell and look amazing!" Said Stanly boy yelled

"Just go Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi barked

"Rude Iwa-chan..." He grumbled, walking away and defeat

"Heyyyy why don't we go out after Stinkykawa stops being stinky?" Hanamaki grinned at the girl "We should get to know eachother"

"I second that" Yahaba smiled "What year are you in again?"

"Oh- I'm a third year..." She rubbed the back of her head "You?"

"Oh you're a-" He stopped for a moment "oh..." He said with a tint of disgust in it "I'm a second year... There wouldn't be enough time" He sadly said

"Eh?" (Y/n) blinked, confused

"Nevermind him, I'm Watari Shinji" I boy a bit taller than me smiled, bowing

"Oh- (L/n) (Y/n)" She bowed back "Nice to meet you"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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