Bangalore X F! Reader (Fluffy)

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"Well, I gotta hand it to ya. You do know how to make a fine piece of hardware!" Anita complimented Ramya as she took a sip of alcohol. Kat sat next to Makoa and giggled. Ramya downed her drink in one gulp, leaving only the ice at the bottom. Makoa laughed after he took a sip from his glass.

"Not only that! She may be a better shot than you!" He teased Anita. Kat felt her cheeks flush, not because she was buzzed, but because she couldn't help looking at Anita. The two had been best friends since they met at a fan meet and greet for the Apex Games. Anita and Kat had a lot in common, and they've been joined at the hip ever since then. Kat only realized her feelings for Anita after she won a match that Kat was in the lobby watching. She was downed and the final opponent had been about to finish her stepped in range of one of Caustic's gas traps. They were dead in an instant and Anita was the winner by default. Anita later admitted she was disappointed, but happy she won. After the match, Kat ran up and hugged her, never wanting to let go. She absent mindedly twirled her drink while staring into nothing. Anita made an annoyed face at Makoa, who was smiling. Ramya grabbed her glass and walked to the counter in the back of the modding shop they were sitting in.

"Well, reckon we'll never find out. Unless... Fancy a go, Anita?" She turned back and raised her eyebrow at Anita, whose gaze turned more sour. Kat sipped her drink quietly while Makoa watched with interest. Quickly, Anita set down her drink and walked over to put her face really close to Ramya's. Her expression was angry, while Ramya's was calm and smiling slightly. Anita gripped her pistol tight. A few more tense seconds passed until the two busted out laughing and performed a little hand shake. Everyone laughed it off and the rest of the day passed in a blur.

It had been a while since the trio had last seen Ramya. One day, she just showed up and called herself Rampart. She was a spunky addition to the legends, and most everyone liked her. You can imagine how happy Anita was to see Ramya. They hugged and spent most of the time catching up in Ramya's new modding shop- AKA the back room of Elliot's bar. He wasn't too happy about sharing the space with Ramya, but was forced into it.

"Damn, Ram. Haven't seen you in a while. How'd you even get here?" Anita asked, taking a look around at the new shop. "Eh, well. A few little bastards burnt down my other shop and Blisk offered me this position, so here I am." Ramya shrugged. "No shit?" Anita marveled. "Nope." Ramya replied simply as she swirled some whiskey around in a glass. A loud buzz erupted the silence. Anita pulled out her phone and answered the call.

"Hey, 'Nita!" A familiar voice chirped from the speaker. Anita's face broke out in a smile. "'Sup, Kat!"

"Eh, the usual. Work, break, work, lunch, work." Kat replied in a bored tone. "What's new with you?" She asked. Anita smiled, and stayed silent. "'Nita? Hullooo?" Kat prompted.

"Remember Ramya?"

"Ramya Parekh? The girl who ran that modding shop?" Kat asked. "Yeah, her." Anita confirmed. "What about her? I haven't seen her in years. Haven't even been to Gaea in years, either..." Kat mused.

"Guess who just joined the games?" Anita chuckled as she heard a gasp on the other line, then the dial tone. Confused, she dialed again to be sent straight to voice box. Ramya looked at Anita expectantly and Anita made a confused face, throwing her hands up to indicate she didn't know. They shrugged it off and kept catching up, only to be interrupted by Elliot leaning in the door.

"Well, mate. I'd say you were eavesdropping the whole time but, I know you probably don't have the brain capacity to understand what we're talking about." Ramya sassed him, he, in turn, just sighed exasperatedly. "Well, MATE, I just came to let you know that someone's here to see ya." He tried to do Ramya's accent, but it was pretty horrible, causing Anita to laugh a little. He stepped aside, and in shot a blur of bright colors with 2 long brown braids trailing behind her. In a split second, Ramya made a loud "oof" sound as she was being crushed under the weight of Kat's hug.

(A/n: im writing on my phone from this point forward so forgive me if theres any spelling errors.)

"Seems like someone's happy to see me." Ramya jokes after she caught her breath. "WHERE. HAVE. YOU. BEEN???" Kat shook her back and forth as soon as they stood up.
"Just doin' business in Gaea. Sorry for falling outta touch, by the way. Business just kicked off, I guess." Ramya shrugged. Kat immediately started firing off questions about what was going on in Gaea and why the sudden appearance in the apex games, and Anita had to clear her throat to catch the girl's attention.

"So now Ramya's more important than your own best friend?" She teased. Kat rolled her eyes and stood up to hug Anita. Anita smiled half heartedly. It had made her sort of angry to see Kat all over Ramya like that. She couldn't imagine why. She found herself not able to meet Kat's gaze. "What's wrong?" Asked Kat, who had finally pulled away from her friend.

"Its noth- actyally, I need to talk to you- Privately." She added at Ramya's expectant gaze. Kat's eyes widened in worry. "Why, what's up?" Anita memorized for Kat to follow her out of the back room of the shop and into a deserved corner of the bar.

"What's wrong, 'Nita?" Kat asked, concerned. She was cut short by Anita hugging her. She blushed.

"You know we'll always be friends, right? Matter what?" Anita asked. "Of course." Kat was taken back at the weird behavior from the usually cold military expert.

"Look, I don't know how to tell you this, but I feel like..." Anita started, searching for the right words. "Like...?" Kat prompted after a few more second's silence.
"Like... I think I like you. More than a friend." Anita finished. Kat sat stunned in silence, her full lips in a petite O.

"Kats? You there?" Anita waved her hand in front of Kat's face. Before she could register what was going on, she was being ambushed. Then she felt soft lips on her own. She opened her eyes to see her best friend's face pressed into hers. When Kat finally pulled away, there were unshed tears in her eyes.

"Oh my God... 'Nita, I feel the exact same way... Ive felt that way since we all used to hang out with Ramya on Gaea. I just didn't know how to tell you! Oh-" she was taken by surprise as Anita had pulled her in for another kiss, this one much more sweet and less confused. It felt right to be held in Anita's arms like that. And Kat found that she wanted to stay exactly like that for a long time.

Ramya's POV:
I watched the two as they sat in a booth at the corner of the bar. Elliott was obluvious to the goings on, being preoccupied with his own grumbling thoughts. I rolled my eyes and when I looked back at my friends, their lips were locked like not even a wrench could pull 'em apart. I smiled to myself as I walked back into my shop, giving them their privacy.

(A/N: sorry the update was so slow! :( School just started up again and I have less time to write. Thank you yeehaaaaaw for the suggestion! I appreciate it! Remember, DM me a request for a one shot! Next up: Crypto x F! Reader- Fame, fortune, and gunfights).

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