Crypto x F! Reader- (Fluffy w/ some limes in pt2)

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(A/N: ok so with this one I'm getting way more creative and straying away from the canon stuff. This one will be like if the Apex Games has an event where they fought on earth, and the Legends decide to go and explore the earth attractions etc. Crypto strays away from the group for obvious reasons and ends up meeting (Y/N): an underrated singer who makes her living singing at bars and makes a decent wage for her music on an Earth online platform called Youtube. Also they're in California lol. More will be explained in the story 😉. Oh and it takes place in season 4 because I dont wanna have to include Loba and Rev's quarrels, as well as Mirage and Rampart's).

Attention legends. We are now approaching the planet Earth. It will take approximately 20 minutes. Please stand by.

Mirage blew out a breath as the female announcer announced the dropship's landing.
"So what do you guys think 'Earth' is gonna be like?" He wondered aloud. A small group of the legends consisting of Wraith, Lifeline, Gibraltar, Bloodhound, and Pathfinder were gathered around in a yellow color-themed sitting area strewn with Mirage's various merchandise products.

"Probably a lot like our regular planet, I imagine. I mean, the only really different thing is probably the culture." Wrath speculated with him. He nodded.
"Think there's gonna be alcohol? And babes?" He asked hopefully.
"No, they use men to reproduce." Lifeline rolled her eyes and responded sarcastically. Mirage scoffed right back.
"You know what I mean! Like- not all planets have... Pretty women." He shrugged.

"Your materialism is disgusting," scoffed a smooth voice from behind them all. Crypto. Mirage made an exasperated sound and slouched in his seat.
"Oh, and you dont like pretty girls?" He tried to expose Crypto. No use.
"I like girls, period. It doesn't matter what they look like." He said simply. Everyone except Pathfinder nodded. He didnt know human affairs that well, so he didn't know what nodding and physical indications were all about.
"Well, at least the robot agrees with me, right Path?" Mirage looked expectantly at the happy robot, who stared right back.
"Oh, no, friend. I agree with Crypto. He makes a good point." Path chirped back happily. Mirage's expression grew sour in a childish manner.
"Fine." He muttered and turned to the window overlooking Earth. Everyone thought it was really pretty; the blues and greens, and shimmering lights. Not to mention the glow of the atmosphere radiating around it.

5 minutes until the drop ship lands. Prepare yourselves.

"Kusō. What are we going to do when we get there?" Crypto asked, walking over to the window and staring down at the earth.
"Well, since theres about three days until the next match, I'd say today we rest because of space lag, tomorrow we party, and the day after that, we rest again, bruddah! I heard they got bars and clubs there, too!" Gibraltar cheered from his spot in the room. Everyone smiled or nodded, except Mirage, who kept staring out the window moodily.
"Sounds fun.." Crypto absentmindedly replied.

Time skip because author-chan is lazy and there wouldn't be much to write for the remainder of the landing thing :D

The legends walked into the lobby of a posh 'hotel'. Large buildings just like apartments, but the rooms are supposed to be occupied for a way shorter amount of time. Octane and Caustic found it weird, and Wrath and Bangalore thought it was disgusting until the hostess explained that the rooms are routinely cleaned and sanitized. A few minutes later, each legend arrived at their rooms. The rooms could contain 2 people each so they were in pairs. Wrath and Wattson were paired, Octane and Mirage, Crypto and Bloodhound, Caustic and Pathfinder, and Revenant had a room to himself. Mostly because no one wanted to bunk with him and there was an uneven number of people. Gibraltar and Lifeline were paired for obvious reasons.

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