Clumsy Boi

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Awsten tapped his fingers on the table as he laughed nervously when Jawn started to film. He looked to his boyfriend Travis, who was adjusting the mic and smiling as they began to record the next episode of the podcast. This was their fourth episode of the day and they had spent hours working with no breaks. Awsten had decided to drink five cups of water, which he had started to notice was a big mistake. He could feel the heaviness of his bladder weighing down in his abdomen. It was uncomfortable and beginning to become painful. He bounced his leg slightly as he listened to his boyfriend speak. He was spacing out mostly as he fidgeted with the cup in front of him. He bit his lip and tried to keep his breathing stable. Travis read on and Jawn poured them more water. Awsten's shaking hand knocked it over and it spilled onto the table and into his lap. He let out a surprised squeal as his bladder spasmed. He looked down in horror. Travis laughed and patted his boyfriend's thigh.

"You're so clumsy Aws. Oh look and awn just gives you more water to make a mess with." Travis was giggling. Jawn smiled a little concerned at Awsten's reactions to spilt water but he keeps filming. 

"Ok you're turn." Travis smiled. "U-um.." Awsten stuttered softly.

"Where are we?" Travis burst into a fit of giggles and points to the spot on the laptop screen. Awsten nodded. He cleared his throat pressing his wet thighs together, if this spilt water wasn't enough to drive his bladder crazy, the paragraph of the fanfiction was.

 "Geoff and Otto hiked past the r-running w-waterfall...where they heard only the sound of r-rushing water a-and the wind." Awsten bit back a whine as a small jet of piss escaped him. Awsten swallowed hard and tried to continue. "G-geoff noticed the bushes r-rustling a bit more so he turned. 'Hey Otto I think there's something over there.' Geoff pointed out to his friend as a mysterious creature with purple hair burst out of the bush with a wand shaped like a tooth bat. Scaring both boys half to death they fell backwards into the small pond connected to the w-waterfall-" Awsten's voice had gotten steadily higher and he shifted in his seat.

"Dude are you okay?" Jawn asked from behind the camera noticing his fidgeting and change in voice.

 "Y-yeah I'm chill!" Awsten replied with a fake smile. His jeans were getting really tight around his bladder and it was really painful. He gripped tightly onto his pant leg and crossed his legs casually. 

"Finish the paragraph." Travis said sweetly trying to read Awsten's body language. He couldn't tell why his boyfriend was stuttering and very fidgety. Maybe he was tired? Horny? Scared? Well the fanfic hasn't gotten that scary yet. Travis shrugged and continued to study Awsten's movements. 

"T-the boys were s-soaked-" Awsten let out a soft moan as another jet of piss escaped warming the front of his boxers. He was fighting tears now, his vision blurred. He swallowed shakily. He couldn't continue. Jawn turned the camera down noticing how glossy Awsten's eyes were.

 "Hey, whats wrong?" Awsten shut his eyes heat rushing to his cheeks. He really didn't want the attention of his best friend and boyfriend on him right now he just really really wanted to use the bathroom. He rocked his hips slightly trying to ease the pressure. He only felt more piss escape his aching bladder. It felt so good, he just wanted to let go but he couldn't. Not here. 

"Babe...?" Travis said quietly pushing their mics away. "Baby what's wrong?" Travis got up from his seat and began to rub Awsten's back. Awsten jerked at the touch. He whimpered and gripped onto his pant legs tighter not wanting to grab his crotch and bring himself to more humiliation.

"Awsten you have to tell us what's wrong." Jawn said softly sitting on the edge of the table.

 "I'm f-fine just c-can we take a quick break? I need to stretch and g-go for a walk or something..." Awsten tried lying his way out and it was clear Travis was now extremely concerned and wondered if something had happened. "I'm o-okay I promise." Awsten uncrossed his legs shakily and tried to stand but he really overestimated his bladders strength because he immediately started pissing himself. He yelped and shoved both his hands in his crotch trying to stop. The two other boys stood there in shock.

 "Babe come here let me help you." Travis said sweetly approaching him slowly. Awsten shoved him. 

"N-no! I'm f-fine!" he hiccupped taking a couple more steps after he gained control only to lose it again. He shook as piss ran down his legs and began to form a puddle on the floor. Jawn cringed a bit. Travis sighed and embraced Awsten into a big hug. Awsten's lip wobbled. His breathing quickened and he let out a small sob. Travis frowned softly and hugged him tighter. 

"Shhh it's alright." he whispered in his ear. He noted when the puddle stopped getting bigger and picked up his trembling boyfriend. Awsten squirmed and tried to pull away.

 "T-travis put me down please." Awsten squirmed and tried to pull away embarrassed. 

"No it's fine it's cool." Travis reassured. "Let's take a shower and get back to recording alright?" He bounced his flustered boyfriend on his hip. 

"If yall fuck in the shower be fucking quiet I don't wanna hear it." Jawn said rolling his eyes and going to the closet to get towels to clean up the mess Awsten made. 

What a clumsy boy he is.

Clumsy Boi a Trawsten Piss FicWhere stories live. Discover now