Chapter 2

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Stefano's POV:

"Winter's awake." Angel announces as she steps into the home office.

"Molto bene, vestila e falla mangiare nella sala da pranzo prima di essere portata da me. lei ha un visitatore speciale." I tell her before waving her off and turning my attention back to a giggly Andrea.
(Very well, dress her and have her eat in the dining room before being brought to me. She has a special visitor.)

"Piccolo, sit with aunt Alessia." I say kissing the top of his unruly curls identical to his mother's and passing him to Alessia. I begin shifting papers around my desk until I find what I need, then turn my attention to my little brother.

"Gio, you need to arrange a set of new girls for the brothel we're gaining a hand in. We are expanding business with the Russians and the Americans. Also, have someone drop a body onto the spanish territory, a small boy and woman. I need it done before the end of the day." I tell him and he nods, standing to leave the room.

"Alessia, you barely visit la famiglia anymore. I assume you've come to put on a show for us tonight?" I ask with a curious brow raised and she chuckles, swiping away slobber Andrea has smeared across her chin.
(The family)

"Of course, how could I come visit il mio piccolo gatto and not give a show. It's been 3 long weeks since I've tasted her sweet cunt." I smirk at her and shake my head in amusement at the little minx she is.
(My little pussycat)

Before we can start another conversation, Winter saunters into the room looking as angelic as ever. She's wearing a white nightgown that leaves nothing to the imagination just as I like it, and her long pretty hair is wrapped into a messy bun on top of her head. Angel is in tow, and takes Andrea from Alessia, taking her usual seat on the windowsill overlooking her garden.

"Ah, dai bella ragazza, dammi un bacio." I say, giving her my cheesiest grin I can muster.
(come on pretty girl, give me a kiss.)

Her lusciously curvy hips sway as she makes her way across the room, making my dick harden painfully in my pants. I almost want to change my mind about waiting for her sexually, but I contain myself and pull her into my lap, pecking her mouth lightly before pulling her into a kiss so deep it sends my body burning with desire.

Alessia pouts and whistles at Winter, causing her to break the kiss and turn her attention to her.

"Niente baci per il mio gattino?" She taunts, passing Andrea to Angel who stands quietly near the door of the office, and beckoning her over with her finger.
(no kisses for my little pussycat?)

Winter hesitantly walks over to her, allowing Alessia to pull her into a kiss and put a hand up her gown. Whimpering can be heard as Winter pulls away. I can't help but laugh when her face is flushed and she squirms uncomfortably.

"Alessia, please. Not in front of Andrea." She begs, backing away from her.

"As you wish little pussycat, but I can't leave today without tasting your sweetness on my tongue. I've missed you." Alessia tells her.

Giovanni comes back moments later, his eyes immediately landing on Angel and beckoning her to sit with him.

"Have you done what I asked?" I turn my attention to my brother who nods and stuffs his face into Angel's neck. Andrea continues to babble on, and I am ready to proceed.

"Okay, now that we're all here, there are important things to discuss, like the bodies planted on the property of Lucian Alatorrie. Come kneel Winter." Winter's face drains of it's color and she blinks back some tears but they betray her and run freely from her beautiful hazel eyes.

I chuckle at her expression and wait as she comes over to me hesitantly, before kneeling at my side as she's been trained to do. Once she's settled, I continue.

"Once the death certificate is filed, I'll be notified and you my darling, along with Andrea, will technically no longer exist. Which works perfectly for me, you will be all mine, no one will look for you anymore."

My poor baby sobs quietly but says nothing, and I continue dropping the news of her fate on her.

"The best part of all of this is that we'll marry and I will fill your womb with plenty of children to keep you busy around here. Now baby don't cry, you will have a great life here if you behave, and Andrea will be left unharmed and will be raised properly. Don't want that baby." I coo, patting her head with one hand and reaching into the desk and pulling a small box with the other. I open the box, exposing the ring and watching her reaction.

I hold my hand out to her, motioning her to lift her hand to me and she does so, ever so slowly grating on my nerves. I remove the ring from the box and hold it up for her to put on her finger but she looked hesitant and it pissed me off beyond words.

"Don't hesitate Winter, I could just brand you. Now put your fucking hand out, or do you need to spend another day in the white room?" She immediately shakes her head and puts out a trembling hand.

"Good girl, so pretty and so compliant when she wants to be. There's still a little fire in you, but surely I shall snuff that right out. Although I believe that the white room straightened you out enough." I say as I slip the ring onto her finger and wipe the moisture from her face, only for more tears to spill and I am tired of seeing her cry for today.

"Take Andrea and Angel, and leave. Remember to be a good girl for me, or I won't hesitate to lock you away again." She nods and rises to her feet quickly, taking Angel and Andrea from the room, closing the door behind herself.

Alessia looks at me and smirks knowingly and I give her my most dazzling smile.

"bastardo subdolo, sarà tua moglie. che piacevole" Alessia remarks humorously.
(Sneaky bastard, she's going to be your wife. How pleasant.)

"Indeed she will be, and I will make good on my promise to keep her filled with my babies." I say, winking at her and getting back to work.

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