Chapter 45 - Katherine

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I can't help but tense up at the screams coming from the shed behind me. They're filled with such pain, such agony that it makes my insides clench. What the hell is going on in there?!

The screams die down few moments later, and then there's only silence. I guess the shed is soundproof. Then how loudly does one have to scream for someone to hear them from the outside?

Despite being a bit scared of whatever is going on inside, I still don't leave. I want to be here for Killy, I want him to know that I don't mind what the club is doing. I want him to see that I'm going to be there for him through good and bad.

It doesn't take long for the guys and Lia to leave the shed and the moment my Killian steps out of the place I'm immediately by his side, with my arm around his waist as I snuggle into him. Killian doesn't waste a moment and wraps his own arm around me before pressing a kiss to my head.

"You okay? How's your leg?" I ask him quietly as we walk slowly back to the clubhouse.

"I'm fine, Cupcake. Why didn't you go back inside? You could catch a cold." He admonishes gently, like the mother hen he is. I know it's quite cold outside, but I'm wearing a really thick coat, so it's not like I'm freezing.

"I wanted to wait for you. You don't want to use crutches, so I'm going to be one for you." I grin, getting a chuckle from my Killy.

"You're unbelievable." He shakes his head.

When we're all back inside the clubhouse, Tank announces that the club is free for the day, so they can go wild if they want. Killian and I go to one of the booths and once he's sitting comfortably, I decide to make him some dinner.

I see that I'm not the only one who thought about food, as I meet Maggie, Anna and Lia in the kitchen.

"It's either the first time I see you in the kitchen or you're just that good at sneaking around." Mags jokes as she gets some ingredients from the fridge.

"Usually it's Killian who cooks, since he says he doesn't want me to ruin the kitchen like Treasure once did." I giggle, making the women laugh loudly.

"You should've seen Tank's face when he caught Tres standing in front of the stove with sauce splattered all over her and a burning spatula in her hand. I thought I was going to piss my pants from laughing so much." Maggie laughs heartily.

"He looked like he would faint. If I had my phone, I would've taken a picture of him." Anna adds with a chuckle.

"Aww, I wish I could see that." Lia whines as she marinates some steaks. I take some veggies and go to wash them.

"So you could tease him with it?" Mags smirks knowingly.

"Obviously. – Lia deadpans – Okay, so I'm making steaks, what are you ladies doing?"

"Veggies." I respond.

"Salad." Mags adds.

"Sweet potato fries. – Anna says – I guess if we combine it all, we'll have a pretty nice dinner for the boys." She chuckles.

"Wow. If that's not telepathy then I don't know what is." Maggie whistles amusedly. "Lia, can you make more of those steaks? I think we should make bigger portions, cause those men can eat."


We all work on the dinner for the men for over an hour, since feeding a bunch of hungry guys requires a lot of food. But thankfully, there's four of us here, so we manage to get everything ready at a much higher pace. I work on the vegetables, Maggie makes a big salad, Anna prepares the fries and Lia makes the steaks. Once we're all done, there are four huge piles of food on the big table in the middle of the kitchen.

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