twenty seven

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We finished baking and started cleaning up the mess we made after 3 hours. We sat down on the couch with our cookies and decided to watch some movies. Choo told me she will spend the night here so she hadn't need to go back. As we were watching we were interrupted by the door belling.
"I'll get it." I said to Choo and she nodded.
I walked towards the door and opened it. It was San standing straight with a smile on his face.
"S-Sannie..I thought you had things t-" I got interrupted by him pulling me for a tight hug. I widened my eyes and started blushing. Eventually I gave in and hugged him back.
"I missed you." he said as he pulled back from the hug.
"How is that cheesy?" he raised one of his eyebrows. I could feel how my cheeks were burning which I tried to hide. He giggled and ruffled my hair while mumbling a 'cute' which was loud enough for me to hear.
"Y/Nieee who's at the do-" she stopped talking as she saw who it was. Damnit she doesn't know that me and San are on good terms now. She furrowed her eyebrows and I could see the rage she had on her eyes. I widened my eyes as she was about to jump on him. I grabbed her shoulders and tried to calm her down.
"LET ME GO Y/N! WHY IS HE HERE!" she growled.
"Choo calm down..Let me explain!" I reassured her but she wouldn't stop.
She will be MAD mad if I tell her now..
San looked at me confused and laughed nervously.
"Choo please calm down..I'll explain!" I told her and she slowly started to calm down. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second.
"Me and San are on good terms now. We are friends." I started talking and Choo widened her eyes. Of course she didn't expect it.
"You guys what?? But-"
" Don't worry, Choo. Remember when I told you I wanted to apologize to Y/N? I realised my mistake and learned from it. I promise I won't do such a thing ever again!" San said. Choo narrowed her eyes and pointed at him.
"If I see you hurting her feelings again I won't hesitate to beat you up and break your face." she threatened him only for San to chuckle.
"I mean it!" she whined
"Hmpf.." she crossed her arms cutely only for us to giggle.
"Sannie do you want to spend the night here too? We baked some cookies and are having a movie marathon." I smiled
His eyes lit up and nodded eagerly. We walked towards my living room and sat down on the couch.
"I still don't trust him tho.." Choo thought while pouting.

It was past midnight and we still were watching movies and laughing. Choo slowly started to get along with San and that made me happy. I slowly started to get sleepy as my eyes were closing second by second. I didn't notice that my head fell on San's shoulder and eventually fell asleep. San looked at me and smiled. He took the blanket and put it around us.
"Choo." San started talking. Choo hummed and looked at him only to see that I was sleeping on San's shoulder. She smiled and awed. San signaled Choo to come closer so we all three can cuddle each other to sleep. She nodded and snuggled closer to us, moreover to me and that's how we all fell asleep.

Time skip to next day

I woke up by the bright sunlight that was hitting my face. I felt my head being on something hard. I looked up and saw San's shoulder. Did I really sleep on his shoulder? I feel bad now.. He probably slept uncomfortable. I sat up and stretched only for me to whine. Damn why did we sleep like this? I was about to stand up but someone held my wrist. I looked down and saw that San was already awake and looked at me.
"Good morning.." he said in his raspy, deep voice. Not gonna lie it sounded hot..
"Good morning Sannie." I smiled. He smiled back at me.
"Sannie let go. I need to use the bathroom." I told him but he he was only whining like a little baby. I giggled at his cuteness.
"Don't gooooooo....." he still whined.
"Can y'all shut up I'm trying to sleeeepppppppp." Choo complained. I chuckled.
"Sannie I'll be back don't worry."
He pouted and let me go. I used the bathroom and came out after I freshened up myself. After that I went to the kitchen and thought about something to cook for breakfast. I should prepare something simple.
I decided to make some omelette and toast for all of us. As I was preparing the food i felt someone wrapping their hands around my waist. I widened my eyes and turned around to see a sleepy San.

"What are you cooking, cutiepie?"

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