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It was just a small room, a computer, chalkboard and papers scattered across the floor. A quick sketch of Alyria sat beside the the keyboard, and I mouthed words.

"Is that.."

Gwyn nods. "So you think Beyblade is boring?" he asks.

"Well, not really. It's just.. I think you know what I mean."

Feeling a strange urge, I look at Alyria. She had bursted, and suffered a chip of the top. I place the top beside Gwyn's bey, leaving it.

"I think I need to fix her."

Gwyn sat down with a clipboard, and wrote numbers all over the place. "Do you know where our bey's words come from?"

I shook my head. "Words?" 

He hands me the clip board. "I completed mine. These are Genesis'."

"I need to pair mines with your chants. We'll work on it as we fix Alyria."

"But she's broken..."

"It will work."

I was slowly taught a little bit of what he knew each day, and we made progress slowly. We would think hard too, to understand what our beys are telling us. And maybe one day, I'll understand.

Transcendence | Gwyn Reynolds x Reader {HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now