Chapter 12: The date

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"I want to break up with you,"



After the awards ceremony Nezu called Izuku and Hitoshi into his office.

"Boys, let me be the first to congratulate you on your performance today. You did phenomenally. Now, I'm sure you know why you're here, and that's to move you two into the hero course officially, class 1A specifically," Nezu explained, tea in hand.

Izuku and Hitoshi sat there, grinning like kids in a candy store.

"On Monday, the day we come back from this week's break, go directly to class 1A," Nezu finished explaining.

"Thank you, Nezu, for this opportunity," Izuku said, bowing in respect.

"It's the least I could do for my student and his boyfriend," Nezu said, smirking at the end.

The two boys blushed at Nezu's teasing remark.

As the boys were making their way towards the door, Izuku suddenly remembered something and spun back around.

"Nezu, sir, may I get your permission to do something?" Izuku asked with a slight smirk.

Hitoshi saw this and immediately understood what he wanted to ask.

He also grew a small smirk.

Nezu raised an eyebrow, "Which is?"

"Well, you see..."


Izuku and Hitoshi walked out of the building hand in hand. Before, they had changed into casual clothes to feel comfortable and relaxed.

While walking, they noticed a lot of people staring at them. Whether it was because they were both boys, or that they were the top two in the first year's sports festival, or that they both looked like zombies with their eyebags, they didn't know.

It was probably all three.

"Hey, I'm thinking of changing your nickname," Izuku suddenly told Hitoshi.


"I heard Inko call All Might that, and I don't want to think of those bastards when I say your name," Izuku explained.

"Ok, then. What are you going to change it to?" Hitoshi asked.

"How about... Hito?" Izuku asked.

"Hito...I like it," Hitoshi said, squeezing Izuku's hand affectionately.

"Hehe, ok Hito," Izuku said while blushing slightly.

"Haha, no problem Zuzu."


When they made it to the cafe, the cat's that they grew familiar with greeted them by the door that connected the cat room and the entrance lobby.

"Hey Pumpkin, Snowball, Mittens, Daisy, Rose, Tulip, Lilo, and Spoon," Hitoshi said to the cats, petting them when he said their name.

"You know, I love how you remember all of their names," Izuku said, smiling brightly at Hitoshi.

"And I love you," Hitoshi subconsciously whispered out.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," Izuku said to him.

"I said I love your smile," Hitoshi said, a little to fast, but Izuku didn't pick it up.

"Aw, I love your smile too."


The two boys were walking back to Izuku's house to have a movie marathon when they hear shouting coming from an alleyway.

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