Without much of an alternative, you steeled your nerves and began trek your way down the dim corridors of The Ruins in front of you. It wasn't long after passing by the Spider Café that you encountered your first puzzle: a room in which the door to the next area could only be opened by a pressure plate on the floor nearby, which conveniently had a large rock sitting next to it. It might have been hardcore rock-et science, but it didn't take you long to discern the solution.
As you and your soul passed through the newly opened gate, you realized that you could hear faint dance music playing in the distance. It continued growing louder and louder as you made your way through the cavern's halls until you came across the source. Appropriately enough, it was a dance club.
'The Wiggle Room', to be more precise, whose name was emblazoned on a pink neon sign outside of its stylish black door, which thumped in time with the noisy music coming from inside. You briefly wondered why anyone would want to go clubbing on a Tuesday night, but your thoughts were interupted by a loud sigh that came from next to the door.
You turned your head and noticed a bored looking woman who looked to be only slightly taller than you and appeared to be made entirely out of translucent green jello. She was sitting on a bench next to the door, although 'sitting' may not have been the right word. Instead of actually sitting on it, she just kind of suspended the seat within her viscous lower body like a piece of fruit and bent her back down to make it look like she was sitting. After a few seconds, she noticed that you were there and spoke up.
"Hey, are you a human?" she asked curiously.
You reluctantly confirmed her suspicions and asked if she was going to attack you.
"No, I know a Moldsmal like me wouldn't be much of a match against someone like you" she replied. "Besides, I'm feeling way too stale right now to do any fighting".
You asked the Moldsmal what was wrong.
"Nothing, it's just that... I really wanted to go dancing tonight, but I can't seem to find a partner. All my friends are busy, and everyone inside already has one" she explained. "So I've just been passing the time out here until another Moldsmal comes by who I can dance with.
You asked her why she didn't just dance on her own.
"Well, I could, but there wouldn't be much point to it" she replied sadly. "Dancing alone is like throwing a party and you're the only one who shows up. It just isn't any fun".
Feeling sympathy for the lonely dessert, you decided to tell her that you were willing to dance with her if she wanted to.
"Really?" she said, perking up. "Wow, thanks a lot! I really appreciate it!"
She then spat the bench she was 'sitting on' out of her lower body and opened the door to the underground nightclub. You then followed in behind her and got your first good look of 'The Wiggle Room'.
Inside, there were about twenty Moldsmals of various shapes, sizes, and colors standing around in groups of two, dancing to the loud dubstep music that poured out of a pair of large speakers at the other end of the room. Well, 'danced' wasn't the right term - 'jiggled' was more like it, as they simply let their gelatinous forms shake in time with pumping bass line of the current song. Several of them also had glow sticks or glitter inserted into their bodies as well, which caused them to shimmer and light up as they 'danced'.