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You waved goodbye to Loox as both bodies slowly shut the heavy stone gate she was guarding, sealing you inside the deeper catacombs of The Ruins. It didn't take you very long after leaving the doors to find, surprise-surprise, another rock puzzle. This one turned out to be a bit trickier than the others though, as you needed to arrange the boulders on the pressure plates in a specific order to lower a bridge over a river to get to the next room. It didn't take you long to realize they had to be arranged from smallest to largest, however, so while the puzzle was harder, it still wasn't rock-hard.

s you continued making your way through the desolate hallways of The Underground, you couldn't help but notice that the cold stone floors you were walking on slowly became dirtier and dirtier, until it was practically a dirt road, the rocks and stones on either side giving way to more dirt and, eventually, shrubbery. The moist dirt squished softly beneath your feet as you walked and filled you with determination to find the mysterious soil's source.
Eventually, your footsteps were joined by someone else's right before you turned a corner and saw someone approaching you from the distance. It was a woman, wearing a tie-dyed shirt - and nothing else - with green hair down past her shoulders, shiny orange skin, and a content smile on her face. She wasn't as tall or as busty as Loox's bodies were, but she was still much larger than you, and her large breasts still bounced healthily with each and every step she took.
"Oh!" she gasped when she noticed you, stopping in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. Would you happen to be a human?"
You warily told her 'yes', fully aware of what happened the last few times you answered that question.
"Oh, praise the earth!" she gleefully crowed as she ran forward and pulled you into a hug that smashed your face into her ample cleavage. "You have no idea how long we've been waiting for someone like you to arrive! Our prayers have finally been answered!"
You reluctantly pulled your face away from her chest and asked what she meant by that.
"Oh, pardon my manners" she replied as she set you back down. "My name is Chlory, and my commune and I are responsible for growing most of the food in this part of The Underground! We've been in desperate need of help, and then you magically show up! It's an earthen miracle!"
You told her that, while you would love to help, you didn't exactly have a green thumb - at best, it was jade.
"Oh, don't worry about that!" she giggled. "Just come with me, and I'll introduce you to everyone!"
She then grabbed you by the hand and quickly pulled you down the dirt strewn hallways of The Ruins until you both rounded a corner and reached a massive room. It appeared to be a farm of some sort, with many other monsters like Chlory working away in crop-filled fields. The ceiling glowed with magical light from a series of yellow rocks set into the stone, which made it look like the stars had taken over the sun's job.
Chlory kept pulling you farther into the cavern towards a large tent in the center as the other girls paused in their work to stare at you and begin whispering to each other, as well as to the crops they were tending to. You could hear bits and pieces of what they were saying: "Human… fertilizer… ritual…"
Growing slightly concerned, you asked why they were talking to the plants. Chlory giggled and waved her hand dismissively.
"Well, it's normal for people to chat with their friends, isn't it?" she asked playfully.
You pointed out that plants can't talk.
"Hey, you're talking to me, aren't you?" She replied, just as playful as before as she crossed her arms, the movement smushing her breasts into her chest. "We Vegetoids may have louder voices than most of our friends, but I assure you that they are just as vocal as we are! You should try talking to them yourself sometime; they're great listeners!" She paused for a moment before adding, "Except for corn, which is pretty ironic since they have such big ears".
You asked why the Vegetoids were okay with eating and selling the crops as food if the plants were their friends.
"Aw, I know it sounds sad, but it's all part of the circle of life!" She merrily explained. "We try our best to make it up to them, though. Here, let me give you a tour and show you what I mean!"
She then grabbed your hand again and started pulling you in another direction, speaking placidly as your floating soul followed slowly behind you.
"Our commune takes pride in our humane farming practices." she exposited. "While our crops' lives may be short, we try our hardest to make them as fulfilling as possible with plenty of entertainment, recreational activities, and public services. Here, for example, is our state-of-the-art volleyball court!"
It truly was a volleyball court, with a Vegetoid acting as referee from the sidelines for an apparent match between a tomato and stalk of corn with only a single ear, the volleyball sitting unmoving on the ground beside the red fruit.
"That's Karen, by the way" Chlory whispered to you as she pointed subtly towards the cornstalk. "She's a uni-corn. Try not to make fun of her for it, she's very sensitive…"
You nodded in agreement.
"Good!" Chlory grinned and continued on, dragging you behind her as the tour continued. "Up next is our Vegetable Library, where our beautiful bounty can grow their minds as well as bodies!"
In front of you were several small stacks of books laid out across the ground in front of a series of fruits and vegetables, with a Vegetoid with glasses sitting nearby acting as the librarian. One of those vegetables was a potato sitting in front of a propped-up book depicting a bee sucking nectar from a flower.
"Oh, Steven, you naughty boy you!" Chlory chided with a dark-orange blush on her face. "You know the library isn't for that! Save that for when you're at home! Now then, over here is our world-famous water bar, where our citizens get together every once in a while to chat and enjoy the nightlife, as well as our specially-mixed beverages!"
Here there was just a water cooler surrounded by tiny tables, each of which had at least one fruit or vegetable beside it. At one table, there was a pair of grapes sitting across from what appeared to be a badly bruised banana.
"Hey, I thought I told you to stop drinking so much of that stuff!" she scolded the grapes, motioning to a small wine glass - full of crystal-clear water - next to it. "It's no wonder you got into another bar-fight… oh well, I guess 'live-and-let-live' isn't for everyone. Now then, onto the next area!"
The next area featured some beans sitting at tiny furnished desks with stacks of tiny dollar bills sitting in a plastic lunchbox nearby.
"This is our commune's bank, staffed with the world's best-trained bean counters!" she explained. "If you're ever in need of green, look no further!"
She then led you to one more area, where a tomato and a celery stalk were sitting in front of a pear in tiny furnished chairs.
"And finally, we have our F & V Marriage Counseling, where troubled couples can come to work out the rots in their relationships" Chlory explained. "We should probably give them some privacy, though; this session looks like it's getting pretty intense".
You nodded your head and continued following behind her, deciding to just play along.
"And, of course, what's a tour without a trip to our fabulous frisbee golf course!" Chlory said as she approached a purple disk sitting on the ground. "Heads up, Tiffany!"
She then tossed the bright frisbee over to a head of lettuce sitting on the ground nearby, which the disc collided with and sent the lettuce rolling a short distance away.
"Great catch!" Chlory congratulated. "Unfortunately, we don't have time to play a game right now; we have to get ready for the ritual".
You asked what she was talking about.
"The fertility ritual, of course!" Chlory replied happily. "We've had a little trouble growing food lately; our last harvest was actually the record low. But, with the ritual, we can guarantee that our fields will be the most will give us bountiful harvests every year!"
You asked what that had to do with you.
"Everything!" she vaguely responded. "You're the most important ingredient in this fertility stew, which is why I'm so grateful the earth was so generous to give you to us!"
As she said this, you noticed that the other Vegetoids had actually started to form a small crowd around the two of you. Their pussies peeked at you from underneath their shirts as they looked at you with amazement in their eyes, all of them smiling at you. A few of them even looked like they were licking their lips. You were getting a bad feeling about all of this, but decided to brush it off for now as you followed Chlory toward a large tent next to a potted blueberry bush in the center of the cavern.
"Oh, say 'hello' to my husband, Barry, by the way" Chlory said when she noticed the bush. "He's the sweetest blueberry bush I've ever met, and I love him berry much!"
You awkwardly waved at the bush as you were led past it and into the tent.
"Now, wait here while we go prepare the ritual! Don't go anywhere!" She asked, flashing you a grin before disappearing through the flap.
You looked around the tent and noticed several things; a small wardrobe filled solely with tie-dye shirts, a small sink below a wooden cabinet, a framed picture of Barry and Chlory happily hugging attached to the wall, and a white pillow sitting at the end of a bed of yellow flowers next to a large blanket. You deduced that this must have been Chlory's home, and decided that you might as well make it your home too while you were there.
You walked over to the sink and grabbed a glass from the cabinet above it and started filling it with water. You were halfway through the glass when you noticed in the mirror that one of the flowers in Chlory's bed was staring at you with a wide grin, which caused you to spray the water back out in shock.
"Spit takes? Really?" the tiny Flowey asked sarcastically. "And here I was thinking that even you wouldn't stoop that low".
You asked Flowey what she was doing here as you frantically protected your soul with your hands.
"Oh, I just heard through the grapevine that you were here and decided to pay you a little visit" she replied with a giggle. "So, have the vicious vegetarians tried to rape you yet?"
You told Flowey you didn't know what she was talking about.
"Don't play dumb" she said with a smug look on her face. "You know as well as I do how this is all going to end. You give these people the benefit of the doubt and, right when you're most vulnerable, they stab you in the back! Hurts, doesn't it?"
Your eyes widened as you realized what she meant.
"Oh? Did you think I didn't know about all that?" Flowey asked curiously. "Oh no, there's no secrets between us… I know everything".
You told Flowey that maybe things will be different this time, that maybe they weren't planning to rape you in some sort of paganistic ritual they were preparing right now.
"Ha! Get real!" Flowey scoffed. "You saw the looks on their faces, how hungry they were for you. You should know by now what comes next!"
You asked Flowey why she was telling you all this.
"Me? Why, I just want to help you is all" Flowey said innocently. "There is still a way you can get out of this, after all. When that carotene-filled bitch comes back in here, why not give her what she wants? Throw her to the ground and fuck her until she can't stand up straight! Show her that you won't let anyone dominate you, and then show her limp body to the others as an example. Who knows, she might even enjoy it!"
You told her that was crazy.
"Is it? Is it really?" she asked with a wink. "Before today, you probably thought a world filled with giant monster women and magic was crazy, and now look where you are! You're living crazy right now!"
You said that you would never stoop to doing something so low.
"Really? That hasn't seemed to stop any of them from assaulting you, has it?" Flowey asked with a toothy grin. "Face it, in this world it's kill or be killed! If you don't make the first move, they will!"
You screamed at the the golden flower that you would never, ever do something like-
"Hey, what's going on in here?" Chlory asked as she walked in and interrupted what you were saying. You pointed to where Flowey just was - only, the evil flower was gone, leaving behind only the flowerbed.
"Oh, so you took my advice!" She said, her face lighting up with glee. "See, I told you plants were great listeners!"
You laughed awkwardly in agreement and tried your best to push Flowey's 'advice' from your mind. After all, it's not like anyone from a community as peaceful as this one would ever do anything to try and hurt you.
"Anyways, you can come out now!" the orange woman proudly announced. "The ritual is all ready to go!"
You and your soul followed Chlory outside and saw all the Vegetoids in the commune - about fourteen of them - arranged in a circle. Each one of them was now entirely naked with the exception of white body paint, which formed little arrows and suns all over their bodies, all pointing towards and focused around their pussies. Chlory then removed her shirt as well, giving you a great look at her supple body and delicious looking breasts, all of which were also decorated with similar body paint.
"Alright then, get naked as the day you were germinated!" Chlory casually ordered, motioning towards your clothes.
You tried your best to hide your burgeoning erection as you told Chlory that you weren't comfortable with that.
"I'm sorry, but you don't have much of a choice in this" she said as she picked up some vines off of the ground. "Girls, why don't you help peel the human?"
You tried your best to run away, but you didn't make it two steps before you felt a Vegetoid's hands clasp around your free-floating soul, paralyzing you instantly. Two other Vegetoids then calmly walked up to you and started stripping you of your clothes.
"Wow, nice banana hammock you have there" one of them complimented when she saw your underwear, which barely concealed your hard cock. "But, sadly, it has to go too".
You heard a chorus of 'ooo's and 'aaa's as your turgid rod was revealed for the world to see. A few of the women even reached out and touched it to make sure it was real, wrapping their soft hands around it and lightly petting the head. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed as such a large crowd gazed longingly at your most private parts, but that somehow ended up turning you on even more.
Once they successfully dragged you to the center center of the circle of women, Chlory handed them the other end of the vines she was holding and used them to tie your hands and feet together. They then laid you down onto your back and let your long dick stand straight up in the center of the circle like a tiny maypole.
You asked the leader of the commune what was going on.
"I told you before: the fertility ritual!" was Chlory's response as she slowly stroked your cock. "Did you forget about that already? We are going to rape you and harvest your soul so that our fields can keep producing food for The Underground forever!"
You demanded to know how your soul was going to achieve all that.
"Don't you know?" Chlory asked as she smeared your precum into your urethra with her thumb. "Monster food isn't like human food. It's made up entirely of soul energy, which they get from Mother Earth herself! Unfortunately, we've been farming the same plot with no refills for so long that it's actually started to run out of soul energy… but then you showed up!"
She then took a break from her veggie tale to begin licking the tip of your dick, swirling her tongue around the head while her hands continued jacking your length up and down beneath it. After a doing this for a while, she took the rest of your cock into her mouth as well, and you could feel your glands bump roughly against the back of her throat. Despite being a vegetarian, you had to admit the woman was quite adept at eating meat.
"Mmm, so good…" she moaned after popping her lips off you dick. "Where was I? Oh yeah, your soul! With that thing fertilizing our fields, we'll have a virtually endless amount of soul energy to grow crops with! So, don't feel bad! You'll still live on in our hearts and in our stomachs".
You asked her how she could possibly consider this 'humane'.
"Well, it might not be humane farming, but it is human farming!" Chlory joked. "I know this is probably hard to accept, but dying is just a part of nature. Just think of it like… returning where you came from. You know, 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust'... the circle of life!"
You told her that you weren't ready to die yet.
"I know, but no one ever is" Chlory said before giving your cock one final kiss. "But, we'll try to make things as pleasant for you was we can. Alright girls, I think they're ready! Let's begin the ritual!"
With that, Chlory stepped aside and let another Vegetoid take her place, this one with her green hair tied up in long dreadlocks. She knelt down and placed her crotch up against your throbbing cock, and you could feel the lips of her cunt squeeze against your prick's head. Then, with one smooth thrust, you felt her dripping pussy swallow your entire pole whole and the tip of your dick knock against the mouth of her cervix.
"Mmm, it feels so good…" the hippie above you moaned as she started thrusting herself up and down on your shaft. "It's a bit like a water sausage… but even better!"
"Savor its flavor as much as you can, Sister" Chlory advised. "Your turn is almost over, after all".
"Hmm, just a few more seconds" the Vegetoid said as her beautiful painted breasts heaved up and down with every thrust.
"Now now, when we entered this commune we agreed that we would share everything equally, and that includes time raping the human!" Chlory scolded. "We aren't barbarians, after all!"
"Fine…" the Vegetoid moaned as she stood up and released your cock from her depths. "I hope they last long enough for a round two though…"
Before you had any time to recover, another Vegetoid had already lined up your cock with her snatch and plunged you deep inside. She didn't want to waste any of her precious time fucking you, and so she bounced her hips up and down like a woman possessed. You could feel her clit bounce against your pelvis every time your crotches collided, and let out a lewd moan every time this occurred. While this was happening, you could see the Vegetoid who first fucked you fingering herself violently back in the circle, her eyes glued to your wood as it pistoned in and out of her friend's cunt.
"Next!" Chlory announced halfway through one of your rapist's thrusts, cutting her off.
The horny Vegetoid let out a sigh of disappointment identical to the first woman's and slipped herself off your dick to take her place back in the circle. Your cock didn't even have time to cool off a little before it was inside yet another desperate monster girl, who humped just as eagerly as the first.
"Man, this is so bogus…" one of the Vegetoids said as she openly fingered herself while she waited. "At this rate, they're going to blow before I even get my turn! How's that fair?"
"Hmm, you do have a point… " Chlory said as she scratched her chin. "Well… I suppose the human isn't using their mouth for anything right now, are they?"
The waiting Vegetoid thought about this for a moment before rushing over and positioning herself above your mouth. She pressed her sopping cunt against your lips, which you tried your best to keep closed, but you eventually started running out of breath as she pinched your nose closed.
"C'mon, be a good kid and eat your vegetables!" She mocked as you opened your mouth to gasp for air - only to find her pussy being pushed into your now-open mouth. Unsurprisingly, she tasted like carrots. Surprisingly, you found yourself enjoying the taste as your tongue began to probe her inner cavern. She let out a guttural moan as she began gently bucking her hips against your face.
"I guess… this will do for now…" the Vegetoid on your mouth said through gasps of pleasure as she pinched her nipples. "I still want… my thirty seconds, though…"
It wasn't long until yet another woman was bouncing herself up and down on your cock, though you couldn't see exactly what she looked like as another Vegetoid took her place above your head and pressed her cunt to your open mouth. Knowing what would happen if you refused, you decided to just get it over with and started licking.
"That's the spirit!" Chlory encouraged as she saw you giving in to your captors. "'Just go with the flow, that's what I always say!"
Her words provided little comfort as you felt control over your soul slowly ebbing away as the rape continued. Every pussy you penetrated, every womb you poked, every clit you licked, you lost a little bit more control over your soul to these food-growing monsters.
"You can feel it, can't you? Their pussies trying to drain you for every drop of sperm you have?" Chlory asked, tilting her head as the Vegetoids rotated places again, this time beginning to passionately kiss each other as they raped you. "You want know what we were really preparing for while you were inside my tent? Well, those markings aren't just for show…"
You asked the orange woman what she meant, though your question was slightly muffled by the muff you were currently munching on. The sudden vibrations caused the Vegetoid over your head to break the kiss to moan with pleasure before returning to her partner with renewed vigor.
"What makes the fertility ritual so special is that those symbols make each and every one of us extremely fertile, so whoever you cum inside will undoubtedly be carrying your baby carrots after this".
You felt your cock twitch inside its current Vegetoid's cunt in response to her words, the thought somehow turning you on even more then you already were.
"And, not only that, it links each and every one of us as well!" Chlory continued, fingering her pussy and pinching her nipple as she spoke. "I wasn't kidding when I said that we share everything. When you impregnate one of us, you'll actually impregnate all of us! Isn't that great?"
The Vegetoids rotated again and you felt your penis scream for another pussy during its few lonely moments in the air before it was once again engulfed by another eager cunt.
"Consider it another way you'll live on and be remembered once you're gone" Chlory said as she increased the pace of her fingers. "I'm sure with a face like yours, your kids will all be super cute! Don't worry, we'll take good care of them!"
Finally, your cock just couldn't take it anymore, and you felt your balls begin to contract. The Vegetoid currently riding you let out a scream of pleasure as she felt your sperm shoot straight into her waiting womb, while all around you, the remaining Vegetoids gave similar cries of pleasure as they all orgasmed on the spot.
"Ah… I'm… I'm going to be a mother…" the Vegetoid currently riding your cock moaned in euphoric bliss as she lovingly rubbed her stomach, now bulging slightly from just how much cum you'd shot into her. "Thank you so much, human… you don't know what this means to me… I… I…"
Her sentence was cut off as tears started to form in the pits of her eyes, leaving wet tracks on her face as they rolled down her cheeks.
"Shhh, there there Nantes, it's alright" comforted Chlory as she patted the orange-skinned woman's shoulder. "Would you like to sit the rest of the gang-rape out?"
Nantes nodded quietly in between sniffles and wiped the tears from her eyes as she stood up.
"Okay then" Chlory said before kissing the woman firmly on the lips and sending her on her way.
You politely asked if you could sit the rest of the gang-rape out as well, but Chlory just laughed.
"Sorry; I'd hate to beet a dead horseradish, but you're not quite done yet - and neither are we!" Chlory proudly announced. "Next girl!"
"Yes!" The first Vegetoid who'd ridden you said gleefully as she lined herself up. "Time to go for another round!"
She then impaled her pussy on your cock yet again, but this time with the added lubrication of your still wet cum covering your dick. This time she wasn't lackadaisy about her approach, and thrust herself up and down as quickly and as furiously as she could. She was able to reach climax in only a few seconds, and you felt her pussy contract and spasm around your length as her girl-cum sprayed all over your crotch. Again, every Vegetoid around you orgasmed on the spot, feeling the same overwhelming rush of pleasure. After that, she spent the rest of her turn lying lazily on your dick as she enjoyed the afterglow, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. When her turn actually ended, she was still so out of it the others had to drag her off your cock before someone else could take her place.
"Wow, that looked totally rad!" the next Vegetoid said you felt her lower lips kiss your dick. "I hope I get one as good as her's…"
While none of the others had a reaction to your prick as explosive as the first Vegetoid's, each of them came at least once as they rode your cock, causing more widespread orgasms from the rest of the group.
The last one to approach you was Chlory herself. She positioned herself above your dick before dropping down, her weight impaling her all the way into her womb. She gave a shriek of pain and pleasure before she began bucking herself up and down, not being gentle in the slightest.
"Yes… Yes… I can tell that you're almost there!" she groaned around her panting as she humped her hips even harder than before and groped her tits. "Don't worry, this isn't really a 'goodbye'. You'll live on in your children, and in your soul!"
You tried holding out for a little bit longer, but you ultimately couldn't stop yourself from pumping her womb full of sperm one final time as everyone orgasmed again before everything started to turn black.
The last thing you heard were the words "Praise the earth!" shouted by the entire commune as they rode their euphoric high.
Save Loaded
When you came to again in the room on the far side of the previous rock sliding puzzle, you felt a wave of disappointment wash over you and your soul begin to droop in sadness. In spite of your best hopes, Flowey was absolutely right. The Vegetoids did end up assaulting you after all, just like everyone else. You briefly considered just breaking into a sprint to see if you could just run past the Vegetoids, but then you remembered just how many of them there were in the commune. There was no way you going to escape once they noticed you.
Was this it? Were you just going to be endlessly raped by the Vegetoids, again and again and again? No, there had to be a way around this, and you set your mind to try and find another way out. You briefly considered what Flowey suggested, but the keyword in there was 'briefly'. You knew you could get out of this without resorting to any kind of violence. Instead, you thought back to the reason they raped you in the first place: their crops.
The Vegetoids weren't cruel people, you knew that. Hell, they thought even something as disgusting as celery had rights. They only attacked you because they felt they had to, because otherwise the farm would die off, and they - and probably quite a few other monsters - would starve. In their situation, you probably would have done the same thing. You just wished there was some way you could avoid being raped and revive their crops at the same time…
Then, like a truck driven by a rabid monkey who just had his license revoked, it hit you. You remembered that Chlory told you monster crops were made entirely out of soul energy. When your daughters, Lima and Bean, were born a little while ago, they said that they were able to split because of how much soul energy was contained within your semen. With a plan now in mind, you proceed on your way to the commune to tell them about your new idea.
It didn't take you long to reach the same corner where you first met Chlory, but this time she didn't look as surprised to see you as she did the first time.
"Oh my goodness!" she gasped when she spotted you. "So the vision was correct after all!"
Curious, you asked the commune leader what she was talking about.
"A few minutes ago, Mother Earth herself blessed me with a vision" she said grandly. "A vision of this very moment! She told me that a human would be here to help us, and so it came to be! It's an earthen miracle!"
You tried not to show how nervous hearing that story made you.
"Come, child!" Chlory said as she took hold of your hand. "Allow me to introduce you to the others".
The two of you eventually arrived back at the commune, where the farming Vegatoids once again looked at you in bewilderment and whispered to each other and their leafy friends, though you didn't point it out this time.
"Come now, we have to prepare for the fertility ritual!" Chlory explained as she dragged you and your soul through the farm.
Managing to gently remove your arm from her grasp, you told her that, if she was having problems with crop fertility, you might have your own solution.
"Really?" Chlory gasped as she stopped in her tracks. "Well, come on, spill the beans! Not literally of course, though. That would be cruel, not to mention wasteful…"
You hastily explained to her your plan, but, in retrospect, you probably should have worded it a tiny bit better.
"Jerk you off into into a corn field?" she asked, repeating your master plan. "Well… Okay… but you're nuttier than a fruitcake if you think this will actually work".
You then walked over to the nearest cornfield and dropped your trousers, revealing your flaccid dick for the entire commune to gawk at. You didn't feel as much embarrassment this time though, and slowly began working yourself to full hardness, with a bit of Chlory's help. You noticed more than a few Vegetoids start to masturbate as you did so, clearly aroused by the sight of your oddly familiar prick. One in particular - Nantes, if you remembered correctly - seemed to be especially interested in your penis as she gently rubbed her stomach while she stared, as if she could still feel the bulge from the last time you visited.
After a few minutes of constant pumping, you released your load all over the rows of corn in front of you, painting them white and creating a small puddle in the soil. The effect was instantaneous. The corn started growing like crazy, new stalks shooting up and sprouting new ears before your very eyes; within thirty seconds the field was absolutely full of tall, healthy corn stalks, and some stalks were still growing.
"Oh my gosh!" Chlory gasped as she marveled over your miraculous results. "There's so much of it… you're a real corn star!"
You told Chlory that you had a feeling it would work on her other crops as well.
"Really? That's as cool as a cucumber!" she exclaimed. "It's looks like we'll have to wait a little while before you can go again though…"
You replied by saying that she wouldn't have to wait at all before you reached for a nearby tomato and took a bite out if it. In only a few seconds, your dick was already hard again and full of cum to spray all over the next field.
"Wow…" Chlory said, at a complete loss for words. "It's your human soul, isn't it? It's somehow amplifying the soul energy you're consuming and converting it directly into sperm! Would… would you mind fertilizing the rest of our fields too?"
You said that you would be honored to.
The Vegetoids then let out a collective cry for joy and started dancing and hugging each other as their impending famine was finally prevented. More than a few of them started making out on the spot, moaning into each other's mouths with both love and lust. Once they were done with each other, they turned their attention towards you and lifted your body up above them like a bright orange mosh pit as they all carried you back to their tents. You had a feeling that they were going to make the most of your stay there at the commune.
"Oh, are you going to cum soon?" one of the three Vegetoids currently licking your shaft asked in a sultry voice as she lifted her head. "Hold on, let me get the cup!" She got up and ran to another tent as the remaining two continued their ministrations, one sucking the head while the other ran her tongue and hand up and down the shaft.
After taking you back to the main tent area, the Vegetoids immediately got to work extracting as much semen from your balls as they could. You'd already cum ten times, but a ready reservoir of produce supplied by Chlory made it so you were instantly ready for another round every time.
"Here it is!" the Vegetoid announced as she placed a glass cup in between her breasts and knelt in front of you, her tits thrust forward to allow better access. "All right, let her rip!"
You groaned in relief as your cum splashed into the cup, a few drops landing on her lips which she licked off with a sexy smile. Even though you felt completely spent after each orgasm, you came so much this time that your sperm actually overflowed the cup and started running down the orange woman's bare tits. The other Vegetoids moved in and made a show of cleaning it up, often licking her nipples or outright sucking on them before beginning to heatedly make out, leaving you alone with the now-clean Vegetoid holding the cup.
"Good job!" she said graciously as she felt the weight of your semen in the glass. "This should be good enough to fertilize the last of the crops. Thank's again!"
She then leaned forward and gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek before getting up to deliver to the remaining plots. Most of the Vegetoids' fields were overflowing with produce; the few that hadn't been treated yet were easy to spot since they were the only ones not completely overrun with plant growth.
"Good news!" a nude Chlory announced as she approached you and the horde of naked women surrounding you. "I checked some of the soil that you fertilized, and the plots should have enough soul energy in them to last at least a thousand years! It's not a permanent fix, but it'll do for now".
You replied through gasps for breath that you were just happy to help.
"Nonsense!" Chlory retorted. "You did more than just give us some extra food today - you gave us hope, and for that you deserve to be rewarded. Girls! Today, in honor of our new friend, we are going to have a feast!"
The other Vegetoids once again burst into cheers at this announcement before quickly moving to gather as many fruits and vegetables as they could and to prepare pots, pans, and dishes to serve and cook as much food as possible. Chlory, meanwhile, went back behind her tent and retrieved a massive black quilt, easily a dozen feet across, which she laid on the ground in front of you.
"Don't forget your dates, everyone!" Chlory called out to her frantic friends before turning to you with a sexy look on her face. "You know, me and my husband have an… understanding with each other, and I don't think he'd mind if we went to the feast together. What do you say?"
"W-wait…" Nantes abruptly said behind you before you could properly answer. "I-I was actually going to ask them to be my date too…"
"Well well, it looks like you have quite the conundrum on your hands…" Chlory pointed out playfully. "Two beautiful women want to take you to the feast at the same time. Whatever shall you do?"
You told them that when life gives you lemons, you treat the lemons nicely because they were a gift and you don't want life to be offended. In other words, you'd be more than happy to be both of their dates for the feast, if they'd have you.
"Free-love, eh?" Chlory asked seductively as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "I like the way you think~".
"T-thank you" Nantes said as she sat down beside you and leaned softly against your naked body. "I'll be sure to be the best date that I can be!"
It turns out the Vegetoids were masters at cooking, and so they were able to prepare the entire feast in only a matter of minutes. Strewn out in front of you was a breathtaking assortment of sliced fruits, boiled vegetables, soups and stews, freshly baked bread, and delectable looking desserts. You knew right away that you wouldn't be able to eat too much of it since monster food had the habit of filling you up almost instantly, but you were determined to enjoy as much as you could anyways.
You reached forward to grab a slice of apple from a plate in front of you, but found your hand slapped away by Chlory at the last second.
"Ah, ah, ah!" the orange-skinned woman teased as she wagged her finger in your face. "Allow us…"
She then reached for the apple slice herself and brought it to her mouth, rubbing the edges of it sensuously around her lips and her tongue delicately licked the side before carefully holding it between her teeth and leaning towards you. While you loved apples, you normally didn't like bobbing for them, but you decided to make an exception this one time as you brought your mouth up to hers and snatched the slice from her lips, though not before leaving a quick smooch behind as thanks.
"My turn!" Nantes declared eagerly.
You turned around just in time to see the orange girl finish pouring a cup of grape juice between her breasts while her other hand tightly held the glistening orbs together.
"Drink up!" she gleefully announced, thrusting her chest forward.
You did as you were told and started sipping the sweet liquid from the Vegetoid's makeshift cup. When it started to run empty, you brought out your tongue as well to lick up every drop that you could. Nantes couldn't help but moan wildly as you did so, her eyes beginning to glaze over with lust and desire. You could feel her legs kneed together beneath you as she desperately tried to hide and contain her mounting arousal.
"Hey, what am I? Chopped onions?" Chlory asked from behind you. "She's not your only date, you know~"
Turning, you were greeted to the beautiful sight of the commune leader laying on her back, her stomach and breasts decorated with slices of various fruits. Pineapple rings surrounded her nipples, while banana, kiwi and strawberry slices were arranged in a sun-like pattern on her stomach, and it was all topped of with a ripe-looking cherry resting on her navel.
"Go ahead and dig in!" Chlory said as she gave you a sultry wink. "It's all on me~"
You first brought your hungry mouth to Chlory's right breast, teasing her nipple through the pineapple ring and causing her to breathe raggedly before you slurped the tangy fruit off of her bosom. She expected you to move on to the other one as well, but instead you latched right back onto her right nipple and started to suck aggressively, catching her off guard. She was caught even more off guard when Nantes latched onto her other nipple, which caused her to writhe in pleasure so much she nearly lost the fruit resting on her abdomen.
"Oooh, you like my taste that much?" she asked through a haze of arousal. "Well, the station's empty for the moment, but I know a place further south you could go if you want to keep looking…"
You and Nantes nodded silently to each other before sliding your tongues down Chlory's fruit-laden body, licking up slices and fruit juices as you went and sending shivers up Chlory's cellulose-filled spine. Nantes was the one who ended up taking Chlory's cherry, but you didn't mind that much - you had your eye on something much tastier.
"Oh, what are you- ugh!" Chlory moaned as you brought your head down to her moist pussy and gave her lower lips a thorough kiss, complete with a bit of tongue. "Wow, you really are hungry! Well, don't mind me! Eat as much as you want!"
You followed her advice and brought out your tongue to lick Chlory's bean, which twitched happily beneath you with every lap. Nantes, meanwhile, was going to town on her breasts again, causing Chlory to moan in ecstasy at the overlapping stimulation. You would have kept this up for much longer, but then you started to feel the effects of all the food you had eaten beginning to take hold. Your balls were being filled with so much extra sperm that they had nowhere to go, and you felt it begin to throb as it searched desperately for any kind of relief it could get. Finally, you realized you couldn't take it anymore and sat back up to try and jerk yourself off.
Your dick wasn't nearly as patient as you were though, and started firing like a fountain before you could even touch the thing. Ropes of sticky cum shot forth in great spurts, most of it landing in the giant collection of food or on Chlory's body in front of you. You expected to be done after the first dozen or so shots, but you had eaten so much food that your balls were able to replace each shot of sperm as soon as it was fired. By the time you were done, Chlory was practically bathing in it while the rest of the feast was a sea of white sperm atop fruits and vegetables. None of the women there seemed to be upset by this, though. If anything, they were delighted you had added even more flavor to their meal.
"Mmm…" Chlory moaned as she scooped some of your semen from her breasts onto her hand and brought it to her lips while Nantes licked as much of your cum off the rest of her body as she could. "Thanks for the dressing, but I think it's about time we moved onto the main course… Girls! It's time to let your love flow free!"
At this announcement, all pretense of this being a regular meal fell away, and the Vegetoids - who had all been watching the proceedings with lust in their eyes - let out a collective shout of glee before they threw themselves at their dates and started having sex. For some of them, this involved making out feverously with one another while their fingers pounded one another's snaches, drool and girl-cum flying everywhere as they ate each other's faces. For others, this involved shoving their long, phallus-shaped 'dates' directly into their dripping cunts as they joyously fucked themselves silly using sperm-coated vegetables.
You watched all of this in amazement before a mouth - gently holding a grape between its teeth - pushed against yours. You returned the kiss as you took the tiny fruit from Chlory's mouth, staring into her lust-filled eyes as she moved closer to you, smushing her breasts against your side. Nantes, meanwhile, had started to kiss your shaft, which was rapidly growing stiff again from both the sight of the orgy in front of you and the energy from the grape you'd just eaten.
"Do you like it~?" Chlory whispered in your ear as she ground her sopping entrance against your thigh, soaking it with her juices. "We're doing all of this for you, after all~; it would be a shame if you weren't enjoying this…"
You moaned as Nantes's hot mouth engulfed your cock before she started to bob her head up and down.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'..." the commune leader said before reaching over and beginning to tease Nantes's other lips, causing her to groan around your prick. The muffled sound sent pleasurable vibrations up your shaft before she really began her ministrations by deepthroating you. You gave another moan as you felt your head slip into her throat and saw her throat bulge from your thickness as she struggled with her gag reflex, her throat constricting around your cock in waves as she swallowed and you gasped.
After a few seconds, she pulled back and gasped for air before swapping places with Chlory, aggressively mashing her lips against yours as Chlory lifted herself up and began lowering herself onto your cock, Nantes's copious amounts of saliva acting as a great lubricant as you gave a mighty thrust up into her cavern.
Chlory's eyes went wide and her head flew back as she screamed, her girl-cum splattering your abdomen before she began bouncing up and down frantically, moaning with each thrust that knocked against the entrance to her womb as she began to rapidly rub and knead her clit; Nantes, meanwhile, climbed up higher on your body and presented her breasts, which you began to fondle and suck as she groaned - which turned into a shriek of surprise and pleasure as Chlory shoved two fingers into her snatch.
The two of them continued like this for a while - Chlory fucking herself silly on your cock as she orgasmed again while continuing to finger-fuck her partner-in-pleasure, who now had three - make that four - fingers shoved up inside of her as you continued to suckle on her tits and grope her ass as she melted into your body from all the pleasure she was feeling, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.
As all of this was going on, the rest of the Vegetoids either licked each other's cunts or lay on their fronts, asses in the air as they continued to fuck themselves with vegetables. One pair was using a long cucumber as a double-dildo while they scissored each other, moaning every time either one of them moved. The whole commune panted and moaned, sweat and female juices dripping off of every single one of them as they watched your lewd display and continued their own in the name of thanking you.
It wasn't long after that you finally came, splattering Chlory's insides with so much cum that her stomach bulged like Nantes's had as she screamed in absolute ecstasy before sliding off your cock, her weight pulling her entire fist from Nantes's cunt and causing the other Vegetoid to orgasm as well before falling across your chest, exhausted.
"Wow… there's so much..." Chlory panted, looking up at you as she lay down on her back, fondling her own breasts as your cum continued to pour out of her ravaged pussy to form a quickly-spreading puddle of white between her legs. "You know… I was actually putting off having a kid because of the impending food shortage… but, since we now have so much… I wouldn't mind having some… I hope you don't mind…"
You told her that you'd be more than happy if she had your children. After all, it was the least you could do after that amazing experience.
"H-hey…" Nantes said nervously as she lightly tapped you on the shoulder. "Can I have your kids as well? I mean, if you don't mind, that is…"
Her eyes looked ravenously towards your penis as she talked, her hands once again rubbing where her bulge had been the first time you knocked her up. It was clear that she wanted to feel that bulge again, even though she didn't remember the last time you'd impregnated her.
You told Nantes that it simply wouldn't be fair if Chlory received all the special treatment. She was your date too, after all.
"Really?" she said excitedly, her eyes lighting up as she laid down and spread her legs to reveal her snatch, already dripping with arousal. "Thank you so much! I promise to take good care of them!"
She then spread her pussy lips wide to give you a look at her waiting hole, which twitched softly as she imagined what it would be like to have your pounding against her cervix and filling her womb.
"Well, don't just stand there~" Chlory teased as she walked up behind you and wrapped her hand around your cock. "I know the first bite is with the eye, but don't hold back any longer! Go ahead and taste her!"
She then lined your dick up with Nantes's pussy and shoved your hips forward. You could hear Nantes cry out with joy as your rod bottomed out inside her, though you couldn't hear her that well over the cacophony of orgasming Vegetoids merrily fucking each other around you. You tried to pull your hips back to begin your first thrust, but the orange woman's legs instantly wrapped around your waist and pulled you back in before you got very far.
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Oh, praise the earth!" she shouted as she bucked her hips against your crotch as she tried to plunge your cock as deep inside of her as it could go. "It feels like it was made to fill up my vag! Please! Thrust harder! Fill me up, and give me my first child!"
You didn't have to be told twice, and enthusiastically met the rabid woman's thrusts. It was a little difficult keeping up with her at first, but Chlory made sure to help you out by moving her hips in time with yours right behind you to give you a little extra push.
"You're already going to cum, aren't you?" Chlory whispered into your ear as she ground her clit against your back. "That's okay, we all bite off more than we can chew sometimes. Go on, fill her! Give her what she wants!"
"Yes!" Nantes shrieked, her girl-cum rushing down your thighs as her legs held you even tighter. "Give me everything you've got! I want it all!"
Even though you came just a minute ago inside Chlory's eager cunt, you already felt your balls begin to stir again as your climax approached, and this time it felt like it was going to be even stronger than before. When you finally came, you really did shoot every last drop of semen you had inside the insatiable girl, your backed-up reserves finally emptying out completely. The Vegetoid kept her legs firmly locked around you the whole and made sure that not a single drop was spilled.
"Oh goddess!" Nantes moaned in absolute bliss, her stomach bulging out like Chlory's as she felt her womb fill up with your cum. "So… Full…" She groaned, rubbing her distended stomach like she could feel her child already growing inside her. "Thank you…"
You were about to tell her that it was no problem, but your mouth didn't seem to respond properly. Your eyelids began to droop as your body was overtaken with exhaustion before everything went black.
"Pathetic" you heard a familiar voice say through the darkness. "So you got lucky this time… but all you're doing is making things harder for you in the long run. But, I know you'll follow my advice eventually… it's only a matter of time…"
When you woke up, you found yourself laying on a familiar flowerbed underneath a familiar blanket, with your soul resting comfortably on your pillow beside you while a still-naked Chlory washed dishes at her sink nearby.
"Morning, sleepyhead!" she teased as she turned around and revealed her bountiful breasts and bulging stomach. "Feeling rested?"
You asked how long you'd been asleep.
"Only about half an hour, actually" Chlory replied. "We didn't want to wake you, so we moved you in here while we finished the feast. I think my friends should be starting to clean up as we speak... oh, that reminds me!"
She then went back outside and returned with a small burlap sack, which she handed to you with a wide smile on lips. You looked inside and saw it was filled entirely with blueberries.
"Barry had plenty left over after we fertilized the soil in his pot, so he told me to give you these as 'thanks' for giving us another child. You should have seen the look on his face when he heard the news!" Chlory explained, chuckling. "I assume you have to be going soon though, huh?"
You nodded in response.
"Such a shame... you would have made such a great addition to the commune…" Chlory sighed, disappointed. "But, it's your choice. Feel free to come back any time you want, though! We'll always be happy to give you another feast~" she added with a wink.
No Mercy
Once she had finished collecting herself, Loox opened the door for you and the rest of your slaves, shutting the door behind them after everyone was through. Once she was done, both of her bodies immediately latched themselves onto both of your arms, rubbing their breasts against your body affectionately as you walked. You, of course, didn't have any problems with this, but seemed that she wasn't the only one who wanted to be up close and personal with you as you traveled.
"Hey, back off!" the still clothed Loox - who you'd taken to calling Catty for simplicity - shouted as she pushed Bitch away from your right arm.
"Y-yeah…" the submissive Loox - who you'd started to call Racks - stuttered meekly as she fended off your daughter, Cherry, from your other arm. "It's my turn to be with Master…"
"Ribbit!" complained your Froggit, which meant "That's not fair! We've been in their harem longer than you, so we should be the ones who get to hold onto them!"
"Well, you snooze, you lose!" Catty mocked as she stuck out her tongue. "Better luck next time!"
You responded to the defiant Loox's comments with a quick slap to the face, telling her to be nicer - they were all your slaves, so they would all get a turn holding on to you.
She didn't cry out in pain like you expected her to; that's what Racks did. Instead, Catty cried out in pleasure after the strike, and looked like she wanted more.
"Oh, Master…" Catty moaned seductively as she placed a hand on her stinging cheek. "I think maybe you should punish me some more… I haven't learned my lesson yet…" She punctuated her request with what you thought was supposed to be a sultry wink, though it was hard to tell since she only had one eye.
"No, please don't…" Racks begged from your other arm. "I mean… you can if you want to… you own my body, after all, but… that hurt so much!"
"Hey, did anyone ask for your opinion?" Catty demanded, glaring at her other body, who squeaked and shied away as Catty turned back to you. "Go ahead, Master! I always wondered what my eye would look like if it were black!"
"Wow, you sure are eye-polar, aren't you?" Cherry joked, raising an eyebrow made of jello.
"No I'm not!" Catty shouted back angrily while Racks quietly admitted "I guess so…" as her eye teared up a bit.
"Iris my case" Cherry said with a laugh. "Now then, let's get going. There are only so many hours in the day for Master to rape people, you know!"
Both of Loox's bodies reluctantly agreed and they both walked alongside you as Cherry and Bitch led the way. You didn't get very far before being halted by another annoying rock puzzle, but your newest slave leaped to start solving it before you had time to finish rolling your eyes.
"Don't worry, Master - I know how to solve this one!" Catty declared as both she and Racks moved forward to start sliding the boulders around. "I'm so happy I won't have to reset this stupid thing ever again…"
"Although, it does hold a lot of fond memories..." Racks sighed nostalgically as she worked on her half of the puzzle. Catty grunted in response as she moved the last rock into place and the door opened.
Once they were done, you called Loox's bodies over to you to receive their reward. For Racks, you delicately caressed the side of her head as you gently kissed her lips and told her she did a good job as you squeezed one of her tits. For Catty, you roughly pushed her down to her knees and pulled down your pants to reveal your hard cock, which you violently shoved into her throat, causing her to gag and choke violently at the unexpected intrusion, though she quickly began getting into it.
"T-thank… you… Master…" Catty said between coughs when she managed to pry herself off for a second before returning to her duties as your personal cocksucker.
"Ribbit…" Bitch croaked jealously nearby as she fingered herself, which translated to "Lucky whore…"
You pointed out that Racks wasn't busy at the moment, and looked like she could use some loving, seeing as how she was gently masturbating to the sight of her other body bouncing her head up and down as she tried to deepthroat your cock.
"Ribbit~" your Froggit croaked sultrily as she approached Loox's nude body, meaning "Oh, you bring up a good point, Master~"
"Wait, what are you doing?" Racks asked as Bitch pushed the cyclops the the floor. "I-I'm not sure if I- augh!"
Racks was cut off when she felt the Froggit's long and dexterous tongue begin to lap against her exposed and vulnerable pussy, which caused her to wimper in bliss. Bitch licked at her folds for a few more seconds before pulling her tongue back - and then thrusting it all the way to the back of Racks's cunt, the tip bumping against the entrance to her womb before lashing it around violently, stimulating every last inch of the cyclops's pussy.
"N-never mind…" the submissive Loox groaned as she allowed Bitch to piston her thick tongue in and out of her quaking pussy. "You can do… whatever you want… with me…"
"Ribbit!" Bitch declared, meaning "In that case, finish what you started earlier!" as she rotated herself so her dripping snatch was above Racks's face.
"Okay…" Loox's submissive body said before tentatively sticking her tongue out and beginning to lap at the green woman's wet folds.
While this was going on, Catty continued pushing your cock further and further down her throat while her left hand held it carefully in place. She didn't seem to care that it was making breathing difficult, all she cared about was giving you as much pleasure as she could with her aching throat. Her other hand was busy plunging fingers in and out of her gaping snatch under her dress as she imagined her lower lips wrapping around your length as well. Suddenly, those fingers were joined by another, even wetter hand, which immediately went about pulling and teasing the one-eyed girl's clit, while its owner's other hand pulled down her shoulder straps and began pinching and pulling at her giant tits.
"Hey, don't forget about me~" Cherry whined playfully as she kneaded Catty's button between her fingers, which caused the cyclops to moan lustfully and send vibrations shaking through your cock. "Do I have your permission to use her other holes while you're busy, Master?"
You groaned and simply nodded your head in response, as you were too focused on Catty's tongue swirling around the base of your prick to give a detailed reply.
"Thank you, Master~" your daughter whispered sexily as she started molding a portion of her lower body into another phallus. She didn't stop there, though, and molded a second pseudo-cock above the first so she could ravage both of Catty's holes at once. The defiant Loox didn't notice any of this, however, as her eye was solely focused gauging your reactions so she could make sure her blowjob was the best it could possibly be.
"Ready or not, here I come!" Cherry declared as she lined up her hemipenis with Catty's entrances before shoving them in all the way at once. Catty had been expecting Cherry's assault on her pussy, but the invasion of her ass caught her completely by surprise.
"Oh my god!" Racks shouted in pleasure and pain as she felt her other half being filled to the brim while Bitch continued to fuck her with her incredibly long tongue. "It hurts so much! I-it feel like it's tearing my ass apart Please, stop!" She was silenced as Bitch shoved her cunt into her mouth, silently ordering her to get back to licking.
Catty, meanwhile, seemed to be loving it, groaning in masochistic bliss and increasing her efforts to fully swallow your cock as Cherry continued to thrust in and out of her tight holes, the lovely pain from her ass causing her pussy to become even wetter than before.
You noticed that this made Catty slow down her blowjob, however, and that was simply unacceptable. So, being the kind and generous person that you were, you grabbed onto the back of the cyclops's head and started moving her head yourself, using her mouth and throat as if it were nothing but a cheap sex toy as she choked and gagged. Her eye showed nothing but happiness as you did so, though, and she tried best to show her gratitude by running her tongue up and down your length as you savagely fucked her face and throat.
"Mmm, this one was quite the catch, Master…" Cherry commented as she slapped Catty's bulbous rear, causing her to grunt with pleasure as her ass cheeks stung and turned red as Racks gave a yelp of surprise. "She likes it both rough and gentle! A real two-for-one, if I do say so myself!" she added as she smacked Catty's other side for good measure, eliciting another yelp from Racks.
"I-it doesn't matter what I like…" Racks whimpered as she pried her mouth away from your Froggit's pussy for a moment. "Master can have me however they want, whenever they want…"
"Ribbit!" Bitch croaked angrily as she shoved her cunt back into the cyclops's face, which meant "No, keep going, slut! I'm starting to get close!"
You could feel your own climax begin to approach as well, and doubled the pace of your thrusts into Catty's hungry mouth. By now, her eye was rolling back from the lack of oxygen as tears streamed down her face. Because you didn't want an unconscious - and thus, useless - slave on your hands, you finally removed your prick from her throat just in time to spray your load all over her face.
Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she struggled to catch her breath, your cum running down onto her breasts as she spoke.
"Th-thank… you… Master..." She gasped, her eye still rolled back. "Y-you… give the b-best… rewards…" Cherry, not caring in the slightest about Catty's health, continued to pound both her holes from behind, stimulating her even as she recovered her breath.
"Oh god, oh my god!" Racks called out through Bitch's pussy as both her and Catty's pussies started to contract. "I feel like I'm about to explode!"
"R-ribbit!" Bitch moaned, meaning "M-me too!"
Bitch and Loox's bodies all came a second later, spraying a torrent of juices all over their respective partners as they all let out deep, guttural groans of carnal pleasure. Watching your slaves cum together as a harem was a beautiful sight to behold, made even better by the feeling of their souls becoming even more bound to yours.
But then, you noticed that there was something off about your soul. As your servants climaxed together, it started beating faster and faster, to the point where you thought you might actually be having a heart attack. You were about to call your slaves for help when it suddenly started slowing down. When it's pace finally returned to normal, you noticed that it was slightly bigger than before, and you could feel a newfound power start coursing through your veins.
You had reached LV 2.
You weren't sure how you knew this, or even what that meant, but you were distracted by a sudden tingling sensation surrounding your flaccid cock. Without any prodding or encouragement by you, it had already started returning to full hardness, and you could feel your testicles start to produce sperm at a faster rate. Not only that, but your dick seemed to be a little bit longer than before too.
"Ouch…" Racks moaned as she disentangled herself from Bitch's grip and stood up, rubbing her throat and ass. "That really hurt…"
"Oh, shut up!" Catty said as she shakily got to her feet and approached her other body. "You know you loved it~"
Before Racks could respond, Catty leaned in and silenced her submissive half with a kiss, which Racks eventually began to return, moaning and leaning into her masochistic half's embrace. You briefly wondered if this counted as incess or masturbation, but your thoughts were cut off by the sound of clapping.
"Bravo!" a mysterious voice applauded near the door that used to be locked by the rock-moving puzzle. "That was quite an impressive show!"
You turned around and saw a woman with green, leaflike hair and orange skin standing in the doorway, clapping her hands with a smile on her face. She was about your Froggit's height, and was wearing a colorful tie-dyed shirt - and nothing else. You found yourself staring at her pussy as you imagined bending her over and fucking her silly, but her words pulled you out of your fantasies.
"I've never seen anyone outside my commune show such a dedication to free love before in my life!" the strange carrot woman continued as she entered the room. "My name's 'Chlory', by the way. I hope you don't mind that I was peeping in on you. I know it's rude, but I just couldn't resist!"
You told her that you weren't upset, but you were curious about what she meant by her 'commune'.
"Oh, that's where me and the other Vegetoids live" she happily explained. "It's where we grow food for this section of The Underground. Would you like to go see it?"
Your cock throbbed at the idea of an entire town filled with sexy women just like Chlory, all begging to worship your dick, but you tried your best to hide your enthusiasm as you answered 'yes' and put your pants back on.
"That's great!" Chlory said happily. "I'm sure everyone would love to meet you and your girlfriends! Don't worry about them judging you, by the way. We certainly aren't strangers to polyamory~" She added a wink to her last sentence before she turned around and started walking, beckoning you to follow. You and your slaves did, with you staring at her ass as she walked, imagining it stuck into the air in submission to you as she begged for you to fuck her.
"So, Master, what's the plan?" Cherry whispered as she slid up next to you. "Should we attack as soon as we get there, and hold them all down as you rape them one by one? Oooh, I'm jiggling just thinking about it!"
You whispered back that you had a plan, and that she and the others should just follow your lead. Your daughter nodded in understanding before falling back in line behind you with the other slaves.
"Here we are!" Chlory announced as you all entered a large, dirt-filled room with glowing yellow rocks attached to the ceiling to act as lighting and crop fields for as far as the eye could see. "I know it's not much, but this is what we Vegetoids call 'home' - feel free to make yourselves comfortable!"
"Oh, hey there, Chlory" a dreadlocks-wearing Vegetoid greeted as she carried a wicker basket filled with potatoes, though she stopped to stare at you in surprise. "Is that a human right here?"
"You bet your stele it is!" Chlory announced. "And… those are their four girlfriends… isn't it incredible?"
You wanted to correct her about Loox, but decided that it didn't really matter in the end, especially since you actually had way more girlfriends than that.
"Wow… they must be really gifted…" the other Vegetoid said dreamily, as if imagining all the things you could do. "My name's Nantes, by the way. Nice to meet you!" she added, putting her basket down to shake your hand. "Are you here to help with the fertility ritual?"
You asked what she was talking about.
"Oh, that's right!" Chlory said as she slapped a hand to her forehead. "We've been having a bit of problem growing food lately because we've been tilling the same soil for so long, but you shouldn't be worrying about that right now. Instead, why don't you come by to my place and you can show me exactly how you made so many women fall for you~"
Nantes let out a disappointed sigh as soon as she heard this.
"Oh, don't worry, you'll get your chance during the ritual!" Chlory said as she comforted her friend. "Until then, I want to get to know our guest… up close and personal. So, what do you say?"
You told her that you would love get more intimate with her while you continued staring at the tasty looking pussy that peaked out from beneath her shirt - the pussy that would soon be begging for your cock inside of it.
"Perfect!" Chlory announced as she clapped her hands together. "Make sure we aren't interrupted, okay? I want to make sure I get the full experience~"
Nantes nodded in response before Chlory grabbed you by the hand and started leading you towards a large white tent in the center of the cavern. You noticed that there was a potted blueberry bush sitting next to the tent flap outside, which Chlory took care to address before entering her tent.
"Oh, this is my husband 'Barry', by the way! Be sure to say 'hi'!" she quickly explained before entering her tent. You just shot the plant a glare before following her, not liking the idea of someone - or evensomething - else having a claim on your future property. You made sure to subtly flip the plant the bird before you closed the flap - you didn't want anyone peeking in on you while you got to work breaking her.
"So, let's get this party star-" Chlory began to say before you cut her off with a hand to her mouth.
You told her that, while it was cute that she was so willing to have sex with you, you ultimately didn't care whether or not she wanted it - she was going to get it either way.
"What do you mean?" she asked, starting to get nervous.
You responded by telling her that love was overrated, and that you'd soon shower something that felt much better than that.
"Hmp! I don't like your tone!" the carrot huffed as she started to get steamed. "I changed my mind! Normally I make love and not war, but I'm willing to make an exception for you. Get out before I kick you out!"
You responded by grabbing onto her shoulders and pushing her down onto a nearby bed of golden flowers. She tried to cry out for help, but you made sure to keep at least one hand over her mouth at all times as you glanced around the tent for something you could use to restrain her. Your gaze eventually fell onto an oddly convenient vine on the floor next to the flowerbed. Why it was there was beyond you, but it would do nicely.
"Hey! Let me go!" Chlory tried to say through your hand as you turned her around and started tying her hands behind her back. "Help! I'm being raped!"
By now you had enough of the woman's whining, and reached for a plate of fruits and vegetables sitting next to the flowerbed as well, taking an apple and shoving it into her mouth to shut her up as you got to binding her legs as well to ensure she stayed that way.
Your feast was almost ready to eat. All you had to do now was tenderize it a little, and you knew just the tool for the job. You took off your clothes and laid down on top of the helpless woman, your thick cock pressed tightly between her ass cheeks.
"Mmmph!" she tried to speak around her apple-gag as you began rubbing her irrigation ditch with your dick. She tried in vain to struggle out of her bonds, but they were simply too tight. "Mmmph! Mmmmph!"
You mockingly said that you weren't sure what she was saying. Did she say she wanted you to rub even harder?
"Mmmph! Mmmph!" came her muffled reply as she violently shook her head 'no.'
You told her that she was the boss and increased the speed of your thrusts, which caused the frozen vegetable to start writhing beneath you. Then, you lowered your cock and slipped it in between her thighs, the lips of her cunt rubbing over top of your dick as you pistoned in and out.
"Hmmgh!" Chlory cried through her gag as she tried once again to call for help, but nobody came. All her friends outside heard was a moan of pleasure.
"Wow… Sounds like she's really enjoying herself with the human" one of the Vegetoids said as she quietly fingered herself underneath her shirt. "They must be really talented".
"Ribbit!" croaked your Froggit dreamily, which meant "Oh, you have no idea. By the time they're done, all that woman will be able think about is our datefriend's cock!"
"Ngh… I can't wait to get my turn too…" another orange woman said as she kneaded her breasts.
"Oh, don't worry" Cherry assured them. "They have more than enough LOVE to go around…"
Back in the tent, you began to feel the commune leader's pussy begin to grow moist over your cock, which allowed you to slide in and out of her thighs even easier. She still had a defiant look in her eyes, though, and that encouraged you; they harder they resisted, the better it felt to finally break them.
Finally, you brought your dick back out from between her legs and started lining it up with her juicy lower lips. This caused Chlory to start panicking, and she desperately tried to crawl away from your cock using her chin. She didn't get very far before you grabbed onto her arms and held her in place as you prodded her depths with your length. As you expected, this slut was no virgin, but she was still surprisingly tight.
With your penis perfectly aimed, you finally thrust your hips all the way forward and impaled Chlory's pussy onto your length, causing her to cry impotently into gag as she felt her new Master's dick press up against her cervix. You could tell by the way she spasmed around you that it felt amazing, but her eyes started to well up with tears regardless of this fact.
Once you were fully inside her, you brought your face up to hers and licked the tears off her face, which she reacted to by trying to headbutt you. You just laughed and said you admired her enthusiasm before you began fucking your soon-to-be slave in earnest.
"Rgh! Mrgh! Mrrgrr!" Chlory grunted what you were sure was a mouthful of unpeaceful obscenities as she felt your spear begin to tear her cunt apart. Her upper body was clearly quite angry with you, but could tell that you were winning over her lower body, as her pussy grew more and more wet every time your prick knocked against her womb. Eventually her hips started to grind back against you, much to the surprise of the entangled Vegetoid.
"Mmph? Mmph!" she moaned through her gag as she wondered why her body was moving without her permission. She wondered if she was going crazy; your dick felt good, but it didn't feel that good… did it?
Eventually Chlory stopped struggling altogether, and merely let you pound her tight muff as she lay quietly on the bed of flowers in front of you. Deciding that she deserved a reward for this, you reached back over to the plate of food and retrieved a long, orange carrot that perfectly matched Chlory's skintone. Then, without any warning, you plunged the orange stick directly into Chlory's unsuspecting asshole, which caused her to yelp through her fruity gag and her pussy to squeeze even tighter around your prick.
"Hmmph!" Chlory whimpered softly as she tried to beg you to take the vegetable back out and more tears fell down her face, but you didn't carrot all what she wanted. After all, her wants and desires would line up with yours soon enough.
You resumed fucking your captive once again, alternating between pressing your cock into her pussy and shoving the carrot into her ass. This caused Chlory to moan even louder against her gag and made the other Vegetoids outside stare at the tent, wondering just how good the human would have to be for her to be enjoying it so much.
Eventually you could tell that something finally broke inside the orange-skinned woman, and her cries of distress devolved into true groans of pleasure. You knew better than to trust the Vegetoid just yet though, and kept her limbs firmly bound as you kept pounding her into submission, occasionally twisting the carrot in her ass for good measure. It wasn't until she turned her head to look at you with nothing but love and lust in her eyes that you knew your job here was done.
Carefully, you reached over and removed the apple-gag from your new slave's mouth and asked her how she felt while also telling her to keep her voice down.
"I… feel… amazing… Master…" she responded, breathing heavily. "Thank you… for binding me… these vines… feel so wonderful…"
You asked if she was sorry for trying to call out for help.
"Oh, yes!" she immediately responded, still gasping for air. "I didn't know… how good it would feel… if I just gave in… but you sure showed me… huh? You made me feel better… than my husband ever did… If you asked me to marry you… I'd do it in a heartbeat! Screw Barry!"
You questioned if this meant she'd help you take over the rest of the commune.
"Of course!" she replied as she tried to grind her clit against your crotch. "They should learn how peaceful it feels to become your slave! It would be a shame if they missed out on this!"
You congratulated her on being a good little Carrot and resumed your thrusting, taking a fistful of her hair in your hand to help you thrust.
"Oh god, you're pulling at my roots!" the veggie screamed out in pleasure as she ground against you, trying to force your cock deeper into her body. "But it still feels so good! Go on, pound me harder! Plow my fertile fields with your thick hoe as much as you can!"
Thrusting harder, you told her that she was the true ho here.
"Yes Master, I am your ho! Please, plow my fields some more! Plant more seed in me, make me yours! I want it all!" she said as both of your orgasms arrived at the same time. "Yes! I'm cumming!"
You could feel your rod begin firing blasts of your fertile seed into her womb as her pussy contracted and spasmed around you. You could feel your newfound virility take effect as well as you felt even more cum pass through your cock than usual, which filled Carrot's womb to the brim and created a small bulge in her stomach.
"Oooooh…" She moaned, going limp in your arms from the pleasure. "So… full… Thank you, Master… I'm sure our child will be just as beautiful as you are…"
You told her that it would be a shame if your kid didn't have any friends to play with, and that she should help you make them some playmates.
"Of course… anything you want… Master…" Carrot panted.
Quietly, you carefully explained what you wanted her to do.
When you re-emerged from the tent, the crowd of Vegetoids that had gathered around the tent burst into a round of raucous applause.
"Wow, it sounded intense in that tent!" complimented one of the commune members. "You really must have loved her good!"
"Oh, they did…" Carrot said as she rubbed the bulge on her stomach where your baby would soon be growing. "But, that's not why I came back out here - I came out here to tell you all that I will be bearing the human's child! And, in honor of this wonderful occasion, the human and their girlfriends will be preparing a feast in their honor!"
The Vegetoids mumbled to each other skeptically at this announcement.
"Are you sure about that?" one of them asked. "Shouldn't it be us throwing them a feast, and not the other way around?"
"Nonsense!" Carrot replied firmly. "They volunteered to cook the food themselves, and as their gracious hosts, we mustn't refuse their offer. Now, run along and gather as much food as you can! This is going to be a big one!"
"Okay, it looks like the stew is almost done" Catty said as she stirred a large pot over a fire within Carrot's tent. "Is the special sauce ready yet, Bitch?"
"Ribbit" your Froggit replied as she continuously circled her long tongue around your exposed penis, which meant "Almost! Just a few more seconds!"
You felt your cock begin to cum exactly a few seconds later, right on cue, and you quickly positioned yourself over the stew to ensure every last drop landed in the pot.
"Okay, that should to it!" Cherry said as she put the lid over the pot. "It smells so good… I'd eat it all myself right now if I could!"
You reminded her that sharing was caring, and that there'd be plenty more semen to share once the commune was all yours.
"I know, I know…" she replied as she and your other slaves picked their dishes. "It's just hard to resist, you know? Once someone's tasted your cream, they can never have enough!"
"Shh, keep it down! They'll hear you!" Catty hissed, glancing around. "Let's just get this out there before they realize what's really going on".
One by one, your slaves exited the tent with their pots, pans, and plates of food and arranged them on the large black quilt Carrot had put down just outside, the rest of the commune gathered around it.
"Alright everyone, make like a shovel and dig in!" Carrot announced as she grabbed a cum-covered cherry and took the first bite. Most of the other Vegetoids soon followed suit, and stuffed their mouths fruits and vegetables that, unbeknownst to them, was drenched in your sperm.
"Mmm, this tastes pretty good!" one of the Vegetoids asked as she licked your cum off of her fingers. "I've never had this kind of dressing before. Is it organic?"
You told her that, yes, it was very organic.
"Really?" asked one of the few Vegetoids that hadn't started eating yet - Nantes, you think her name was. "Then why aren't you eating any?"
You stuttered for a moment before you replied that you simply weren't hungry, and besides, you wanted them to try it first and see what they thought of it.
"Come on, lighten up girl!" the Vegetoid next to Nantes said as she nudged her friend's shoulder. "What are you afraid of? That it's poi-... poi-... is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?"
Several other Vegetoids nodded, beginning to shift uncomfortably as a sudden heat flared to life under their skin. They tried cooling off by removing their tie-dyed shirts, revealing their beautiful bodies, but all that did was make them feel even hotter, and hornier as well.
"More…" one of the Vegetoids said as she fingered herself with one hand and shoved sperm-coated grapes into her mouth with the other. "I must… have more!"
Several others began following her example, beginning to cram sperm-coated food into their mouths while the rest of the commune watched in shock. It wasn't the hornieness or the complete lack of modesty that bothered them… it was the dazed, dead look in their eyes while they ate.
"W-what's going on here?" Nantes asked nervously as she turned to you. "What did you do to them?"
Your response came simply in the form of a deep, guttural laugh. You didn't answer because you knew it was already too late.
"That's it, I'm out of here!" Nantes said as she and her two other friends said as they stood up from the quilt and made towards the nearest exit. Your loyal watchdog, Loox, was already waiting for them there, however.
"And where do you think you're going?" Catty asked accusingly.
"Y-yeah…" Racks added meekly. "It's rude to leave without finishing your meal, you know…"
The three Vegetoids tried to just walk around Loox's bodies, but they were struck by paralyzing eye-beams the moment they tried.
"Please, don't do this!" Nantes begged helplessly on the ground. "Just let us leave!"
"Oh, what as that?" Catty asked sarcastically as she reached into her dress and pulled out several handfuls of green leaves. "Lettuce leaf? Well, if you insist~"
She then stuffed the leafy greens into each of the Vegetoid's mouths, gagging them, before she picked up their bodies and dragged them back to the center of the commune. There, Vegetoids were wantonly licking up every drop of your 'sauce' they could find, even going as far to fight each other over slices of fruit covered in the most jizz.
"Tsk, tsk. Such a shame…" Carrot bemoaned as she watched her former friends dragged in front of her. "I was hoping to make this as painless as possible, but I guess we'll just have to do things the hard way with you three. Don't worry, you'll feel so much better by the time this is over".
"Hey… Chlory…" one of the drugged Vegetoids said over the sound of her fingers pistoning in and out of her snatch. "What's going on? I feel so funny…"
"That, my sisters, if the feeling of true liberation!" Carrot proudly proclaimed. "When we were in my tent, the human showed me the error of our ways. Instead of practicing 'free love', we should really only love one person! Master!"
"Oh goddess!" another Vegetoid moaned as she tugged on her hard nipples, her pussy dripping with arousal. "I'm so horny, I can't think straight!"
"That's okay!" Carrot replied. "It's not like you'll be thinking much now, anyways! Master is going to make all of our decisions now, and my mind has never felt more peaceful because of it!"
While this was happening, you watched Nantes slowly and painfully crawl her way over to her basket of potatoes. When she arrived, she carefully spat out the leafy greens that were gagging her and asked the produce for help.
"Please, save us!" she begged the spuds. "You guys are our only hope!"
The potatoes merely stared back, their eyes uncaring.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Catty scolded as she started dragging the Vegetoid back.
"Nooo!" Nantes cried out, her fingers leaving trails in the soil as she was pulled away. "Why? Why have you forsaken us, my friends?!"
"Oh, don't worry about it!" Catty said as she hit her with another eye-beam before laying her down on the ground with her two friends, both of whom were frozen with fear and horror as they watched the commune as they once knew it come crumbling down.
Their fear and horror increased when you whispered into Carrot's ear, causing her give you a sultry grin before running off to her tent; she returned a few seconds later, vine in hand as her grin widened.
It didn't take long to tie her up; in fact, it went even quicker, what with Carrot not struggling and telling you where the ropes felt loose. Within a minute, she was completely tied and bound, once again in a squatting position.
"Oh, Master~" she moaned, the mere feeling of the vines against her skin turning her on. "I've been a naughty girl... I betrayed all of my friends... Turned them into horny sluts... Please, punish me, Master!"
You grinned and quickly slapped her bare ass, still slightly red from last time, causing her to moan in ecstasy before you pulled down your pants and shoved your dick as far as it would go into her waiting pussy.
"Agh~! Thank you, Master!" she cried out as she felt your cock return to the edge of her womb. "Your wonderful seed is more than my spoiled fields deserve! I'm such a dirty ho!"
You told her that, while she may have been dirty, you'd never resist plowing a good ho when you had the chance.
"Yeah, that's right!" Carrot replied. "Did you hear that, everyone? Master is going to plant their seed in all of your fertile fields! Isn't that wonderful?"
Nantes looked on in horror as her drugged friends nodded in agreement, still lost in a haze of lust as they continued to search for any missed cum. The terrified Vegetoid once again tried to crawl to safety, and you had to give her credit for being so determined. Still, your patience had limits, and you ordered Loox to make her stop resisting.
"Right away, Master!" Catty said dutifully before turning to her other half. "You heard them! Get to work!"
"Oh… okay…" Racks replied as she knelt down between the Nantes's legs and started to tentatively lick.
"Come on, don't be shy!" Catty said as she shoved her other body's mouth into the paralyzed woman's snatch. "You know you need to eat your daily dosage of fruits and vegetables, and now's the perfect chance!"
"Ngh… you… fucking weeds…" Nantes swore as she pretended not to enjoy the feeling of Racks's tongue pressing against her folds. "I'm sure… we'll get out of this… somehow…"
"And how, exactly, do you plan on doing that?" Carrot asked as you continued plowing into her, her cunt squeezing around you just as tightly as ever. "Do you really think 'Mother Earth' is going to save you? She's not nearly as worthy of worship as Master is! Just give up, and enjoy the pleasure! You'll have so much more fun that way!"
While this was happening, you subtly motioned toward the remaining two rebels, and Bitch and Cherry immediately knew what to do. Bitch hopped her way over to the closest Vegetoid and plunged her tongue into her unprepared vagina, which caused her to cry out as she felt it reach all the way to the back of her cunt before it started to violently thrash around. Cherry, meanwhile formed another hemipenis and obediently started raping the other one, who impotently tried to escape from beneath her as the plant-girl felt her ass stretched to the limit.
"Hey, I think I can feel my eyesight improving…" Racks pointed out in between licks of Nantes's sopping pussy. "I guess what they say about carrots is true…"
"Oh my goodness!" Carrot gasped as she felt your prick hit the mouth of her already bloated womb again and again. "It's like my heart is going to beet right out of my chest! I don't know what feels better; your cock, or these amazing vines! You're all so lucky that you're going to feel this pleasure yourselves soon! It's the most amazing thing I've ever felt! I-I'm already cumming again!"
Just like that, Carrot's pussy began to spasm once again around your cock, but this time you didn't fire an extra helping of baby batter into her. No, you weren't fucking her to get off - you had much biggerplans in mind.
"H-hey…" one of the Vegetoids drunk on your seed said as she tugged on your sleeve, having crawled over to you. "C-can I have a turn too? Please… I-I want to feel your seed inside of me… down there…"
"Me too!" added another, which was immediately followed by "Me three!" and a chorus of other numbers.
"Now now, sisters" Carrot chided as she felt your cock still throbbing within her. "You'll all get your turns... but, why don't you make things easier for Master, and form a line?"
The girls did just that and laid down on the ground side by side, their legs spread back and their pussy lips held open by their fingers. Seeing so many eager cunts lined up like a row of crops just for you filled you with determination, and you pulled your dick out of Carrot to begin seeding the first woman in line.
"Hey… what are you girls doing?" Nantes asked as she held back a lustful moan as Racks sucked on her clit. "You can't let them do this to you… this isn't love… it's slavery…"
"I know!" the Vegetoid beneath you cried out as you plowed all the way to her cervix. "And if feels so much better than love! Go ahead, Master! Make me yours!"
While this was happening, you glanced over and saw the jealous look on the next Vegetoid's face as she played with her clit. She clearly wanted more than anything to have been the first person in line, and she took out that frustration on her ripe bean beneath her. Deciding that you might as well indulge in a little finger food while you were there, you surprised the impatient woman by shoving two of your fingers into her cunt without any warning. She didn't seem to mind, though, and ground her pelvis into your hand while you continued to fuck the first lucky Vegetoid, whose eyes had already started to roll back.
The other women further down the line had taken to shoving whatever they could find - cucumbers, eggplants, corn ears - into their hungry twats while they awaited your seed. Many of them closed their eyes as they tried to imagine that the vegetables in their pussies were really your hard cock tearing into them, but they could all tell by the way your Vegetoid thrashed beneath you as you fucked her into next week that there simply was no beating the real deal.
"Ooh, you're starting to like it, aren't you?" Catty asked as she watched the ecstasy of being eaten out shine through on Nantes's face. "Don't try to deny it! I have an eye like a hawk, you know!"
"No… it's just… a trick of the eye…" Nantes moaned even as her orgasm was quickly approaching. "There's no way… I'd ever enjoy this…"
"Oh, okay then…" Racks said as she removed her mouth from the woman's orange pussy.
"W-wait!" Nantes called out in disappointment as she was denied her orgasm. "What are you doing?"
"What? You said that you didn't like it, right?" Catty asked cattily. "So, I stopped".
"No! Please don't!" Nantes begged as she felt her cunt starving for the climax she knew was only seconds away. "I was so close! Please, keep going! I'll do anything you want!"
"Do you swear to love and obey Master for the rest of time? To bear their children, and obey their every command?" Catty asked as she rubbed one of the paralyzed woman's exposed nipples.
"Yes! I'll do anything they want!" Nantes shouted, which sent shivers of lust and power through your soul and through your cock. "And I'll do whatever you want too… Mistress…"
"Mistress?" Catty asked in surprise before grinning. "I like the sound of that!"
"I don't…" whimpered Racks as she returned to licking Nantes's pussy. "It sounds like a lot of responsibility…"
"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll take good care of her… for Master's sake…" Catty told her other half as she positioned her pussy over Nantes's mouth and lowered her hips. "If you want me to keep licking you, though, you better return the favor!"
"Yes! Of course!" Nantes replied, though her words were slightly muffled by Catty's dripping cunt in her mouth. "Anything you say, Mistress!"
The other two Vegetoids who tried to escape also gave into their captors at about the same time, crying out for more as their Mistresses taught their pussies their true place in the world. Before today, they had all tried their best to see everyone as equals, but now they knew that they were nothing compared to your personal slaves, and even less in comparison to you.
The feeling of all these women begging to be in your harem made you to buck your hips even faster into the dazed Vegetoid beneath you, causing her to let loose a cry of absolute pleasure as she nearly came.
"You're going to cum, aren't you?" she asked as she felt the head of your prick throb against her womb. "Go ahead, Master! My fields belong to you and only you! Let me carry your seed!"
You thrust your hips one last time before you cock started to water her fertile womb, filling her completely. This caused her stomach to bulge out a little, just like Carrot's had, as she showered you with thankful praise and kisses. After making sure that your seed had been fully planted, you pulled your still-hard dick back out and moved down the row to the next girl. This was going to take a while, but you had a feeling that you had all the time in the world.
"Ugh! It feels too good!" Nantes cried out as your cock conquered her pussy. "Thank you for raping me, Master! I can't believe I tried to run away from this!"
The other Vegetoids watched this while their hands rubbed their swollen bellies, each imagining what their children were going to look like. Carrot felt herself fill with pride as she looked over her pregnant sisters. Thanks to her, they all belonged to you now - fourteen happy, pregnant slaves for you to command.
Finally, you felt your orgasm begin to overtake you and you pumped your seed into the last remaining Vegetoid as she let out a joyful scream of bliss and wrapped her arms lovingly around your neck.
"Thank you…" she moaned as she your thick sperm flowed within her. "I promise to bear the fruits of your loins, and to take good care of them…"
"You did it, Master!" Carrot congratulated as tried her best to applaud, though that was difficult since her hands were still bound behind her back. "This calls for another celebration! What's your favorite food, Master?"
You told her you had a fondness for cherries, which caused your nearby daughter to blush slightly.
"Perfect!" Carrot responded. "Everyone! You know what to do!"
The other Vegetoids responded quickly as they each went about their task. Two dug a large hole in the ground with their hands while another retrieved a small brown seed. She then dropped the seed into the hole and filled it back in with dirt while another woman poured water onto it with a watering can.
"There we go!" Carrot announced proudly. "When that tree sprouts, you'll be the only one allowed to eat from it! All of it's cherries will belong to you, and you alone!"
You thanked her for the gift, but told her that you weren't planning on staying for much longer. This response elicited a saddened groans, until you told them that you were leaving to spread more of your seed. This declaration cheered them up instantly, and they each wished you luck on your journey.
"Can I come too?" Carrot asked eagerly. "What if another girl tries to run away from you? If you bring me along I can tie them up for you to fuck!"
You told her that was a wonderful idea, and began to untie her wrists and ankles. Instead of putting on her old tie-dye shirt though, Carrot told you to wait for a second before running inside her tent. A few minutes later, she returned.
Her entire form was decorated with green body paint forming a series of vines that twisted down her arms and legs, and up to her neck and the edges of her mouth as if she was being bound and gagged with a collar around her neck. The only parts of her body untouched by the paint were her gigantic breasts and her vag, though the leaves of the vines surrounding them seemed to point them out.
You told Carrot that her new wardrobe suited her well as you handed her the vines she was previously wrapped up in, which she curled up and tossed over her shoulder to carry them with a smile.
"Oh, I knew you'd love it, Master!" she said. "I designed it with you in mind, after all!"
Before you left to explore the rest of The Ruins, you called Nantes over to you, and she obediently complied. You told her that you admired her determination, and that she was to be the new leader of commune while Carrot was traveling with you.
"R-really?!" she gasped, surprised at her sudden promotion. "Thank you, Master!"
You also told her that, as the leader, she had to wear some different attire than the rest, at which point you glanced at Carrot. Your painted slave got the idea and grinned before leading her sister-slave into her tent to give her a makeover. A few minutes later, she emerged with paint covering most of her body in a manner similar to Carrot's paint. The vines also curled up and down her arms and legs, but left her large breasts, her abdomen, and most of her torso untouched. Her neck, however was painted with a thick vine collar that, from a distance, seemed to be choking her.
"Thank you, Master! Olive my new look!" She thanked as she fondled herself; the rest of the Vegetoids, in the meantime, had been making some adjustments of their own to their attire.
They still wore their original tie-dye shirts, but now those same shirts were sleeveless and cut high enough to show off the bottom of their breasts, while the neck holes were widened so the shirts would hang from a single shoulder. When they were finished making their subtle changes, they each lined up by the exit to wish you goodbye.
"So long, Master!" one of them called as they waved. "Come back soon~"
"Yeah! We'll have plenty of food for you if you ever decide to drop by, and we'll save any 'fresh meat' we find just for you!" added another, winking at the words 'fresh meat'.
You smiled and told them you were looking forward to your next visit before you and your personal harem walked out the exit and into the next area of The Underground. Even after corrupting all of those women, your appetite wasn't sated just yet; you had to have more.

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