drugs and paraphernalia

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The controlled substance act->

The government maintains five schedules of classifications for controlled substances

Potential abuse

Potential for dependence

Medical value


Inappropriate use

Unwarranted use


Mayor may not be addictive


-physical dependence occurs when the drug becomes necessary for their body to function normally

-psychological dependence occurs when a person thinks they need a drug to function

schedule 1->

-high potential for abuse

-no currently accepted medical is used

-heroin (PCP)


schedule 2->

-high potential for abuse

-some medical use

-cocaine, opium

-some opium derivatives dronabinol (synthetic marijuana)

schedule 3->

-less potential for abuse 1&2 

-current accepted medical use

-low/moderate physical dependence or high psychological dependence 

-barbiturate preparations

-certain preparations of codeine

schedule 4->

-lower potential for abuse then schedule 3

-valid medical use

-limited dependence





schedule 5->

-low potential 

-valid medical use

-lower potential for producing dependence than schedule 4


-low dose codine preps

chemical derivatives->

-drugs produced from another durg

-drugs used to produce another drug

-cocanie is used to produce crack-crack is derivative of cocanie

classification types->






-symptoms of od (overdose)

-treatments of od (overdose)

withdrawal sx->

-withdrawal SX (symptoms) are unwanted effects that occur upon the termination of taking a drug

criminal penalties->





-number of violations 

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