Before "IT" Happened

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I woke up one morning to get ready for school. I had barely gotten any sleep the night before because my mother and father were arguing. They would argue over stupid things, simple things. It was usually because they were drunk. They kept my brother and I up all night, still making is go to school. I walked into the bathroom to do my business, like I did every other morning a soon as I woke up. When I was finished, I went back into my bedroom and closed my door, as always. Sometimes I would close the door too hard and get yelled at for it. That morning I rode the bus to school because my parents were to lazy to take me to school themselves. I hated riding the bus, because I was around people. I could feel everybody, and I mean everybody staring at me as I walked onto the bus and down the aisle. I was a downgrade from everybody else. I didn't have nice clothes, all had holes or stains on them. Also, I have been wearing the same shoes for a little over two years. I kind of sometimes enjoyed going to school, only because it meant I got to get away from my parents for a little while. But the sad part is, I got bullied, like a lot. I tried my hardest to ignore it but I made myself believe that what they were saying was true. I mean, of course everyone will get bullied once in their lives, but it was an everyday thing for me. Anyways, it was June 25th, only a few days before my birthday. I never do anything for my birthday but this year my parents said they would let me invite a few friends over and they would pick my up a cake from Kroger's. I was looking forward to it, maybe because I knew it would never happen again. That day at school went by really fast, and so did the rest of the week. The next thing I knew, it was the day before my birthday. I worked on cleaning my house just because I didn't want to have a messy house when my friends came over. I had very little friends so I already knew which ones I was inviting. There were going to be Cheyenne, Asya, and Amber. I had already told them yesterday that they were invited but in order to come they needed to find a ride. God knows my parents wouldn't go get them. But when they finally arrived, we went straight into my bedroom to watch movies. I had already seen all of the movies but we didn't have much to choose from. I tried my hardest to get them all to stay in my room because my parents would end up embarrassing me one way or another. I would go into my brothers room to check on him every once in a while. He was sixteen years-old. But, I never knew what my parents might do to him. When I went in there, he was laying in his bed listening to music, and it was super loud. Maybe because he hated listening to my parents argue just as much as I did. Finally, whenever I went back into my room, the girls were asleep. I didn't have anything else to do so I crawled up in bed beside Amber. Asya and Cheyenne offered to sleep in the floor so that is what they did. I was just laying there, looking up at my ceiling because I had nothing else better to do. My ceiling was white only because my parents were to ignorant to let me paint in the color I want. Before I started to drift off, I started to think about every little thing that could possibly pop into my mind, not like it was intentional. Then, when I was almost asleep, I heard a loud BANG!

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