cause i aint fucking around wit no toddlers cuh 😤‼️🔫😾❌
for your infrmatiun, i am 2 years old thank you
i n f r m a t i u n
no wonder youre two lmfao
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i meant INFORMATION*** skjdehgrjnefkwdml
sure bud 🤠
chile anyways so you never told me the truth
you lied to me 😿💔
omg im so sorry babe ill kith u better 😿🙈
no homo tho
For your information I 100% meant full homo, because he is one of the cutest men I've ever seen. Not that he'll ever know though. I've been following Hanamaki on instagram since last year, because I really love his sense of style and he's just such a beautiful boy. Honestly the fact that one of my favorite models was talking to me was kinda crazy, but I had to be cool.
thanks babe 😳😳 ( no homo )
now tell meeee
fine fine, im 20 😼
are you happy now?
oooh so we're the same age, huh? i knew we were soulmates 😽
omg ikr we're destined for each other 😳🙈
haha yeah..
im going to bed now, good night 🤠
goodnight sir 😽
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Closing my phone, I fixed my pillows and flopped into bed. That night, I drifted off thinking about my new, very cool friend.