The pets!

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Alana's pov

So me, the girls and the boys are going shopping. Normally I would want to go but there's this really good mermaid place that I'm dying to check out! I honestly can't wait! We all pile into my car which by the way is a decent size. It's a cherry red 4 door pick up. Me and harry ride up front, Sirena and Niall in the back and Venus, Zayn, Louis and Liam in the bed. We arrive at the shop and there are so many cool nicknack's. When we get there we each go in a different direction to different sections of the store. I really don't know why but Harry came with me. I'm not complaining or anything though. I see these two beautiful necklaces that I just love. I pick one up and check the price. $50 each! I frown and put them back. "What's wrong love?" Harry asks. "Nothing I just was admiring those necklaces." "Why don't you get one?" He asks with a confused look on his face. "Oh they are a little out of my budget. I'm saving money for food and essentials until I get a job." I say and than walk away embarrassed and go to where the rest of the girls are. Harry soon joins us and I try not to make eye contact. We decide to walk around a little bit more and we come upon a pet shop. "OH MY GOSHHHHH THEY HAVE A TEA CUP PIG!" I scream like a child and run in the shop. Me and the girls run inside and the boys are laughing there asses off. I go over to the piggy and Venus goes to the owl and Sirena goes to the chinchillas. After playing with the animals for a while we decide to go home. We all pile into my pickup and drive back on the way we drop the boys off. We all sit around the living room and talk and watch movies all night. We all crash downstairs. I fell asleep on the floor Sirena in the chair and Venus on the couch. I honestly can't wait for tomorrow!

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