Chapter - The Only Chapter :P

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The Summer Camp Monster

Layla was going to summer camp. She had blonde hair, with blue eyes. Her hair was up in pigtails and her skin was really light.
Her older brother Max, had been to the camp before and he told her that him and his friends, had seen a monster. Layla, pretended she wasn't scared, but she was terrified!
Layla packed her bags. Her moms friend was picking her up because her mom had to go to work soon.
Layla really wished that she didn't sign up for the camp. She said goodbye to her parents and her brother, and she got into the car.

Her moms friends name was Nya. She had dark black hair, with daring green eyes. If you got in trouble by Nya, you can’t even look at her! Her voice is dark and low. But even when she looks scary, she's pretty nice.

Today, she was wearing a dark suit. The usual. Layla tried to start a conversation.
“Do you have any plans for the weekend?” she said.
“No” said Nya. “I just go with the day”.
Layla got really bored on the way there. She started looking out the window, and saw a big plastic dinosaur outside the toy shop. She remembered about the monster that her brother and his friends saw. She tried to ignore the feeling, but she just couldn't stop thinking about it.
They were finally there. “Say goodbye to my parents for me” said Layla.
Nya didn't answer. She just got in the car and left.
“How rude” Layla thought.
She looked around. She didn't know where to go. Then she saw someone walking on the path. They were wearing a yellow suit, with black stripes on the side of their arms. The person finally reached Layla.
“Hey” she said “You must be Layla. Come with me!” She ran toward a cabin. Layla followed.
She went inside the cabin. There were two bunk beds, and three other people. One was a girl with brown hair and freckles. (now me's note: I'm totally just imagining Mabel lol) The other two were boys. One had black shaggy hair, and the other had short sandy blonde hair. The boy with the sandy blonde hairs name was Jackson. The other boys name was Danyel. (now me's note: did I seriously just make a kid with black hairs name Daniel?? Serious Danny Phantom vibes lol. I didn't know the show existed till about a month ago sooo-) And the girls name was Daisy.
Jackson immediately said, “Hi im jackson!”.
Danyel decided to say hi too. “You can just call me Dan” he said in a calm voice.
“Come on Daisy, say hi,” said jackson.
“Um …. Hi?”  Daisy whispered.
  “Sorry about that,” said Danyel “Daisy's a little shy.” 
“Uh…..Here's your bed” said Danyel, as he pointed to one of the top bunks. Layla climbed up the ladder to her bed. She was EXHAUSTED from the ride there, besides, it was getting late. She had already decided that she was going to sleep right now.
It was 7:00 in the morning, and Layla still wasn't awake.
“Pssssst…….Layla,” whispered Jackson. “Layla,” Jackson said her name again “LAYLA!” Jackson yelled. Layla sat up on her bed straight, but she bonked her head on the ceiling.”Ow!” she said. “If you want to go to this camp, you have to get up early,” said jackson. “So get used to it!”
Layla climbed down the ladder to the floor. They went outside. And they saw there coach.
“Hey , Your awake!” she said. “Im coach Nan. come on, let's go have some fun!”
They followed coach Nan to the lake.
“Our first activity is swimming!” she started. But when the coach was talking, layla wasn't listening.
She kept thinking about the monster. Then she saw something rustling in the bushes, growling. She got scarred.
“Layla, are you listening to me?” the coach looked at her in fustoration.
“Yes coach Nan,” she said.
A month had passed, and layla kept seeing and hearing rustling sounds. The end of summer camp party had finally come though, so Layla wasn't really worried about it. (new me note: daaaammnnnnn big time skip :^)
They went outside for the celebration, but then they heard the rustling sound. All of them.
“What's that!” screamed Daisy.
Almost everyone was scared. Layla stepped forward toward the sound. She had a stick in her hand, ready to attack. Then it jumped out of the bushes!
Layla had her eyes closed. It started licking her.
“Awwww!” everybody said. Layla opened her eyes. It was a kitten. An orange kitten! Layla picked it up. It was a girl.
And it was cute.
The next day, Layla's mom came to pick her up. Layla was carrying the kitten.
“What's that in your hands, a cat?” asked her mom.
“Yup” said Layla. “Can I keep it, please!?!?”
“ok ok,” said her mom.
Layla was so happy to have four new friends, and one that she can stay with.        

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