Back At Camp - Sequel To The Summer-Camp Monster

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(now me: heeeeeyyyy I wrote a sequel! Well, I wrote it about a year ago now. We were doing this thing called a 'writing cafe', and so I thought, hey, why don't I make a sequel to my story I made? So that's what I did.... Now I wanna make this a series ;w;
So here it is; it will probably still be bad and grammar-e, but it'll be better than the first! Here we go!

Back at camp

It was summer again in Layla's town. After what had happened last year, she was very excited. "Meow!" said Rawrr. That was her cat's name. Last year, there was always a rustling in the bushes, and at the end of the summer, it jumped out at Layla! It turned out to be a kitten, and because she thought it was a monster all summer, she named it Rawrr. She was orange with a little white on the chin. "Meow!" she said again, and then started to climb on Layla's older brother, Max. "Geroff mff!" said Max with a face full of tail. Max wasn't a big fan of Rawrr. Everyone in Layla's family knew that he was just jealous because the year he had gone to summer camp, he hadn't gotten anything. "Don't expect to much Layla," he said with a frown. But Layla was still excited. "I'm not expecting anything but fun!" said the blondie in the pigtails.
Their mom walked into the room. "Almost time to go," she said. Her mom had strawberry- brown hair, and almost never had it up. "Mom," started Layla, but her mom knew what she was going to say. "No, layla, you can't bring Rawrr, they have a rule against bringing pets. They could get lost," said her mother. Layla felt a bit disappointed. Then Rawrr started purring. "I'll miss you, girl," she said with a smile.
* * *

Beep beep! Layla heard her mom's car honking outside. "Time to go!" she called. Layla hugged Rawrr. "See you soon," she said. She then grabbed her bag, and went. Inside the car it was cold. There were a few blankets at the side, and Layla grabbed one. But it only half helped. Inside, she was feeling cold about Rawrr. She couldn't just leave her with Max all summer, could she? They started driving. Layla became less excited for camp, and kept quiet.
About an hour later, they were at the camp. But when Layla saw the camp, she remembered something. "Jackson! Daniel! Daisy!" (now me note: Yaya I spelled Daniel tight ;w;) last year, Layla had shared a cabin with three other people. Jackson had sandy blonde hair, Daniel had black shaggy hair, and Daisy had brown hair and freckles. "I'll see you soon, then," said her mom. "Love you mom," replied layla, and then she left.
Layla went to her cabin. There were her friends. But they didn't look happy. "What's wrong?" she asked. Then Daisy and Daniel looked at each other, and nodded. "To the washrooms," said Daisy, and with no questions, Layla did it.
The washrooms were decently clean, except for a few cobwebs in the corners. "The camp crew is the meanest," said Daisy. Layla looked surprised, and looked up at the bathroom. "Yeah, I know," said daisy. "We think there just acting like this to get a good profile, but wait until everyone arrives," Layla was still confused, but understood. They went back to the cabin. Everyone gave each other looks of worry. Then, the cabin director came in. But this time, it wasn't coach Nan. "W-wh-who a-re y-you?!" Daisy stuttered. "I'm your cabin director." said the new cabin director. "Remember, you had me last year!" The kids exchanged uncertain looks. They had never had this girl as a coach. "Anyway, this year is going to be different." she said. But Layla could have sworn she heard her say under her breath,"a lot different!"

Later, it was lunch. Everyone had gotten to camp already. Daniel said something to Jackson, and gestured for Layla and Daisy to follow. They went to the other cabin table. then they saw someone that looked like they had a good memory. "Hey!" said Jackson."Hey you, with the brown sweater!" the kid looked up. "Yeah, you! Do you know who coach Nan is? She was here last year!" But the kid's response was surprising to all of them. "There is no coach nan, only camp director Lin. I was in that cabin." This was strange, thought Layla. They had never had this kid in their cabin.
(I am Ju-dee)
"Something strange is going on," said Layla after they had gotten back to their cabin. "I mean, since when is she our cabin director?" "I agree," said Daniel. "We need to find out what's wrong." so that night, they snuck out of their cabin, and went to the staff cabin. They peeked inside, and were surprised by what they saw! Cabin director Lin was hypnotising all the staff!
(there is no war in Ba Sing SE... There is- sorry, got carried away XD) "You will hypnotise all the kids with these tomorrow!" said Lin. "Then, you will all take them for a 'swim'" Layla didn't know what to expect. She was going to make them "swim"? What was that supposed to mean? She didn't understand any of it, and by the looks of it, Daniel, Daisy, and Jackson didn't either. But they had no more time to think, because someone saw them. "HEY" they said. "What are you doing down here at night?!" They had barely any time. Quickly, they began running. They hid behind some trees, and it worked. Then, they went back to their cabin, and went to sleep.
* * *

The next few days weren't exactly good. They didn't go for any swim, but Lin could be heard for miles yelling at night. "Are you crazy?!" she would say. But one morning, Layla woke up a bit early, and decided to go wash up. While she was approaching the lake, she saw Lin dumping toxic waste into it. "This should be a nice swim for them!" Layla ran back to the cabin, but what she saw scared her. Daniel, Daisy, and Jackson were in the clutches of a weird giant spider monster!
(that's random-)
"Run Layla!" said Jackson. And that's what she did. But everyone was following her as giant spiders! She knew she couldn't run any longer! She had to fight, but didn't know how! All of a sudden, she felt a slash to the throat. She fell and heard Daisy scream! Everything was spinning. Layla couldn't see much anymore. She could only hear Daisy scream, "Layla! Layla!" Layla sat bolt right up. "Layla! Wake up! You're at camp!" squealed Daisy. "You must have fallen asleep," said her mom. She was in the car, and camp hadn't started yet. "You must have had a nightmare," agreed Daniel. Layla got out of the car. "Love you mom!" she said, and the four friends set off for camp.

There ya go! Who wants me to make a trequel? :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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