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'Beeeep Beeeep'

'Beeeep Beeeep'

'Beeep Beeep'

Groaning when he heard the alarm getting louder and louder as he woke up, turning in the other direction while his hand tries to find the beeping alarm clock on his nightstand.

'Beeep Beeep'


Letting himself relax on his bed for a couple of seconds, enjoying the peaceful silence in his room before pushing himself up and getting off the bed. Yawning as he step outside his bedroom and goes to the bathroom across him, walking towards the sink he grab his toothbrush and toothpaste.

He let the Faucet water run while brushing his teeth, looking at his half asleep expression in the mirror. Pulling back his black hair from his face as he move his mouth closer to the faucet to rinse.

Walking back at his bedroom to change his T-shirt before going downstairs. He stop when he heard talking from the kitchen, one voice belong to his mother and the other one sounds unfamiliar for him...


(Y/n) sat across the lady whom introduce herself as her mother's friend since elementary. Basically childhood friends but parted away after graduating college, tho they are still in contact with each other but never had the time for reunions.

"She and I we're actually rebel back then but changed when we found love"

(Y/n) simply smiles as the older woman went on with her story, she admit that she enjoys listening to her mother's past and it turns out she was more different than she is now.

Girls really do change when they become a mother.

She took a sip from the cup of juice that Mrs. Kirishima offered her, but slightly choke when heard her say
"Your mother always sends me a throwback picture of you"


"Don't worry, you look cute in all of them. Time flies so fast, and you already grown up into a beautiful young lady" (Y/n) felt herself blush from the compliment.

"I wouldn't call myself beautiful" She laugh shyly.

"Nonsense, I'm only saying what I see. you're just as pretty as your mother. I wouldn't be shock if you already have a boyfriend" She smiled sweetly "You have one, dont you?"

"Uhh...no, I don't..Mrs.Kirishima is it only you living here?" She said, changing the subject for the topic is already making her uncomfortable.

"Oh please,no need to be formal just call me Kioko"

"If thats what you want, Kioko-san"

"My husband's work in another town and stays with his brother, Its usually just me and my son living here" Her eyes shift to another direction "Speaking of, he's here. Eijiro come meet our guest"

(Y/n) look behind to see a man standing rather awkwardly at the kitchen's entrance. She could see how tense he became when she made eye contact, observing his features.

He has red eyes like his mother, His black hair is under shoulder-length with some shorter bangs between his eyes. She also notice a small scar above his right eye which she wondered how he got it and she would be lying if she said he's not attractive.

"Eijiro this is (Y/n), she's the one I told you about and starting today she'll be staying here with us"

(Y/n) blink as she came back to reality, too busy staring that she didn't notice Kioko-san walking closer to her son.

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