While I'm processing my thoughts, aiger arrives. "Aiger!" Naru yells excitedly, " you're back!" What that was too short,We can't be done talking yet. I think to myself. "Hope I didn't take too long." Aiger says, "no of course not." I reply, "if anything you took too short". "Should we go back to training?" Aiger asks. Naru looks at her tablet, " Aiger we should probably head home, dinner will be any minute." She replies. I look at my watch, it's half past six. " she's right." I say. "Oh ... well cya later hae Jin." Aiger called as he ran back to his home. I wave goodbye , naru quickly runs after him and waves back , I feel my face turning red . "Goodbye" I shout , alone I decide to go back to the hotel I was staying at. I take a bus , on the ride I couldn't stop thinking about her I must talk to her again, alone but how ?