At the dinner table, my mother asks "what did you do that made you take so long?" " mostly just bey training" Aiger replies with his mouth full of noodles, my father looks at me " so Naru what were you up to while your brother was training?" He asks. I talked to hae Jin alone for the first time" I blurt out and instantly regret, "sounds like you made a new friend" my mom says cheerfully, "mhm" I nod , I feel my face turning red, "ooooo looks like someone has a crush" Aiger teases, "WHAT?" I throw a meat ball at him " no- no I don't" everyone laughs. Suddenly we hear slamming at the front door , we all freeze, except my dad "GO UPSTAIRS NOW!" he shouts while grabbing his gun from under the cabinet, I was so scared was it a burglar? A murderer? Ahhh we need hae Jin to save us he's big and strong. We run upstairs, go in our parents room and lock the door.
Minutes felt like hours we waited there and waited ..... BOOM BOOM gunshots my dad must've shot him , I hear him yelling but I can't make out what he's saying, "I GOT HIM" he yells right outside the door, we go out " he's tried to get in through the garage he's in there now, hurry call the police!" He tells my mom, she runs towards the phone, I'm so scared I feel like I could cry, while I'm standing there I hear a moan it almost sounds like they're saying my name, and that voice- I run to the garage, Aiger runs after me, when I enter I see a bloody hae jin on the ground, I scream and run towards him, I start to cry, when Aiger enters he was just in shock "hae jin no!" I cry "please no" he's barley conscious "" he moans "HAE JIN WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I ask with my eyes full of tears , " I- I came here for you" he answers, his head is lying in my arms " you went all this way for me" I ask, he smiles "talk about creepy" Aiger mumbles, we ignore him " even if I die..... I'm- I'm happy... because I died for you"hae Jin whispers, I cry harder "DON'T SAY THAT" I scream "you're gonna be alright" I lean forward and kiss him.