Who do you sleep with?

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You have a nightmare in the middle of the night and go into their bed (you know because they just happen to be there room MaGiC😗👉🏼👈🏼) (Not apart of the "who's your roommate chapter)

Aries - Wing

Taurus - Chrollo (Lucifer)

Gemini - Gon

Cancer - Kurapika

Leo - Killua

Virgo - Feitan

Libra - Kurapika

Scorpio - Gon

Sagittarius - Killua

Capricorn - Wing

Aquarius - Chrollo (Lucifer)

Pieces - Hisuka

Would you guys like a Toilet bound Hanako kun Zodiac book?  (Hehe just rewatched it for like the 100th time 😤😳)

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