Chapter 2- Resoulution and Suggestions?

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Taehyungs POV

"Yoongi, get your cute little pale ass down here! Namjoon and Seokjin are here!" I yelled up to yoongi, not so patiently waiting for him. I waited a couple of seconds before he responded back. "I can't fucking move dickface, my ass is sore!" I looked over to Namjin, clearly embarrassed as they looked at me disappointed. Running upstairs quickly I came back down with a not so please Yoongi in my hands. We both sat down ready to listen to what Namjoon and Jin had to say.

"Okay so Tae, you called us because you said you and Yoongi are having issues, right." Jin asked looked between me and Yoongi. I nodded my head while Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked anywhere but me or the couple infront of us. "Okay so then what seems to be the issue boys?" Namjoon asked, somewhat bothered that Yoongi looked like he didn't care.
I twiddled with my fingers as I tried to find the right words to say,- "well um, you see Yoongi has such a bad attitude all the time and never really listens to me or what I have to say. He always wants what he wants and is just so grumpy and rude and I'm really tired of his attitude towards me and the people's he's around." Hearing this Yoongi immediately whipped his head around, his eyes wide, he was clearly offended by what I said and was ready to come at me as well. "Well I like me, He's super Immature. He can never do things on his own and he is so irresponsible. He's a fucking adult for goodness sake. He thinks just because he gets to stick his dick in my ass that he's suddenly the one in charge and doesn't have to give a shit. It's fucking ridiculous!" Now I was the one who was clearly offended, while Namjoon and Jin where literally speechless from Yoongi's words.

"Okay, so what I'm seeing right now is a bit of lack of communication. Do you guys talk about you feel?" Jin asked somewhat confused as to why this is supposed to be such a big issue. "Yeah I do fucking talk to him but his way to resolve the issue is to fuck me however he pleases and then call it a day. And hey I don't mind having a dick shoved in my ass all day, but it be nice to know that he takes into account what I had to say and try change." Yoongi stated. "Is he always this honest?" Namjoon asked me and I quickly nodded. I guess I could understand him, but I'm a horny motherfucker I just thought it was like makeup sex.

"Tae, do you always resort to sex to try and solve and issue?" Jin asked, now he actually looked somewhat concerned. "Well... I mean yeah.. I just i always thought that it was fine since he never complained about it and we just let the issue go. I didn't know he felt that way." I looked at Yoongi who was already looking at me, his beautiful cat eyes making my heart flutter a million times in my chest. "Tae, I wouldn't be so damn grumpy all the time if you just kept up with everything and not forget the important things. We are both adults, you can't depend on me for everything, you have to be able to manage things yourself when I'm no longer around." This immediately made my heart ache and tears form in my eyes. Sometimes I wondered how I was the top in this relationship when I was the most emotional. "No Yoongi, I don't want you to not be around anymore. Your not gonna leave me right?" My voice was already panicked as I was somewhat hyperventilating about the thought of my boyfriend leaving me because I couldn't do things on my own. His large but smaller hands cupped my face and he quickly pecked my lips before looking at me lovingly, a look I hadn't gotten in a while-" of course I'm not gonna leave you Tae. No matter how crazy you drive me we will make this work, I promise." He gave me his gummy smile, the smile I have been craving to see for the past 2 months since all he's done since then is bitch and complain but how I loved his fucking complaint and bitching.

We were so stuck to each other we hadn't noticed That The Namjin couple left us alone after we "resolved our issues a bit." But hey I'm good as long as I get to be with a Happy Yoongi for a day.

Time skip- 5 hours later(night time)

Me and Yoongi we're now laying on the couch, watching movies. It felt nice to be able to cuddle him without us being at each other's throats. But hey I guess that Capricorn and Pisces for ya huh(im sorry my zodiac obsessed ass had to put that in there)
Suddenly a scene came on where the main characters were about to start having sex but paused as the girl asked if she could top him. For some reason reason, This scene made Yoongi turn and place his attention on me. I gave him a confused look as I waited for whatever he wanted to say.
"Can I top you?" My eyes widened at his sudden requests as I quickly started bursting into laughter. "Yoongi-baby that's not how this works. Big dick fucks little dick. That's just how it goes. His eyes widened as he looked slightly pissed. "My 8 inch cock is not little! Do you know how many women and men wished there partners has dicks as big as mine! Just because your 12 inch monster cock Is big doesn't mean shit. My dick could do wonders to you." I looked at him somewhat interested in where this conversation was gonna go.

The difference between me and Yoongi was quite huge( no pun intended) I was indeed longer but a little bit thinner that he was he is more on the thicker side and even though I wouldn't totally hate the chance of him fucking me, I was kinda scared of how it would be able to fit into my virgin ass. "Listen baby boy, your not topping me, end of story." I tried my best to end the conversation but knowing him, he wouldn't back down. "First off, I should be the one topping you because I'm way older that you! It's not fair! I think if you let me do it you would really like it." He tried his best to reason with me, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all tempted but me being the dominant male that I am I had to try my best to put my foot down. I ain't becoming no ones bitch that's for sure. "You aren't sticking your cock in my ass, now stop asking." I once again tried to end the conversation but I was not prepared for his next answer.

"Well then how about I stick it in that pretty little mouth of yours then?"

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