Prologue : Who are You?

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The air was husky and the room was dark and they all sat around the gathering table with the atmosphere of gloom palpable to all, as they anxiously awaited his presence. Then suddenly he appeared from the shadows, a tall dark figure, who as soon as he entered the room sucked the barely present life out of his already nerve shot followers and struck fear into the hearts of every single one of them. His monstrous shadowy figure loomed over the room as he made his way to the head of the meeting table and looked over his small collection of mindless minions. Even though they had each individually passed the test of proving their devoted loyalty and willingness to please him, he still looked over them with distain, as if they were nothing more than the dirt under his shoe.  " Insolent cowards" he thought gravely to himself.  As he began to take in the appearance of every single one of them.

All of them, barely sitting upright in there chairs, with their heads bowed down in a fearful manner. Not one of them even daring to glance up, let alone look him in the eye, and that was the way he liked it. People ought to fear him and his ever faithful band of hench men and women were no exception.

"Welcome, everyone" he spoke with an icy and unsettling tone.

"I am so glad you all could join me this evening, as I have something important I need to .....establish." As he said this, he began to move from his place down the left most side of the table, taking out his wand and running it across the backs of their seats as he passed, sending a shiver down their spines.

"As you are all aware,  I am on the verge of becoming the most powerful and feared being, in all of wizarding history" he began as he continued to pace.

"And i am sure that I could've done it without the use of a bunch of sensless, pathetic half-wits, such as yourselves, however there are some that have proven their unconditional loyalty to me. he paused, as if to acknowledge those individuals, though, he could'nt really care any less about them. "And then, there are some who think it wise, betray the Great and powerful lord Voldemort" he breathed. He walked a little further on, until eventually stopping at one of the chairs, he leaned forward and with all of his strength, slammed his hands on the table making all the people around it jolt upright.

"Isn't that right,  Lebrancs?" he sneered facing one of the members of the gathering. Johnathen blythe Lebrancs, was a tall fair haired young man of about 25. He had menacing green eyes,pale skin and had served the dark lord as a Death Eater for just over five years. Lebrancs, upon hearing this was startled his green eyes were wide and full of fear,and then, realising what he meant calmed down. You, see even though he was marked as a death eater, he was also a spy for the Ministry of Magic. This of course came as no surprise to him, he knew that Voldemort  knew,he also knew that his fate had already been decided and it was just a matter of time. He had delt with it and was ready to go quietly. Taking a deep breath in and out he turned to face his 'master'. " my lord?" he said in a neutral tone.

"My lord." he retorted in a mocking tone, before grabbing him by the hair and yanking his head backwards, he leaned close enough to whisper in his ear. " I know what it is you did, you filthy traitor, and I am going to kill you in the most agonizing way possible."

Lebrancs, did'nt care, he knew that this moment was coming and he was ready for it. What did catch his attention though, was his youngest sister who was sitting across from him, the look of absolute terror on her face. ' Take care of her for me will you, John? ' the voice of his late eldest sister ringing in his ears. He was ready to die, but was she? Who would watch after her, when he too was gone? He looked over to her and gave her a reassuring smile, he then turned to the dark haired man sitting next to her, his most trusted ally, Derrick Montgomery and he had both joined the Death eaters together, Lebrancs had saved his life once and now it was time for him to pay it forward. " Look after her for me, Monty" he breathed.

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