Third Beginnings

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as Obama began to consider what he could do to play with Troy's mind, the sound of a door opening came from the back. it was....Micjelle!!!! Michelle was surprised to see naked boys in the room, and she gave Obama a very confused glance. "what the fuck is going on here Barack???" she asked bitchily. "god michelle, what're you my mom? you don't control my life." barack snapped back. "uh..hello michelle, my names troy" troy said awkwardly. "Troy, im done with this , let's go!" Barack ordered. "w-what? but wait, what about my team?!" troy asked frantically. "NEVERMJND THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT LET'S JUST GO!!!!" Barack yelled. he quickly grabbed troy's hand and fled through a secret tunnel before michelle could say anything else.

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