Tactics Emperor.

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Because of my wounds, the coach decided I would be not playing this match, unlucky me... But I was in charge of something.

|a day later|

I was called by the coach for something important, no one knew what he wanted to tell me.

I knocked on his door office.

"Come in!" Exclaimed the coach.

"You called me, Coach?" I open the door.

"Yes [L/N], I have something to tell you for the match of tomorow." he replied.

"I'm listening."

"I heard your wound didn't fully heal yet, so tomorow you won't be playing."

"what?! I swear coach I'm fine!"

"I understand your determination, but I cannot let you keep playing with this kind of wound, if you keep going in the pitch it might get worse."

You looked down, he was right, the pain of your leg was getting worse.

"Understood." I admitted.

"But there's another thing I need you to do." He smiles.

"Another?" I tilt my head.

|back to present|

And here I am, waiting for an unknown person that I've never saw before, what is the coach planning this time?

"Hello, you must be [L/N] [F/N] right?"
A voice could be heard behind me.

I turned face to the person. "Huh?"

I saw a boy taller than me, he has messy, spiky, reddish-pink hair and grey eyes, wait.. I saw him somewhere before.

"Nosaka... Yuuma?" I hesitantly said his name.

"Ah? You know me?" He smiled.

"You were also selected into the Inazuma Japan!"

"Yes, I'm a bit late because of something."

"Oh,that's why I'm here.."

"Didn't the coach tell you?"

"He didn't told me anything, he just said" I replied.

"Go to the Tokyo airport and wait there"

"I see, let's go then! I don't think the team would like we arrive late right?" He said.

"Right! Let's go!" I nod.

We called a taxi, me and Nosaka talked about everything about our team on the way.

"Is Nishikage doing fine?" He asked.

"Yes! He's here for every training, he also got choosed to be the goalkeeper today, because of an incident with Endou..." I answered.

"I see.. Guess this coach has good timing."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh nothing! I was talking to myself, sorry." He answered.

"It's fine! It happens." I know he lied.

First time talking to Nosaka and it went well, he's a pretty open minded boy, I thought he was gonna be cold to me, I've heard he was in this ares thingy.

But guess I was wrong!


Me and Nosaka were on front of the stadium.

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