Chapter II

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The thick, dark air loomed overhead like a blanket of soot, the world falling into a menacing shadow, save for the pearlescent gleam of the moon. Hogwarts appearing to be more of a fortress than a castle, it's towering gargoyles looming before her. The beams of light doing little to offset the nightmarish picture. Towering over the surrounding terrain, it's harsh brick exterior only contributed to the haunting aura coming from the school.

Not safe.

This place, these people were not safe. It didn't feel right, and she knew, but Severa didn't have any other options.

Students began to fill the halls, jostling her as they passed by, having already lost the boys from the train. She was glad though, Severa didn't need them. Though as she moved to approach the doors, her body slowed, muscles going taught. Looking up she spotted the monsters perched above, seemingly snarling at her, drooling, waiting for the perfect opportunity to devour her.

Snap out of it! She commanded, shaking her head before following the rest of the crowd into her new school. And boy was it worth it.

The sight took her breath away. The complex interior was as ancient as the exterior. The interior was just as ancient as the exterior. The old stone wall were made with a myriad of intricate paintings, so beautiful they looked to be alive. Tapestries hung as well, their ornate stitch work telling the tales of years passed.

"All transfers and first years please make your way to the front of the dinning hall." Said a curt voice, ringing out through the hall. Looking over Severa found it to belong to a professor dressed in a absurd pointed hat and onyx floor length dress robes with dramatically large sleeves. So she was going for the stereotypical witch look, interesting.

Severa rolled her two-toned eyes at the haughty professor and proceeded through the massive double doors that lead to the Great Hall. Taking in the mass of the student body she knew without a doubt this was going to be more difficult than she originally expected, not impossible, but hard. Students all around her were reuniting with friends, hugging and laughing as they gathered into the hall, talking animatedly about their summers abroad and of their families. Severa couldn't help but sneer.

"Harry!" A shrill voice shot through the air, breaking her thoughts. A girl with a bush of brassy hair embraced a shorter boy just a few feet from her.

Severa's heart stopped. She couldn't see his face but she knew it was him. His hair, the same inky black as the streak that ran through her own, dark and deadly. The way he carried himself, like he'd seen many years of hardship, and of course the very longing glances he was receiving, though he payed them no mind. As she watched, another boy, a tall one with red came racing up and joined their embrace. A twinge of envy rang through her at they parted ways, taking seats beside each other.

And just for a moment, Harry turned her way, as if he could feel her gaze burning into him. But as they locked eyes no sign of recognition flickered through them, save for a small smile before turning away. Severa couldn't help the way her heart dropped. Her own brother. Her twin, flesh and blood, didn't even recognize her.

Then she saw the famous scar, right smack dab in the middle on his forehead, peaking out from behind his hair; and just like that, all the sorrow drained from her heart and it was filled with icy rage running through her veins. That tiny, itsy bitsy, little scar was all it took for him to become the Chosen One. The Boy who Lived. Severa wanted to scream at him. To unleash all her pain on him, to show him, the world, what happened to her. Who she was.

"Severa Ignotum." The professor with the pointed hat called in annoyance. As if she had called her name multiple times. She had. Several snickers went through the crowd.

Severa took one last glance at Harry, but he was already sitting down, enjoying the company of his friends. Clenching her hands into fists, her nails making crescent moons in her palms, Severa made her way through the now silent crowd in a daze. The professors sat lined up along a long table in the back of the room, their backs to a large stained glass window overlooking the lake below. She locked eyes with a snakely looking professor, his black hair and clothes, the withered yet suspicious  gaze that followed her as she approached the chair, as if he'd too had hopeless years. Something clicked in the back of her mind, but it was gone just as fast before she could register what it was.

Before she took a seat, she looked to the head master, the famous Dumbledore, before he gave her a slight nod. She didn't know what it meant, but she assumed he was reminding her of their agreement to keep her identity hidden. Severa ignored him, and perched onto the chair, as if it was a throne. She kept her back straight and head held high, peering over the crowd as if they were her subjects, but when her eyes landed on Harry her confidence faltered slightly. Talking. He was talking they weren't even paying attention. Her nails dug into the wooden arm chairs as the Sorting Hat was lowered onto her head, heavier then she had expected. She didn't flinch when it started to speak.

Ah, you were a Thunderbird at Ilvermory I see.
She didn't respond. She didn't need to.

I can feel your anger, your ambition. You want recognition, as many great wizards and witches do. Your mind is impeccable, the hat mused, thinking.

She almost thanked him, but he continued.

I know where to put you, he stated finally.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat exclaims for the whole dinning hall to hear.

The long table to the left of the room erupted into cheers and applause. A smug smile took over Severa's expression as she slid from the stool and stalked over to her house's table.

"Sev!" She heard someone say, the voice belonging to a certain boy with white hair. A smirk took over her lips as Severa made her way over to Draco and his friends.

As she walked by, people clasped her on the back, congratulating her on her placing, excited to have another member. She finally made it to Draco's side and took a seat between him and Goyle.

"I knew you would make Slytherin," Draco mused, a smug smile on his face, the mark of her ring still imprinted on his cheek.

"Oh really?" She mused, "And how is that?"

"I just knew." He chuckled, reaching out to grab a roll.

"That and you slapped him!" A voice called across from her. "Nice right hook by the way!" Turning her gaze toward the voice she saw a very attractive boy sitting opposite of her, a cheeky smile crossing his lips.

Severa turned to Goyle, "Now who is this," bowing her head to the boy, "handsome young fellow?"

The boy stretched out a hand, "Blaise Zabini, at your service," a pause as he looked for her name, though she was sure he already knew it.

"Blaise Zabini." She said, letting the letters dance across her tongue as she took him in before giving him a devilish smile and returning the handshake, "Severa."

"Now that everyone has been placed into their houses, I have a few announcements before the feast begins," Dumbledore announced, his old voice warbling dangerously, "The first being that we have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, being our very own Professor Snape," he left a break for people to clap, to which the Slytherin house was the loudest. "That being said, the responsibility of Potions Master passes onto our new Professor Slughorn," A round of applause sounded and a short round man stood up form the long table of professors, accepting the praise gladly. "Now, let the feast begin!"

And with that everyone dug in. Severa stealing glances from the strange professor, to her brother, to Draco, to Blaise.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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