26. Doing Great

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Harry’s POV


She left us both in the kitchen, and I’m facing this fvcking man. He thinks he can get Jennifer away from me just by talking about her family? Fvcking NO WAY! She’s mine and I will never let her go from me, I will never give her away so easily.

“You should go, you’re jeopardizing our relationship. I know you like her just by the way you look at her, but I tell you this in front of your fvcking face, YOU CAN NEVER EVER GET HER AWAY FROM ME! SHE’S MINE!”

“She’s been with me for many years, you just known each other for what? Weeks? Months? She’s not completely yours Harry, I will get her back from you, sooner!”

He pulled my collar and pushed me away rudely, causes me to stumble down. And then he walks away.

This is war!

I went on Jennifer and I found her lying in her bed, faced back. I know she’s crying, I feel sorry about her, now that she’s gonna meet her family, I feel like Eniam is right. I’m holding her back, I’m hiding her, and I’m stopping her from her happiness.

“Jennifer, baby I’m so sorry.” I lie beside her in the bed and put my hand on her waist. She’s still not facing me. “I’m really sorry Jen, I’m making you carry harder this situation, instead of helping you and pushing you through your happiness, I’m the one stopping you.” I hugged her tight.

“No Harry, I think I need a break.” She took a deep breath. “We need a break.”

What? Wait, a break? No we can’t be doing this Jennifer, I can’t lose you. Please don’t be like this. Don’t leave me my love.

Eniam’s POV


Love is aversive, it can cause you break your heart into two, scattered into million pieces and you cry a liter of tears at night. It’s like water flowing in the river; you can never step on the same water once you’ve stepped in the first. Like the sun setting on the horizon, the darkness slowly bites over to cover the light embracing the bit of the universe. Your life becomes miserable and you don’t define what’s going on to be tomorrow’s hope. By the sea, as the waves toss the shore, the footprints left on the sand as your memory, slowly vanishing as the water pulls over.

“I’ll be taking you back Adhara.”

“So, did you find her?” The Seraph asks me.


“Where is she? Why isn’t she with you?”

“She’s living with another man, and he’s the reason why she can’t be with us now. He’s stopping her from getting in here.”

“What? This is not gonna happen. TAKE HER WITH ME RIGHT NOW!” he raised his voice.

“Not now Seraph, we’re gonna take the right time.”

“Do you love her?”

I felt hard thump into my heart. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this, I don’t know if I tell him the truth, he will like me as his daughter’s partner. Is he going to accept me?

“Yes, I really love her so much.” That’s the truth.


I should get her away from that Harry, I can feel it, he’s not good for her, he doesn’t deserve her. The way he holds Adhara’s hand, it’s not gentle, he’s hurting her physically and that will lead her for being emotionally hurt, I’m not gonna let that happen. I’m gonna protect you Adhara, just love me and we will be perfect.

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