Chapter 34

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At last, we were all ready to make our down to the city. Casa and I led, Father trailed behind. He admired the lush meadows and forestry, making comments about the singing colours of the flowers.

"Nilopoia truly hails some scenic beauty," I chuckled, looking over my shoulder. 

"I've never seen such diverse and vibrant flowers!" he exclaimed, letting his fingers gently run through the flowers. "Reminds me of Dasniz!"

Casa looked back at him. "Mister, I hope you get better sleep tonight. You're growing quite delirious!"

Father rolled his eyes and smirked with a glint of mischief in his eyes. I found myself growing suspicious of a blooming romance... but to rid that ridiculous thought out of my head, I tilted my head up towards the sky. The clouds were feathering up together, almost serving as a path down to Allience. 


The banners were shades of blue, red, and yellow. Children were running around, chasing around a chicken or two, or nagging their mums to buy them trinkets. A wave of familiarity hit me- I have not set foot within the city for months. Out of the bustling crowd, I managed to spot a bulky man near the butcher's- Gery!

Alyard appeared out of the side. He set down a box of freshly cut meat and stretched his back. He appeared quite tired as his hair was ruffled, but he seemed jovial to be finally back to his home. With his father.  

"Erl," Casa tapped my shoulder nervously- clearly overwhelmed by the crowd. "I honestly have not been down here ever since I made my way back home... and I don't remember where the butcher is."

"I see Gery and Alyard," I loped her arm into mine, along with Father's. "Just let me lead the way."

Alyard was inside by the time we arrived at the stall, but Gery immediately greeted Casa and me with the biggest of smiles- a rather goofy grin. 

"It's Erline and Casa!" Gery exclaimed gleefully. "These past few months have felt like years! It's so good to see yer guys. You even brought back a new friend!"

Father awkwardly nodded, introducing himself to Gery. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Gery. I am Gael Wallensport-"

"Wallensport!?" Gery exchanged glances between Father and me. "There's another Wallensport?"

"He's my father," I quickly interjected before he drew random conclusions. "We... it's a long story."

"Ah," he stared off into the distance. "Makes sense, lassy. Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet ye, Mr. Gael Wallensport!"

Alyard popped out, this time more put together and with another crate of cut meat. He stacked the crate on top of the other. 

"Good morning, you all!" Alyard trilled, walking out from behind the stall to greet us each with a hug. "Pa, I'm pretty sure you've made yourself pretty well acquainted with Gael. It's quite the tale...which you'll hear eventually. I offered them to come up to meet you and perhaps even break our fast together."

Gery nodded. "Now that would be my pleasure. Al and I got out the fresh meat for the next hour when the stall opens, so we have plenty of time. I bought myself a fresh loaf from Anais down the street, but I suppose I can split it with ye." He winked at us as he motioned us inside. 

I gazed at the house's walls, the familiar warmth I first encountered those few months ago.  Gery seemed to have cleaned out a few things, such as the extra surplus of barrels I noticed a while back. Perhaps it was just stock. 

"I also have some fruit," he mashed up some berries to make some sort of preserves to go with the bread. "Of course I didn't buy it, but they're in season so I picked up some whilst I went out huntin'." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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