Chapter 3-New school

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Sophie walked into Foxfire High with a confident spirit. She placed her books in her locker, and headed to her first class.

It was okay. She was hoping it would be more exciting, because she was in a bigger city.

She sighed.

"Wassup sis?" Marella said sliding up to her.

" Nothing. That's the problem. We're in LA, and theres nothing exciting going on. "

Marella shrugged. "Well, then you'll have to find something exciting."

"What does that even mean? " Sophie asked.

She didn't get an answer, because she walked away.

"Ugh." She slammed her locker and went to her next class.




Sophie sat down, and started fiddling with her pencil.

Spoon the class started, and Sophie was getting really bored.

All of a sudden, a blond boy walked in triggering a bunch of squeals from girls.

Sophie wasn't crazy about boys, but he was cute.

"Sorry I'm late." He said. Somehow he managed to make it seem genuine, even though it was obvious it wasn't.

"That is quite alright Mr. Sencen. You may take a seat now." Mrs. Marteia said.

He smiled and sat down. Right next to her.

"You're the new girl right?" He whispered.

" Yeah, and the new girl wants to pay attention so she can get good grades. " As soon as it came out of her mouth she tinked pink. "Sorry."

He smirked. "No problem. Well, I'd better leave you alone so you can get good grades then."

" Yes please. " She turned back to her paper.

Keefe chuckled softly.

Science passed uneventfully, and afterwards, was lunch.

As she walked in and got her food she scanned the area for Marella and Dex.

Dex was sitting with a bunch of boys that looked like nerds, and Marella was nowhere to be found.

"Sophie over here!" Marella yelled waving her over.

Somehow she had managed to sit with the most popular kids in the school. Well, actually Sophie wasn't surprised.

Sophie walked over and sat down.

"Guys, this is my sister Sophie." She introduced. "Sophie, this is Fitz, Linh, Tam, Wylie, Biana, and Keefe. 

Fitz had brown hair and teal eyes just Biana so Sophie assumed they were brother and sister.

Wylie was dark skinned, and had black hair.

Linh had wavy black hair with her tips dyed silver, and Tam had the same look, and looked actually the same, except with bangs, so she had to think that they were twins.

Then there was Keefe. The cute blond guy from Science class.

" Hi. " Sophie waved.

Everyone waved back.

"So where did you used to live before who you moved here?" Biana asked.

" A little town called Salt Creek. " Sophie replied. ( yes I know there not a real place in California)

"Hmm. I've never heard of it."

Sophie shrugged. The rest of lunch passed with everyone talking easily.

"See you tomorrow!" Marella called out as Edaline picked them up.

" Bye! " Wylie said.

Hope you liked this chapter. Yes, there's a very awkward ending, but I can't keep ending it like: Sophie sighed to herself. Another good day. Whelp, anyway bye guys!

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