Task Eight

80 4 14

• Must leave 2+ in line comments
• Must leave an honest and helpful 3-4+ sentence review, telling the author what you liked and some tips or things they can improve on.
• If you see any mistakes, politely tell them.
• You only have to read one chapter per task, but if you happen to like the book, feel free to read more!

SORCERERS QUEEN: RavenInWonderland

precerii to read chaoticminds- "Origami Love"

chaoticminds- to read precerii "A Little Too Much"

_shikato_ to read Daisyy128 "Forbidden Love"

bookwormfng to read precerii "A Little Too Much"


RavenInWonderland to read satinsaturdai "Blackwell's Killer"

AutumnLeighxo to read Daisyy128 "Forbidden Love"

Daisyy128 to read AutumnLeighxo "The Deal"

Daisyy128 to read _shikato_ "The Phoenix Queen"


8light9 to read AkoOku "Hostel Life"

AkoOku to read 8light9 "Look For The Light"

satinsaturdai to read RavenInWonderland "Unruly: Tales of Sienna"

Task must be completed by Sept. 7th.

• BOTM's must be completed by Aug. 31
• Let me know if I made any mistakes.

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