chapter- 5

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As per Tommy instruction as I reached to the address along with the order by his car as he gave me his car keys so I could deliver the order on time. I saw a huge villa where I stopped Tommy car.

I don't believe my eyes so I checked the address twice before visiting the villa.

Then I moved towards villa but two guards stopped me so I told them about the order so they allowed me. When I reached to the entrance I saw huge hall where the luxurious and comfy sofa are placed then the lady came who looks in her early forties, she is wearing an apron and have a name batch on her white shirt " Mrs Alex park so I think she is one of the employees over here. While she asked me "how can I help you, ma'am".

"You can call me Sophia" I smiled then she nodded in return

"Its order of Mr Peter asks us to deliver here." Indicating towards the bag of the order I carried with me.

"Yes, Sophia told me. You can send it yourself on the second floor from right then the blue door to left. He is in his study room" I nodded in return while memorising the directions.

I moved to stairs then reached to the second floor while admiring the villa then reach to the blue door and knock it and from another side, the sound came which sounds familiar " come" the I open the door and saw huge rectangular table in the centre of the room and other side have a shelf of books. Then my eyes landed to a person and I said "it's you" in disbelief.

He chuckles and said, "yeah it's me peter Collin".

"A regular customer," I said dumbfounded.

"Actually I was busy today so I ordered, I hope it's not a problem, "he said while I'm busy admiring his features he has blue coining eyes and his hair is perfectly brushed, he is wearing Armani suit. And he looked handsome too like Landon.

"O god how can I compare him with that jerk. I think you need to take some day off from work. Sophia you are exhausted" I wiped my subconscious thought. When he cleared his throat and caught me red-handed checking him out openly.

"Sorry," I said I return he chuckles as I feel embraced. I kept his order on the table.

I turn back to go but he said something "hey ... "but his phone ranged and got busy in the phone. So I thought he must say this on the phone. So I moved out.

When I'm making my way out I saw a room whose door is open so I glanced inside a man in fifties having grey hair wearing tuxedos looked so angry that I can predict they are arguing on something and then in a blink, he slapped the man who's standing in front of him and his back facing me.

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