chapter- 6

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I got freeze at my place when that old man slaps another person who's back facing me. As he is making his way out and our eyes met and I found that person none other than Landon the jerk. His expressed become furious and the same time looked shocked when he saw me I felt like I became the witness of crime and he is the culprit.

As he moving towards me so I tried to escape as making my way out but before that, I felt hands around my wrist before I register something he takes me to one of the room and pinned me to the wall while he is hovering on me and his expression so furious so I urged to cry but I controlled myself. And his grip on my wrist is too hard as much I tried to slip it away his grip becomes strong.

"What the fuck you doing here?" he said furiously as his hold on my wrist becomes hard too.

I don't find the word to speak as he too close even I can feel his minty breath on my face but I tried to speak "umm...order..... I deliver..." I stuttering while speaking and his expression becomes more furious.

"Its last warning stay away from me it would be better for you... because if you don't ... You can't bear the consequences". He threatens me and moves out of the room while a tear escaped from my eyes.


I came back to my apartment while Kristin watching a TV. She asked me by looking at my face "is something wrong, Sophia"? I shook my head in no but she understood that I'm lying but she didn't push me further.

After eating we both back to room and Kristin tried to cheer me up in her own way and I tried to not show her my agony because if I do she busted with so many questions and I'm very tired to answer them.

While lying on my bed I looked at my damaged phone and remembered my father.

"Dad I want a new mobile phone as my birthday gift" while making a pout.

"Only if you get good grades dear," he said while kissing on my forehead.

I said "promise" in return he nodded.

And suddenly darkness engulfing me and I got a call and person from other side said "your father met with an accident as he admitted to TAKE CARE hospital"

I'm screaming " I love you"

Fluttery I open my eyes as I realized its dream and looked at the mobile which I was holding while sleeping.


Next morning I decided to avoid everyone as it's a better way to live in peace so Kristin and I take our classes after that we made a plan for shopping as Kristin wanted to buy some stuff and Tommy had given me leave because I worked overtime as of shortage of worker and I didn't refuse as I thought that I needed one.

Kristin and I shopping and my legs are tired by walking as she moving from one shop to other and suddenly we heard the voice of lady, we turned around "thief, thief ... he stole my purse" indicating a man who's is coming toward our direction by sprinting as I take my handbag and wave in the air that thief fall backwards and he groans in pain and said "you have to pay for this lady" before anyone caught him he runs away again.

I don't understand nowadays why everyone keeps warning me or threatening me. But I care less all this stuff at least for now.

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