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The next day I followed my routine of flopping tiredly out of bed to make breakfast. This was more for Jason as today's special was chocolate chip pancakes with a whipped cream smile, I was more than enough satisfied with a cup of coffee. Today was especially hard to get through because of last night's lack of sleep. Luckily, today was the weekend, so no work to worry about. Besides, seeing Jason's gratitude through his face full of the pancake was more than enough for me. "Hey, bud, did you leave your toy in my room?" I chuckled nervously. With cheeks full, he looked at me confused, "did you buy me something?" he mumbled.

"No," I scratched my head tiredly. There was just absolutely no explanation as to how it ended up in my room, "Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously at the boy convinced that he may have purchased something behind my back. Jason just exaggerated nodded a no as his response, "Nope, though" he pondered. "It might be Jack's"

"Jack?" I felt my hand latch on the oven handle frantically, "Who is Jack?" Jason let out a huge long yawn as he gave me his answer, "the friend I told you about sis" My body felt a release as I realized what he meant. Jason had most likely bought the thing for his imaginary friend. Well, there was no harm in pretending, I mean at least he was acting his age for once. Quickly changing the topic, I held out my specula eagerly, "Seconds?" Now that I really thought about it the top of the box was engraved with the name Laughing Jack, so it made sense. There was nothing to worry about.

When breakfast was done, I took some time to watch the morning news. As much as I hated hearing about dead children cases going around, I needed to be more aware of my surroundings to ensure our safety. Turning on the tv, a news reporter appeared on the screen. "Today's news, a girl was found brutally murdered in Hillwood road, police have taken 46 years old, Rena Reeves into custody." There had been another murder case not too far from here again. How was it possible? It took everything in me to keep watching as the reporter delved into more information, "The sheriff's department investigating have dubbed it as another homicide"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing as the outside of the home was shown. How was it possible to have this many repeated cases of homicides in the same town? Something wasn't making any sense here. Turning off the tv, I rubbed my forehead, exasperated by the dreadful news. It was stupid of me to expect things to be normal with the world falling apart as it was. All of the victims were children, just like Jason, how could I not be upset? I turned to look at my brother on the table, scribbling away.

"Whatcha, got there?" His attention was infallible as his eyes intensely stuck to the paper. From what I could tell it was a drawing of a tall black and white character, with sharp nails and jagged teeth that made it look like a shark. It was unsettling to look at, just like the box it tickled my mind in a way that disturbed me. "Is this Jack?" Curiosity prickled my voice. Jason looked surprised by my observation, he quickly held out the drawing proudly, "Yeah, doesn't he look cool!" From what I gathered he resembled a tall clown with frightening traits, he was more nightmarish than cool. Regardless, I nodded. I quickly snatched the drawing and began to pleasantly admire it, "It's a true work of art! Looks like we got a little Da Vinci in the family" I winked as I comically pretended to faint from the sheer awesomeness of the drawing. Jason laughed loudly, it was always good to hear someone appreciated my antics.

"Jack thinks you're funny" he laughed out breathlessly. "Oh? Does he now?" my arms folded as I leaned in with a raised eyebrow, "Good to know someone in this house appreciates comedic genius" This made Jason laugh at me, "You're not funny!" Continuing my little performance, I raised my hands into claws over him. "Is that SO!?" I yelled out as my hands tickled him relentlessly. Jason was practically in tears as he tried to roll out of my grasp. When my torture was done I gave him the biggest kiss on his cheek, "Arrghh, I love you!!" '

It was days like this that really felt like we were a complete family again, even while our parents were gone I could feel them with us in a way when we laughed together. It's what made the home feel like home. "So, tell me my budding artist, what adventure would you like to embark on today? I tried my best to lighten up, after all, he was just a kid. "Let's go to the park!" He jumped out of his seat from pure excitement. Jason was overwhelming active, there was just no keeping this kid from going outside to explore. "Sure bud, just let me get ready"

I went upstairs into my room, still feeling the uneasiness I felt from last night. No matter where I went, paranoia filled me as I still felt the eyes of someone watching me. Shaking off the strange feeling, I slung on my jacket on. I silently chuckled at the thought of being haunted by a specter being, such things don't exist. With that, I headed downstairs.

As much as I wanted to stay indoors, safe from any danger, I knew this little trip would do us both some good. Jason, of course, was enthralled at our new change of pace. The very moment we arrived he just ran wildly into the playground. Like a dog off its leash for the first time, the image made me laugh. As funny as it was to see, it made me happy to see him having fun. What made me nervous was the lack of children around, it was just us here. I understood why with all the crimes being committed around here. It painted a picture of how really isolated the two of us were from everyone else. It broke my heart to see him joke and laugh alone. I pulled myself together because at least we had each other through all of this. I had to be there for him.

With that in mind, I got my hands on the monkey bars. No one was around to see this adult woman make a fool of herself, so when in Rome I philosophized. It was a good work out for me anyway. When Jason saw me he made fun of my futile efforts, "You're too old for that!" he mercilessly giggled. Insulted, I let go of the steel bars and chased my brat of a brother around, acting as a dragon seeking to devour him. "Too old huh?!" I huffed out as I grabbed him with both arms. We've spent the whole evening laughing and having fun, tackling every part of the playground kingdom.

My poor old bones had enough and decided to lay myself to rest on a bench. Maybe Jason was right, his youth gave him enough energy to run at least ten marathons. My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was Bonnie. She had made a habit of checking on me. We made some small talk as she went on to talk about her upcoming date. "Oh, I'm sorry! I went off about myself, what are you guys up to?"

"We're just at the park, thought it'd be great to get some fresh air" I tiredly said. My health wasn't the best, so any physical exertion was not in my best interest. "Oh! Send me some pics of you two!" I looked through my phone to send her one of the silly selfies Jason and I took together. When I found one I was fully satisfied with I sent it confidently sure she'd chuckle at our antics. "CUTE!" her voice squeaked through the phone.

There was a brief strange pause on her end after that, "Uhh, y/n?" her behavior caught me off guard. "Yes?" I seriously responded. "What's that thing in the back?" I looked at my phone confused as I didn't know what she was referring to. "In the picture you sent, there's something in the back" Opening the app to my photo gallery, I saw what she was talking about.

My eyes widened with fear as I saw the jarring figure loom behind us. Standing not too far from us, was the same exact character my brother invented, it was Jack. The image was too terrifying for words as nothing came out. My hands shaking as I looked at Jason still talking to the invisible figure. Bonnie must have sensed something was wrong, "Hey, y/n? You went quiet, is everything okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm gonna have to call you back" Fear filled every part of me, nothing was making any shred of sense. I could feel all the blood leave the surface of my face, leaving me as pale as a sheet. Whatever Jason was talking to was real and from what I could tell did not have any good intentions. 

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