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"Thanks for letting me stay the night," Lisa smiled as she pulled her t-shirt over her head.

Chaeyoung crinkled her nose as she outstretched her hand to the dark-haired girl standing in the center of her room, motioning for her to come over to her.

Lisa accepted her hand, allowing herself to be pulled in-between the taller girl's legs from where she sat on the bed as they intertwined their fingers.

"You can always stay," Chaeyoung replied simply, squeezing Lisa's hand in her own.

"Well not anymore," Lisa sighed as she looked over her shoulder, eyeing the empty bed that would soon be occupied by Chaeyoung's new roommate.

"You know what I meant," Chaeyoung insisted, remaining serious. "I love sleeping with you."

"Oh I know," Lisa teased, wiggling her eyebrows at the blonde.

"I was referring to the actual sleeping part," Chaeyoung huffed as she reached up to shove Lisa's shoulder playfully. "Not saying that I don't love the other stuff," she winked.

"I know," Lisa grinned, moving her hands to lock around the back of Chaeyoung's neck. "I love it too. All of it," she added as she began to stoke the girl's soft skin with her fingertips. "I think I might be a little bit addicted to you."

"Like a drug?" Chaeyoung questioned, tilting her head slightly as she looked up at Lisa.

"Yeah, Chae, like a drug," Lisa laughed lightly. She bent down to connect their lips, unable to refrain from smiling against the blonde's.

Every kiss with Chaeyoung was as intense and as exciting as the first one. Actually, the fire she felt grow inside of her when their lips connected may have just been growing more powerful over time. Each kiss, no matter how short or simple, was completely intoxicating. Somehow Chaeyoung sucked all of the oxygen from her lungs while also making her feel more alive than she ever thought was possible. It was a feeling she never wanted to forget. She hoped she'd never have to.

"In that case, I'll gladly keep supplying," Chaeyoung whispered once their mouths separated.

And just like that, Lisa reconnected their lips once more, already desperate for her next fix.

One of Chaeyoung's hands rested on Lisa's lower back, gathering a fistful of her cotton t-shirt, and the other sat below the dark-haired girl's waist, palming the covered flesh there and pulling her closer. Lisa's hands had moved to Chaeyoung's face, cradling it gently as she bent down slightly to continue moving their lips together. Just as the kiss was beginning to intensify, both girls jumped when they heard a knock on the door.

"Damn," Lisa pouted, stepping away from Chaeyoung so she could get up and answer the door.

"I'm sorry," Chaeyoung smiled gently as she stood up. She gave Lisa a final peck before moving across the room.

Lisa ran her fingers through her hair as she stared at the closed door anxiously. She let out a deep sigh, knowing this probably wouldn't be the last time they would be interrupted in this way. They had lucked out with the privacy they had been granted without Chaeyoung having a roommate, taken advantage of it, even. Now that was all about to change, and for some reason it was really getting to Lisa. Was it really just because it would be harder for them to find time alone to do those intimate things, or was it something else?

It wasn't that she didn't trust Chaeyoung; she did. But was it really unreasonable of her to be a little worried about her being in such close quarters with someone else? She knew first hand the effect Chaeyoung had on girls. Would this new roommate be a threat to Lisa? To their relationship?

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