17 🌸

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Hwanwoong decides to roam around the store after a while of being in it. He wanted to explore the place since it is his first time there, and he was so surprised by how big it is. Ravn didn't mind though. He even says to explore around if the younger wanted to, to which he did.

And there he is, walking from aisle to aisle as his eyes scan the shelves. There were so many types of things and different brands that he has never heard of that it amazes him. At the next row, he saw things on the shelves that weren't art supplies, but more to craft? Is this the craft section?

Being curious, he steps into the aisle, seeing things like clay and also small models. Hwanwoong looks closer at the row of creatures, such as animals and fairies. He walks along as his eyes scan every tiny model, until a particular one caught his eye.

It was a tiny wolf. Its eyes were sort of sharp, but it still looks adorable. Somehow, it reminds him of something...or more like someone. It looks like it wanted to be intimidating, but instead, it's just cute.

He decides to take a closer look, picking it up from the shelf. He notices that it had other fine details, like the fluffy tail, and the tiny paws. The longer he looked at it, the more he fell in love with it. It was very to his liking. Or maybe it was because it reminded him of-

"Did you find anything?" The voice startled Hwanwoong, him almost dropping the tiny model but manages to catch it. Hwanwoong sighs in relief as he clenches onto the fragile porcelain wolf.

"What's that?" Ravn tilts his head as his eyes laid on the miniature wolf in Hwanwoong's hand. The younger notices it, him laughing nervously as he places it back on the shelf, before turning to the taller.

"It's just something I found randomly. It caught my attention so I decided to take a look. That's all." He smiles sheepishly at the older. Ravn took a step closer to the shelf where the tiny wolf is on, him eyeing the thing for a moment.

"You can buy it if you want." Hwanwoong's ears perked up at the older's words, him immediately shaking his head.

"N-no no. It's fine. It's just a random thing anyway. Plus, it's not even an art supply. It would be a waste." The younger insists, to which Ravn gave into when Hwanwoong suddenly changed the topic, asking the older about what was in the basket he was holding.

The older explains the items, what it does, and what brand is the best. But then also telling him that the most popular brand doesn't equal to best results since in the end, it depends on your own skills. He advises Hwanwoong to adventure on different brands until he finds the ones he likes.

Hwanwoong, the whole time, types out notes in his phone, him listening carefully to his advice and such. Though at one point, he did feel like he was slightly lost. But he didn't show it. Not wanting to disturb the older who was explaining to him.

"So, I should choose which brand I want to use first...right?" Hwanwoong asks as he and Ravn walk towards the paints section, the older nodding. The different types that are laid in front of Hwanwoong were overwhelming. There's so many. There's the tube type, the bucket type, the even smaller tube type, and also a box type? Is it better for him to buy a whole pack or just singles? Is it better to buy the big ones immediately or the small ones? Also, how is he supposed to know which brand he should go with? Should he just wing it and just take the one with the fanciest name? Or maybe he should just go with the same one that the university provided. HELP

Ravn notices the younger's panic state, Hwanwoong just staring at the colors in front of him.

"Want me to help?", Hwanwoong heard the male beside him chuckle lightly. The boy nods with pleading eyes, wanting the older to help him out. Ravn doing just that by showing the brands, and tell Hwanwoong what they're like based on his experience. Again, the younger was focused on the older's words, but at one point, his mind suddenly wandered elsewhere. And that elsewhere...is the male in front of him.

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