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"You messed up." Aaron said. "I know!" I replied. "Have you tried talking to her?" He asked. "No Aaron!" I was getting angry. "Gosh, just trying to help." He shrugged. "Well you're not good at it." He looked at me. "Explain." He said. "What?" I squinted. "Go to her and try to explain." He simply said. "It won't work." I said. "You don't know that." He's getting on my nerves. "Yes, I do. She's probably still mad and won't listen." I said. "Then wait a while til she cools off." Ugh. "She won't cool off." I said. "You don't know that." He said once again. "Oh my god Aaron!" I threw my arms in the air. "Fine! I won't help." He said. He opened the door. "I'll be at ray's." He said before slamming the door.

Can I do anything right?
Maybe I will talk to her. No. Yes. Ugh.

I decided to talk to her. I have her phone cause she left it at the party. So there's a reason to go.
I got to her dorm. Good thing I have a key. She wouldn't let me in otherwise. I opened the door to see her and Dave hugging on her bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. They looked at me startled. "What? Did you forget what this bastard did to you? Now you're hugging him." I was angry. They still haven't said anything. "Jason. I think you should leave." Dave said calmly. "I think you should leave." I said. "I don't think Olivia wants you here." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Why the hell would she want you here?" I glared. "It's a long story." He said. "I have time." Olivia was getting angry. "I think you should go..." I punched his jaw. He stumbled back holding his face. "Stop telling me to leave. I want to know what's going on." Olivia stood up and ran to Dave. "Are you okay?" She said. "This has got to be a joke." I laughed. "Jason, leave." She said. "I just want to know why Dave is in your room!" She turned to me. "Why do you care?!" She yelled. "Because FRICKING DAVE is In your room when he shouldn't be." I said. "Don't you think if I didn't want him here he wouldn't be here? He would've been gone a long time ago!" I can't believe this. "He's changed." She said. "I doubt that." I said. "Go." She said. "No. You're not safe with him." I said. "I'm not under Jason arrest anymore!!" She yelled. "You proved that yesterday." She said. "I love you." I said. Like that would help. "No you don't. Cause if you did you wouldn't have willingly cheated on me." She said. "I was drunk." I said. "Yeah so was I and I don't do anything." She said. "I-I just don't want to deal with this! I want it to back the way it was! The cuddles, the sweet sayings, listening to records. Jason, I want it to be normal." She said. "It can be." I started crying. Wow. "No it can't." She said. "NOTHING CAN BE NORMAL. SOMETHING WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN." I yelled. "Someone will always interfere. Something will always come between. No one can have a 'normal' relationship." I broke down. "No Jason! I want our normal. Our definition of normal. What we had before. When we were kids. The summer of 2011. I want it all back." She cried. "I can give you that." I said. "I can give you 'our normal'. I can bring it back. Just give me a chance!" I said. "I've already given you enough chances." She shook her head. "No, you haven't." I said. "Just please." I said. "No." She said. "I'll just stop trying." I said. "Here's your phone." I handed it to her. I opened the door. I turned around before leaving. "Goodbye. I love you." I turned to Dave. "Please take care of her." I said.


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