I want to hide

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I want to hide
From people's sight
I don't want their attention
it brings wrong affection

I live in my head
it is the only place no one will be death

I hate thier actions
If I don't stop, I can't hide my reactions

They want me to smile
But I didnt listen to them for a while

I want to fight, yell, scream
They didn't say anything, just destroyed my dream

I want to run
I don't know where, perhaps to the sun?

I want to be in silence
there is not any violence

They pretend as long as they want
Eager to humilite people waiting in front

Their egoes are like Gods
But they don't know they are still like tods

Their minds are not active
That is why they forgot,  beauty is subjective

I don't know what to say
I wish I can find a way

I want to free my soul
Forget all these things, make it finally whole

MY Soul, My Heart, My MindWhere stories live. Discover now