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[Funeral day]

“Ey vuka wena”. (Wake up) I wake Ngiphile up. Don't ask me how she ended up in my bed, but she did and it still means nothing. Just because we had sex that doesn't mean that things are good between us, they are far from being better. She stirs looking the other way not showing signs of waking up any time soon. I pull off the blankets dropping them on the floor this will surely wake her up. I take a bath, in fact I just do touch ups I will come back later to come and bath properly, I am a man after all I don't smell I can go 3 days without bathing, and still not develop a foul smell. Getting back to the bedroom I find Ngiphile awake busy with her phone.

“Go, and take a bath we are running late”. I tell her while wearing my clothes I have to look presentable.

“What's the rush? The funeral is 2 hours away”.

Me: “Go to your house, and prepare yourself because you know that you are very slow”.

Her: “Wow. Just like that Xolane”?

Me: “What were you thinking was going to happen? Just because we had sex that doesn't mean that everything is fine between us. Now, get up from my bed, and go to your house also take the sheets with you. They smell of your scent causing me nausea”. I take my gun, and put it on my waist leaving her crying. So, she thought that sex was going to fix everything? She is too naive. On my way to Siyamthanda's house I pick Mzwandile & Brian at a garage since Mzwandile's car is broken, and Brian's car is at the service. Oh, and last night everything went well Baksteen got all the information that those men were discussing, they sure did discuss a lot, Billy will fill us in Monday. I'm just glad that everything went well, and we are all safe, well, for now until we start striking.

“The day is finally here. Today we are accompanying Sparks to his final resting place. Yabona, who ever killed him doesn't have a heart. He is cruel, did he even think that this man has a family, and a baby on the way? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, he knew that he had a family, that's why he even became more heartless, and dumped Sparks body in his mother's doorstep. He deserves to rot in hell”! Mzwandile says, you can hear from his voice that he is angry. But who wouldn't be if your sister is the one who will suffer? How is she going to cope mara? I hope she attends therapy, or something. It's also a good thing that he doesn't know who killed Sparks, they had a very tight brotherhood I understand his anger toward all of this, I just do. Brian & I look at each, and he shrugs.

“He is heartless indeed”. I had to say something.

Him: “Don't you have someone in mind who might want him dead”?

Me: “No idea. The last time I remember he did not have any enemies”.

Him: “Enhlek, this is all your fault Xolane, if you didn't introduce him to this gangster shit of yours he would still be alive. It is all your fault! You killed him”! I ignore him, and concentrate on the road. I might say something hurtful to him. He is out here acting like a saint not knowing that we know what he did to acquire his riches. But not everyone knows that he has lot money because he doesn't give out a lot, and he wears normal like all the other guys around. His house, here in the hood is a 3 room house, but he has 2 mansions in Ben fluer & highveld view he thinks we don't know all that, and more.

Brian: “Did Xolane point a gun in his head, and forced him to join the gang? Did he? Ungazokhuluma amazimba Lana ngizaku kakisa wona ngomlomo nou”. He laughs.

Him: “You will do what? Do you know who I am? Don't test me boy because you won't like it when I retaliate. It's not going to be nice, don't come for me”.

Brian: “You think I don't know who you are? Is that what you think? News flash boy I know exactly who you are, and what you are. I dare you to retaliate, I dare you Mzwandile, and I will show you your deceased...”.

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