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“He still hasn't contacted you?” Comes Sasha's voice behind me. She stands next to me handing me a glass of vodka. I didn't even see her come in, and I definitely did not see her car pulling up the driveway it's not as if like I was in deep thoughts or something, her car engine is fucked up I would've heard it from a distance that Sasha is coming. I called her 2 days ago, and told her about the disappearance of Vuyo, and she promised to come today since she was in Swaziland for a modeling gig, I'm just glad that she's here at least she'll keep me company, and stop me from thinking a lot to a point where I get sleepless nights worrying about a grown man like Vuyo. Not knowing where Vuyo is- is really stressing me, I mean, he even abandoned his car at the garage, petrol station that is, I was informed by the tracker company that the car is there. It seems as if like he didn't want to be found, I can't say that he was kidnapped or something because his car was still the same when I got there, but his phone was switched off.

I just don't understand as to why, would he choose a stranger instead of me, his wife. It doesn't make any sense, he did not even tell me that he was leaving, he just left in the middle of the night I guess while I was in deep sleep, I should've known that something was off the moment he told me that he will sleep on the couch. But the way I was livid I didn't suspect anything, nothing at all. And him telling me that she has a daughter sent me in to a total shock, I couldn't believe it, and I know very well that he just wanted to piss me off, and he sure did. You see, when I met Vuyo he was single, and had no child, and no baby Mama drama. So, I don't know what gave him that idea to lie to me, I really don't know why or maybe he's just desperate to have a child, nx.

“No. He still hasn't called Sasha.” I finally answer her taking a sip of the vodka, I cough as it burns my chest I'm not used to vodkas & whiskeys. “And thanks for the shot I needed it.”

Her: “You're welcome. Why is Vuyo doing this though? Why doesn't he call, and let you know that he's safe wherever he is?”

Me: “He's clearly trying to stress me, and it's working if you ask me.”

Her: “What really happened between the two of you? But my gut feeling tells me that you're the one who initiated whatever happened between the two of you first.” I roll my eyes at her.

Me: “I'm not the bad person here, he is. Anyway, we had a little quarrel he brought some hobo looking boy here in my house, a dirty smelling hobo boy making my whole house to stink. Can you believe it? Haike. I told him that I don't want that boy in my house he must see to it that he leaves.” She laughs.

Her: “Instead he left together with that young boy? Wow, he's brave. He did you bad. But then, why did you tell him that you don't want the boy in your house I'm sure he had a very good reason as to why he brought him to your house. You should've sat down with him, and heard what he had it to say.”

Me: “Sat down with him? There was nothing to talk about Sasha. I didn't want that boy in my house, I wasn't about to play happy family with that boy.”

Her: “What if Vuyo was testing you to see whether you will make a good mother or what? What if he was going to adopt that boy seeing that the both of you can't have a child of your own?”

Me: “Adopt? Trust you me, I will never raise a child that I did not birth. I'm sorry, but I don't see myself raising another woman's child.” She sighs.

Her: “I get where you're coming from though. I also don't see myself raising another woman's child it is so not me, well, not that I want kids anyway. But why do I feel as if like you are hiding something else from me?”

Me: “Am I? Oh, no babe. I'm not hiding something.”

Her: “If you say so. I'm hungry let me go, and make myself something to eat, should I make for you too?”

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