Chapter 25 - Codename Time

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" Ah, so 'Itona' is written with the characters for 'becoming thread'? " Kayano realised as she read Itona's name on his book.

" One of those flashy names, I see! " Kurahashi smiled.

" It's a pretty cool name. " Kataoka complimented.

" There are others who have some weird names in this class too. " Itona pointed out.

Kimura sighed.
" HUH?! 'Justice'?! I really thought it was 'Masayoshi'! " Kayano exclaimed.

" Everyone's generous enough to read it that way and I even asked Koro-sensei to call me that too. " Kimura looked down at the ground as he explained.

" It did made us quite anxious when your name was read during the ceremony. " Sugaya piped up with a relieved sigh.

" I hate the thought of another public execution when graduation comes around. " Kimura groaned.

" Why were you named 'justice' though? " Asuna asked curiously.

" Well, my parents are both police officers. They're pretty obsessed with justice so they thought it'd be a good idea if their child bore the name of something they value a lot, I guess. " Kimura answered, uncertain.

" And my parents would smack me if I complain about it. They never see how a kid could get teased about it in school. " Kimura frowned, sighing unhappily.

" Isn't it nice though? Giving your child a name that relates to something they value so much...isn't it just another sign that they value you as much as they value that thing? " Asuna smiled with a distant gaze.

Kimura blinked in surprise, " I guess...I never really thought of it that way. "

" I can relate to you right there, Masayoshi. " Kirara smiled creepily as she got into Kimura's personal space, " Look at me, I'm a Kirara. Kirara with this face! Do I look like a Kirara to you? "

" N-No... " Kimura sweat dropped.

" My mom pretty much lives in her own fantasy world but if something she dislikes happen, she goes into a screaming hysteric. What a stressful household I was raised in. There's no way I would grow into such a new name. " Kirara clicked her tongue.

" Must be tough for all of you to bear such weird names. "  Karma pitied as he walked up to the group who just grew tick marks at his statement.
" Me? I like my name actually. " Karma grinned, " I guess some kids inherit their parents' strange tastes. "

" It's a pretty unique name. Khari-nii also has an unorthodox name in this area. " Asuna agreed.

" Gharee? " Nagisa asked.

" Khari! Kh-a-ri. " Asuna repeated, " He's Karma's older brother! "

" EH?! Karma has an older brother?! " the group shouted in surprise.

" You guys didn't know? " Karma wondered.

" You never really mentioned your brother. Just that your parents like to travel around and doesn't stay often too much. " Nagisa explained.

" Ah, guess I never really did mention him. He's working as a marine biologist and is 23 years old. If I remember correctly, my parents had just gotten back from Africa when they found out my mom was pregnant. They were adamant about giving him a name that's related to Africa. Khari means kingly, I think. " Karma shrugged.

" That's a nice meaning. " Nagisa said.

Kimura looked disappointingly at the ground.

" I myself isn't satisfied with my name. " Koro-sensei spoke up as he approached Kimura's desk.

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