㉖You Think I Don't?

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The silence and stillness carried on for a while, something that set Jeongguk's pulse to a thousand beats per minute.

Just as he was about to question what was happening, he felt smooth fingers wrap around his nape, pulling him closer. Soft lips pressing against the side of his neck into a delicate kiss followed and caused him to flinch lightly by the unexpected and heart-fluttering gesture.

"You can stop me anytime you want."

Taehyung's whispering voice and hot breath grazing his skin sent a trail of goosebumps down his spine. He stayed mute, eyes still closed, lips parted in astonishment as another soft kiss was planted an inch away from the previous spot.

They weren't lustful kisses. They were sweet and tender just like Taehyung's lips against his skin — as Jeongguk thought the very moment he felt the first small kiss on his neck. Time seemed to flow in slow motion for him as each kiss he gave him left a tingling sensation behind.

He had no idea what he felt about the myriad of kisses cloaking his neck. His mind went blank, his stomach tightened so much it took his breath away, but he knew one thing for sure; he didn't want him to stop.

Taehyung was on a whole other level of bliss. He knew it was too much and maybe over the line to do this, but he had to do something to erase the bad memories of his own hands wrapped around his neck. He could hear his jerky breaths as he drew delicate kisses on every inch of his neck that matched perfectly with his own rapid breath and erratic pulse.

He was beyond nervous and maybe a little daunted about Jeongguk's reaction; even though he hadn't moved or said anything at all from the moment he started showering his neck with kisses, he was still apprehensive about what his reaction would be afterwards.

Planting one last tender kiss and feeling throughout content since he got to have a taste of his soft skin, he withdrew and laid his eyes on him, contemplating his state.

His eyes were still closed, his lips parted, and his cheeks glowed with a rosy tint — the same the tips of his ears had. His chest rose and fell at a faster pace than usual as he tugged at his hair, something Taehyung himself was unable to perceive before since he was so lost and captivated by his smooth skin and sweet-scented aroma.

The younger sensed the warmth on his neck disappear, but he felt paralyzed. His mind was still empty of any thought as he was all out confused about what was supposed to happen then. So he kept his eyes closed and did nothing else because... fuck, why did it feel so good? And what was he supposed to do about it?

"Is it better?"

Taehyung's voice broke him out of his inebriated state, but still, he didn't venture to open his eyes. "Yes."

"Little bun, can you take some deep breaths for me?" Taehyung asked, worry etched all over his face as he noticed that his breath was still uneven.

Jeongguk's did what he was told; he inhaled deeply from his nose and exhaled from his mouth at a slow pace, squeezing his closed eyes.

"Was it... awful? Was it that scary to you? Maybe... I shouldn't have done that?" Taehyung asked, his voice laced with doubt and bitterness as he thought that maybe it wasn't such a good idea.

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