Day 1

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Dear diary ...

I am not usually doing things like this , but Pansy told me that I should write down everything that's happening . She told me that this will calm down me and I won't be all the time bothering her . So I agreed .

Nothing special happened . We are at the train right now , pretty close to Hogwarts . If you would look out of the window now , you would se the forbidden forest . That's very interesting place . But I don't like going there . Allways something bad happens here .

Well we're alomst there so I am gonna go . Hope that something more fun will happen in my life .

Draco looked out of the window hoping that he would see something . And he did . On the edge of the forest just right next to the train stop , stood a wolf . But quiet interesting wolf . Draco couldn't see every detail but for sure he saw his green eyes . Was it normal for wolves to have green eyes ?

The wolf was dusty black with white stain on his neck and white on the end of his tail . He wasn't very big , he seemed more like femine wolf , but that one sure was a boy . Draco was amazed by that animal . If he would , he would stare at the animal and pet him , but he couldn't .

When train came to stop , wolf's ears twiched and he runned into the forest . Draco sighed with sadness . He really wanted to see that wolf again . He was beautifull .

Okay , so something did happened . There was a beautifull wolf in this forest . Maybe it isn't that bad ...

" Draco ! C'mon , we are going to be late to the great hall . "
Pansy said and Draco nooded . He stood up and went out of the corpantment . Three friends got out of the train and chatted while going to great hall .

Then they bumped into someone . Pansy was on the floor and Draco hissed at his arm being in pain . He looked up and saw Granger and Weasley .

" What the hell is wrong with you ?! "
" We're sorry . We didn't mean to hurt you . "
Said Hermione and pull out her hand for Pansy to take . The girl on the floor looked confused but took her hand and stood up .
" We're sorry again . We won't bother you anymore . "
Said Ron and with Hermione walked away .

Pansy , Blaise and Draco looked at eachother dumbfounded .
" What the ..? "
" Was that really them ?! "
" I guess ... "
" Then where's their golden boy ? They would never be apart . "
" Mhm... Something must've happened that they are so nice and without Potter . "

Draco didn't say anything he just stood in the midlle of the corridors like a stone , looking into direction that the duo went .
" L-let's get to great hall , shall we ? "
He finally asked and his friends nooded .

( After the dinner )

Draco and his friends went to their dorm and Pansy imediatly laid down . Blaise chuckled and laid on the other bed . Draco smiled at his friends and pull out the brown book out of his bag .

Well , something interesting happened . When we were walking down the hall when we bumpped into Granger and Weasley . And they APOLOGIZE . I really can't belive , they apologized to us ! That's crazy . I think that this wasn't so bad at all .

Draco closed the book and put it on his night stand . He stood up and went to bathroom to change . When he came back , he laid down and sighed . He missed Hogwart , very much . Soon his eyes started closing and he feel asleep and started dreaming ...

( Same time forest )

Black wolf runned between trees . He was panting , because he was running for pretty long time . He was running away from the few wolves that were chasing him . He get a rabbit and wanted to eat it , but suddenly three wolves came out of the bush . One of them growled at the black wolf , saying that he wanted his food . Black wolf growled and bitted the other's neck .

Other wolf scowled and back away for a moment . Black wolf still growled and was ready to attack . Then two wolves came from behind . He was trapped , five wolves looked at him wity hate in their eyes . He knee that he had to run .

That's how he ended here . Almost two hours of running trought the forest , no way of escape . Then he stopped . He wouldn't run anymore , there's now way that he would escape like that . He stood in the pose ready to attack . Soon five wolves were slowly walking to his direction . They all growled .

They started attacking black one , but he fighted back all the time . Finally the wolves gave up anf pretty bad hurt runned away . Black wolf panted heavily and fall to the ground . His whole body aching from not very fair fight . He was bleeding bad and probably break some bones .

He slowly got up and went to the edge of the forest . He went trought the forest and found himself near Hogwarts fields . He sat up in the front of the forest , in case that he would have to run back in .

He looked at all the lights shinning in the castle . He could hear some kids laughing . His ears flopped onto the sides and put his head down . His green eyes filled with water . He scowled sadly and laid next to the tree still looking at the castle . Finally he fall asleep .

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