6// The Lie

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*Connors POV*

I woke up to see Hailey wasn't sleeping next to me, I grabbed my phone looking at the time. It was 2 in the morning. I crawled out of bed and walked to the back couches to see her and Kian, kissing each other deeply. His hand was rested on her ass, smirking in the kiss.

I walked out quickly, wondering if he was actually gonna treat her right or if it was just lust. I got back into bed and fell back asleep.

*Hailey's POV*

Kian's mouth met mine as soon as I said those five words. It went from a simple peck to a make out session. His hand squeezing my ass every now and then. I moaned in his mouth slightly. After a 5 minute make out session, I was about to go back into bed with Connor. But suddenly Kian scooped me up in his arms, I squealed lightly. He chucked and brought me to his bed. When we were both in his bed he got on top of me, pulling my legs against his hips.

He kissed me roughly till he pulled back and smirked against my neck. "Babe stop, I'm tiredddd!" I whined. He chuckled and pulled me ontop of him. I rested my head on his chest, slowly falling asleep while he played with my hair.

I woke up the next morning snuggled into Kian's chest while he held me close to him, our legs tangled together. I smiled and checked my phone, it was 10 o'clock in the morning. I looked back up to see Kian looking down at me smiling sleepily. I smile back at him and start to get up but he pulls me back against him.

He starts kissing my whole face. "Babe, your morning breath." I start laughing and he pins me down. "Don't make me blow my morning breath on you." He says chuckling. I shake my head and begging him not to. He starts laughing.

We get out of bed soon after to notice that everyone else was up except for us. I look over to see Nina asleep on the couch in the front of the bus, poor thing slept alone on the couch. I say goodmorning and went to brush my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I realized I slept with my makeup on last night, great, just fucking great. I washed my face sighing, seeing all my acne scars. I went to get my bag that was by Connors bed, he was standing right by it. I quickly covered my face. He walked over to me, pulling my hands off.

"Why are you hiding your beauty?" He asked, staring at me. "I don't have any, sorry." I said and grabbed my bag walking back into the bathroom. I started putting my makeup on till I was completely pleased.

Kian walked in while I was filling in my eyebrows and stared in the mirror. "What are you doing?" He asks as if it weren't obvious already. "I'm putting on makeup, as you can see." I say like my usual smart ass self.

"You're covering your beauty." He sighs. I just roll my eyes and continue. What is up with them and the word beauty? When I was done, I turned around and Kian had left. He was sitting with Connor, talking to him.

I listened in to find out that they were talking about me.

"I dunno, you don't think she's way to young for me?" which sounded like Kian. He lied last night, he said he didn't care about my age.

He heard my footsteps as I walked to get my bag and he quickly changed the subject, smiling at me when I walked out... Great.

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