Renjun situation

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Y'all guys know about Renjun situation with the Filipino curse word

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Y'all guys know about Renjun situation with the Filipino curse word.

As you know if you do not know is that myself is an Filipino . And when I read it I was shook guys . Like that words are not funny and it is not okay to say it .

I feel bad for him and the others who saw it and that he has to read it out loud like that word is very offensive.

The words were putang ina. And that means in translate your moms a whore or mother f something like that if you know what I mean.
and it is very disrespectful and the fact that he said that . Like I myself understand that as well so yea. I just do not know what to say but I feel bad for those who decided to type that and ask him .

First off I do not curse myself do not want to cause it is bad and even if it is in another language you have to be careful what you say cause it may come out offensive.

So yea that is all I can say . Please check it out . I think it is up or something from his vlive so yea .

So yea I just do not know what to say .

Thank you for hearing my rant . Bye guys stay safe and yea bye guys

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