08 | First Kiss + How They Kiss Chu

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Requested by massivepresent! I hope this ~ satisfies ~ you.

─── Kusuo Saiki ───

First kiss: Kusuo took you to the tallest tower in Japan, teleporting onto the rooftop. As you gazed at the stars, he stared and just... admired you. When you turn your head, Kusuo locked his lips onto yours. You were shocked, but slowly relaxed and kissed back as the heavenly stars above and a crescent moon smile down.
⇢ He doesn't like PDA that much. Kusuo likes to display his affection in private.
⇢ His favorite places to kiss you are on the cheek and forehead.
⇢ Did I mention he doesn't like PDA that much?

─── Shun Kaidou ───

First kiss: Yuletide kiss!!! You, reader, were at the Kaidou residence to celebrate Christmas and when Shun gave you a present, you found a mistletoe in the box. At first, you questioned it, but then he held it up above your head. It was a small, yet passion filled smooch.
⇢ He likes to kiss your cheek, a lot.
⇢ Shun gives tons of Eskimo kisses, and he would blush when your nose scrunches up cutely.
⇢ When Shun is really brave - like, really brave - he would use tongue.

(author-chan: *watches from the back* *sips tea*)

─── Aren Kubayasu ───

First kiss: You two were walking back to your house after a long day of running around the carnival. Aren suddenly stopped in his tracks and you looked (up/down/across) at him, asking what was wrong. He suddenly leaned (up/down/across) and kissed you. As the two of you kissed, thunder roared and it began raining. You giggled a bit, but continued to kiss in the rain. (author-chan: my heart is burSTING-)
⇢ Since you're in a different class, he would kiss the back of your hand and wish you a great day before leaving.
⇢ Aren loves to place a small peck on your head. 
⇢ He gives you a lot more ~ love ~ when you two are alone.

─── Reita Toritsuka ───

First kiss: Reita took you to the sakura tree your school has in the back to give you a birthday present. He told you to close your eyes, and you did. He took a leap of faith and placed his lips on yours. You were shocked. You pulled away for a second, beet red as he was. He apologized rapidly but you shut him up by grabbing his collar and pulling him to your lips once again.
⇢ This boi will touch you as much as possible while kissing you.
⇢ Reita likes to give you a small kiss in front of his friends and other male students to make them jealous.
⇢ Sometimes, he would kiss and nibble your earlobe.

─── Metori Saiko ───

First kiss: Metori took you to the beach pier, since it was your mother's favorite place to go before she passed. The two of you stood at the edge of the pier, watching the rich hues of pink blended with blues, purples, and oranges blend in the sky. Then... something spectacular happened. He kissed you! It was slow and intimate.
⇢ Metori being Metori, he is extra extra when you kiss.
⇢ He would dip you and give you a passionate kiss on the lips. 
⇢ His favorite place to kiss you is on your neck. What the hell is up with this man and n e c k s?

─── a/n;

enjoy some of author-chan's crappy memes, you crackheads

enjoy some of author-chan's crappy memes, you crackheads

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(peep that lil shoutout to nagitoeshopebagels)

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(peep that lil shoutout to nagitoeshopebagels)

Another shitty chapter- Sorry that I haven't updated this book in a while

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Another shitty chapter- Sorry that I haven't updated this book in a while. Thank you for being patient, y'all!

On that note, I bid you farewell and I will see you soon, Reader-san! Have a good day/night. Author-chan out! <333

 Author-chan out! <333

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(yes, that's me. don't get jealous if i steal your mans ladies. 😌💅✨)

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